Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 889 Black Crow Mercenary Corps

Chapter 889 Black Crow Mercenary Group (Sixth)
The three of Wang Lang belonged to Liu Hongjian's personal guard camp. Although they had been with Liu Hongjian since his fortune, the three of them were only in their early 20s.

In fact, almost all of Liu Hongjian's personal guard camps were orphans of veterans who died in battle. Liu Hongjian was only fourteen or fifteen years old when he took them in. For them, Liu Hongjian was not only a superior, but also a parent and head of the family.

After a while, the three of them followed Chang Yu into the meeting hall. At this time, the rest of the generals had already left, and there were only six people left in Nuo Da's empty meeting hall.

Niu Dabaochui was always standing behind Liu Hongjian with an AKM in his hand to guard him. As Liu Hongjian's personal guard, Niu Dabaochui could hardly leave Liu Hongjian every step of the way except when he was sleeping.

Even when going to the toilet, Niu Dazhuai will guard the door to be on guard.

"Sit down, I have something to leave to the three of you." Liu Hongjian pointed to the seat, signaling Chang Yu to sit down too.

Chang Yu is the chief of the personal guard battalion, and his wife and children have already settled in Xishan. They are Liu Hongjian's admirers and absolute direct descendants.

"My lord, please speak." Seeing Liu Hongjian's extraordinarily solemn expression, Wang Lang, who loves talking the most, asked first.

"The three of you may not be able to go home with me." Liu Hongjian was silent for a while, and said seriously.

When he spoke, he didn't speak in the tone of a superior official and as a county king, but as a parent. In his eyes, the guard camp was his younger brother except Kuo Duan and a few other big bosses from Guan Ning.

The brother he raised from childhood to adulthood.

"But if there is anything important, my lord, please tell me. Although the three of my brothers are not capable, they will help you to get things done even if you work hard." Xing Shan said few words, but said every word.

"That's right, although I miss my wife and children at home, but without adults, I would have starved to death long ago, so where did the mother-in-law and children come from?

The three of us have queens, my lord, just say yes, do you want me to assassinate a certain king? " Yue Chengze answered.

Yue Chengze was the youngest of the three. He talked with his tongue out and liked to brag. Occasionally, he was beaten up by the guards for bragging, but it was only limited to the guards.

All three were AKM sharpshooters, and they also received the special training prescribed by Liu Hongjian, which included assassination.

A few days ago, Liu Hongjian had been dealing with the ministers of various countries. Everyone in the personal guard camp knew this. Yue Chengze thought that Liu Hongjian couldn't understand the behavior of a certain country, and wanted the three of them to engage in assassination to deter them.

"Hmph, you're so brazen now that you're a father, why don't you die, I'm not willing to let you die!
However, it is indeed very dangerous. "Liu Hongjian glared at Yue Chengze.

"I want to form a mercenary army of 2 people off the coast of Western Europe, and the three of you will be the commander of the mercenary regiment." Liu Hongjian looked at the three of them solemnly and said.

"My lord, how can I do this? Xing Shan is the highest among the three of us, and he is only a vice-thousand householder. We both have hundreds of households. How can we command an army of 2 people?" Wang Lang was startled. Jump.

I always thought that the only duty of the Guards Battalion was to protect Liu Hongjian's safety, and everything else was unimportant. The homes of all the soldiers in the Guards Battalion were located in Xishan, where the Prince's Mansion was located, and they were already integrated with Liu Hongjian.

It is also because of this that the people in the personal guard camp will do their best to deal with the matters Liu Hongjian explained, but if the matter is beyond the scope of their ability, they will directly raise it and worry about ruining their own adults.

"If you can't do it, you have to do it. It's not convenient to find people in the expeditionary army." Liu Hongjian said again.

"What about Brother Chang? Brother Chang is the most capable!" Yue Chengze did not forget to praise his old boss Chang Yu while evading it.

"Old Chang still needs to manage the personal guard battalion. Don't let me disappoint you. Besides, mercenaries can't be trained overnight. The first batch of about 100 people, I will allocate another [-] from the personal guard camp. Someone to help you three.

Just train them according to your usual training methods, and kill all disobedient ones. With the growth of this group of people, there will be teeth that understand that language, so listen to their opinions more on discipline.

But remember, as long as these teeth come to the mercenary station, they will not be allowed to leave. If anyone finds that they want to leave, they will also be killed! "Liu Hongjian explained.

The first batch of blacks were recruited from estates all over the country. This is the exact answer given by Polish Minister Kane.

The accompanying Yatou was also responsible for disciplining black people. He was worried that the three of them were too gentle, so he asked Earl Ian for Yatou. That is, those who are responsible for bullying black people. The key point is that they also know the weaknesses of black people and how to make them submit.

"Is it the black people we met outside Moscow last month?" Wang Lang seemed to recall two battles with black people, and he was still very afraid of those black people.

Not afraid of death, extremely disciplined, and uniform movements, the combat effectiveness is comparable to that of the expeditionary army, if weapons and equipment are not counted.

They had been following Liu Hongjian for a long time, so they naturally knew that Liu Hongjian was not a bloodthirsty person, and Liu Hongjian's export was to kill, kill, kill, so they knew what kind of army to train.

"Yes, they are black people. This is an all-black mercenary group. I need the three of you to train them into war machines that absolutely obey the three of you." Liu Hongjian looked at the three of them with great interest.

The task is definitely not easy, and even life-threatening. After all, there are 1000 people, and more than [-] black people were accepted for the first time.

"For the remaining twelve AKMs, each of you should take one, and the other hundred soldiers of the Guards Battalion also carry bolt-action rifles. There are enough grenade tubes. How about it? Are you confident?

These blacks were not issued any weapons for the first three months, and only needed to train basic passwords, discipline, and physical fitness.

The mercenary base has been selected. It is located on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean. There are no other islands within two hundred miles of this island. Therefore, as long as you control the ships, no one can escape. "Liu Hongjian took out a military map and spread it out on the table. The location of the island was marked in vermilion on the map.

The location was chosen by Gu Jia, and at Gu Jia's suggestion, Liu Hongjian reached an agreement with Dafraji that some materials would be purchased from Dafraji.

"My lord, don't worry, give me two years, I will do my best to train this army into a strong army no less than the expeditionary army!" Xing Shan weighed for a long time, got up and knelt down to accept the task.

It is very difficult to train an army into an expeditionary force. It took Xing Shan gritted his teeth to say that it took two years. He knew what kind of army Liu Hongjian wanted.

"Two years is too long and you don't have that much time, at most one and a half years, and then you will start to take on the task." Liu Hongjian said with certainty.

The fastest way to make the army strong enough is war. Although training is important, one year is enough.

"The name of this mercenary group is Black Crow for the time being!"


(End of this chapter)

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