Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 890 The Long Journey Back

Chapter 890 The Long Journey Back (Seventh Change)
The Black Crow Mercenary Regiment is a branch of the entire army. The infantry will be equipped with bolt-action rifles, the artillery will be equipped with mortars and howitzers, and the cavalry will only be responsible for scouting and protection as mobile soldiers.

Of course, these equipment cannot be delivered in a short time, and everything will take time.

Three days later, on the fifth day of February, after the expeditionary force had left all the howitzers and most of the supplies in Moscow, Liu Hongjian set off on his return journey with the remaining [-] troops.

Although they no longer carry heavy howitzers, the speed of the expeditionary force is still not fast enough. There are more than 1000 carriages responsible for transporting the spoils. If you add military rations, necessary ammunition, etc., there will be a full [-] carriages.

These carriages were basically from the supply team. Every time the supply team sent weapons, ammunition and food, Liu Hongjian would detain hundreds of carriages for other purposes.

The speed of the carriage was not fast, and the snow on the ground hindered the progress of the horses to a certain extent. From Moscow to Samara, it took the expeditionary force more than half a month to arrive.

After arriving in Samara, he saw that the battlefield two months ago was still full of corpses, so Liu Hongjian ordered to set up camp here, and ordered the soldiers to collect the dead bodies and firewood to burn them all.

From now on, this place will also be the territory of Daming. Although the weather is still very cold, he is still worried that before the weather heats up, the wolves here will not be able to eat up all the corpses and cause a plague.

Plague is enough to easily crush a country in these years, as was the case with the Black Death [-] years ago, and the same is true with the Spanish flu [-] years later.

After a short stay in Samara for two days, the expeditionary force continued eastward. After seven or eight days of sentry riding, they discovered the next batch of supplies brought by the Ming court.

Because the front line is too long, the imperial court does not know the latest situation in Moscow, not even the news that Moscow has fallen and the Kremlin has been breached.

The supply this time is still bullets, grenades and mortar shells, and food, and there are more than 3000 newly produced bolt-action rifles.

Liu Hongjian withheld a small amount of ammunition and food from the supply team, and ordered the supply team to continue westward to transport most of the remaining supplies to Moscow.

In the following two months, the expeditionary army traveled all the way eastward, from the deserted area where no one was seen for hundreds of miles to gradually seeing the herdsmen of the Menggu tribe, from the ground covered with snow to the gradual melting of ice and snow, and finally arrived in Beihai Province in early May.

Governor Wang Yuanba of Beihai Province led his personal guards to welcome him. That night Liu Hongjian got drunk in Beihai Province.

It was too lonely, too desolate, and too boring.

There are no planes, no high-speed rail, no highways and cars, not even green trains.

It took more than three months to reach Beihai Province, so that the first thing Liu Hongjian said when he saw Wang Yuanba after arriving in Beihai Province was that he finally saw the crowd.

After more than a year of governance, Beihai Province has now formed several large pastoral areas. Except for some Han people, the rest are all members of the Menggu tribe.

Daming now has the most extensive grassland and pastoral area in the world, so vast that there are no people at all in many places.

Even so, Liu Hongjian still reminded Wang Yuanba to pay attention to rest grazing and rotational grazing. Many grasslands in later generations have become deserts due to overgrazing. There are so many grasslands in Ming Dynasty. If they still become deserts, it is his fault. guilty.

The long march made the expeditionary army exhausted. Wang Yuanba collected thousands of cattle and sheep from Beihai Province to celebrate the expeditionary army. The expeditionary army had to recover for three full days in Beihai Province.

From Beihai Province all the way to the southeast, passing through the old land of the Chahar Khanate and temporarily resting at the former site of Kulun City. Kulun City has now been rebuilt. Although it has not been heard where the final organizational system of this land will be, the Ministry of Industry of the court still obeys. Zhu Cihong's order came to build the city.

The reason why the Ministry of Industry is so active is because it has tasted the sweetness and has no other choice.

The establishment and development of the Ordnance Institute and the Institute of Engineering have greatly affected the attitude of the world towards craftsmen. In order not to be reviled by the people when compared with the Ordnance Institute and the Institute of Engineering, the Ministry of Industry has also implemented system reforms, not only no longer discriminating and bullying Craftsmen even greatly improved the status and salaries of craftsmen.

This is something that can’t be helped, the craftsmen are not stupid, the household registration system has been abolished, the Ordnance Institute and the workshops established by Xishan Commercial Cooperatives in various places have recruited a large number of craftsmen, and they can leave the Ministry of Industry to make a living in other places.

After the enthusiasm of the craftsmen increased, a vigorous construction movement began in various parts of Daming. Roads and bridges were built in various places, and dams were built to prevent drought. Mines in various places were discovered one after another, and mining and smelting were in full swing.

After the work enthusiasm of the craftsmen increased, the court suddenly discovered that the beginning of the fiscal deficit actually started from the operating rate.

Without the operating rate, all craftsmen and folks can only rest, and under the influence of the Ordnance Institute, Engineering College and Xishan Commercial Cooperation, craftsmen have to be paid even if they are resting, otherwise they will leave.

The craftsmen resting means that there is no work to do. Without projects, there is no need to purchase more building materials and metal products. The merchants have a backlog of inventory, and the lowest raw materials cannot be sold. The merchants will lower the price, causing the people at the bottom to have Complaints, the inability of merchants to sell their goods will lead to a reduction in merchant taxes...

If the operating rate continues to decrease, this cycle will continue to deteriorate, because the vast majority of people in this chain do not engage in farming, and the imperial court must ensure a sufficient operating rate.

Therefore, after several years, the Ministry of Industry and the court, including the imperial court, no longer dislike and resist Liu Hongjian's construction concept. As long as construction is needed, the huge construction machinery of the Ministry of Industry will go there. People, craftsmen, and folks perform their duties and enjoy themselves.

Oh, digressing, let’s say that the expeditionary force made some repairs in Kulun City and continued to travel southeast, and arrived in the area of ​​​​the ancient province of the League after half a month. Under Liu Hongjian’s suggestion, Barbara left the remaining thousands of League The ancient soldiers, with dozens of outstanding generals, directly followed the expeditionary force to Beijing to report on their duties.

Three years had passed, and Babara became a little apprehensive as she didn't know how the imperial court planned to take over the Menggu Province, and where she would go.

"Don't worry, old man, the imperial court will not treat meritorious persons badly, and you are still in your prime, and you will still have battles to fight in the future. If the emperor spares a good general, this king will have other considerations."

Babara's dark face was a barometer, how could Liu Hongjian not know what he was thinking, so he comforted him slightly.

"Well, I have Mr. Lie in my heart." Babala smiled naively at Liu Hongjian with a grin, and said that our son-in-law would be better.

The expeditionary force crossed from the north to the south of the Mongolian province, and arrived at Zhangjiakou ten days later. After entering the customs for a day of rest, they continued to march towards the capital, and the capital was in sight four days later.


(End of this chapter)

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