Chapter 896 Homework (No.13)
Zhu Cihong had already somewhat accepted the fact that Liu Hongjian wanted to entrust the land, but he did not intend to let Liu Hongjian follow the ancestral system, but even if Liu Hongjian had a fief, he planned to use his status as emperor to require him to stay in the capital.

Anyway, violating the ancestral system is not once or twice, and at worst, they will be criticized by the officials. The two of them have been criticized many times by the officials over the years, and they are no strangers to it.

It never occurred to Liu Hongjian that he would choose Dongying as his fief.

"What? Dongying?" Zhu Cihong gasped.

The princes of all dynasties did not want their fiefs to be too far away from the capital, and only princes whom the emperor wanted to see would be granted fiefs to remote places as if assigned.

Not to mention Dongying is not biased, it must be quite far away, and it is separated from Dongying Sea and Liaodong Bay.

The problem is not here, the problem is that Dongpu is not the territory of Ming Dynasty at all, and there is still a big melee.

"Yes, it's Dongying, so I have no choice but to become a fan, and I quite like it!" Liu Hongjian waved his hands and planned to go back home after speaking.

Only Zhu Cihuang stood there in a daze, he thought for a while before he figured it out, probably this is also an excuse Liu Qing made for himself, after all, how can a fief that does not belong to Daming become a feudal domain?

In fact, Liu Hongjian never thought of this at all. Sooner or later, Dongying would be in Daming's pocket, otherwise he would not deploy people there.

There are several reasons for choosing Dongying as the vassal territory. One is because Dongying is located in the first island chain and can block the enemy on the sea.

The second is that he believes that the Yamato people in Japan have always been white-eyed wolves and need him to reform them.

The third is that Dongpu is located in the sea and does not border any continents. It is an excellent territory, and it is also a base for him to consider in the future.

The fourth is that if his territory is in Dongying, and Zheng Damu on Taiwan Island is a horn of each other, the foreign enemies of Europa will never have a heart to covet the mainland of Ming Dynasty.

In fact, he had thought about setting up the territory in Taiwan, but Zheng Damu had already started training the Nanyang navy there, so how could he have the nerve to grab his brother's territory.

And based on his understanding of Zheng Damu, Zheng Damu's patriotism is definitely not worse than his own, and if there is a war in the future, he will definitely dare to go through fire and water for the court.

Although Dongpu is not yet under Ming's control, Liu Hongjian knows that it is only a matter of time, and the Netherlands is simply beyond its control if it wants to do things in Dongpu.

I also don't think about how far Ming Dynasty is from Japan, and how far the mainland of the Netherlands is from Japan.

At present, the blockade off the coast of Daming has been lifted, and the Dutch country is deeply mired in the quagmire of Japan. It is heard that they cannot win the war, and they are not reconciled to retreating.

I heard from Xiao Zhu that the fourth steel armored warship equipped with howitzers in Tianjin Bao Shipyard has been launched, and these four new warships will be the reliance of the Beiyang Navy.

Liu Hongjian believed that the Daming Navy already had the capital to argue with the Dutch, and decided to go to Bao Shipyard to see the situation in a few days. On the way home, Liu Hongjian couldn't help thinking.

It didn't take long for Liu Hongjian to bring a group of personal guards to the foot of Xishan Mountain. Xishan was more prosperous than a year ago.

A large area of ​​cultivated land around Xishan has been built into various workshops. Of course, nearly half of it is the industry of Xishan Commercial Cooperation, and the defense around Xishan is still very tight.

Not only his family lived on the mountain, but also a kind of senior engineer from the Ordnance Institute. Even the imperial court began to pay attention to craftsmen. They never thought that the craftsmen's ability would be so great, enough to change Daming.

Indicating that in addition to the original guards, after obtaining the emperor's approval, the Cabinet Joint Military Department mobilized four thousand households from the imperial guards to encircle Xishan.

Today, the Imperial Guard who is in charge of the mountain gate is a Qianhu surnamed Ma. This person was promoted by Liu Hongjian back then, and when he saw Liu Hongjian coming, he immediately knelt down and saluted.

Then Liu Hongjian hurriedly climbed the mountain and headed for the house. The battle at Andingmen was so big yesterday that his father would naturally pass the news of his return to his wife and children at home, but he himself did not return all night.

I don't know if Xiuxiu and the others sleep soundly at night, alas!Liu Hongjian sighed and pushed open the door.

"I am back."

As soon as he entered the yard, he saw Ling Feng arguing with his two younger sisters, and his three wives enjoying the shade under the grape arbor. When the three daughters saw Liu Hongjian coming in, they all stood up to greet Liu Hongjian.

"Congratulations, sir, for being promoted to the King of Qin! This name sounds very grand." The servant girl Xiaobai stood aside and said cheerfully.

"It's just that you have a sweet mouth, and you're not too young. Could it be that there are so many good men in the master's personal guard camp that you can't see any of them?" Yang Xuediao teased Xiao Bai while hugging Ling Yun, who was only two years old.

"Second Madam, Xiaobai just wants to serve you here, and doesn't want to marry anyone." Xiaobai explained with a long voice, both coquettish and coquettish.

"Father! You're back!" Before Liu Hongjian could answer, the boss, Aotian, had already rushed over with his two younger sisters.

At this time, Liu Aotian didn't know that he had changed from the prince's son to the prince's son, and he didn't care, he only knew that he hadn't seen his father for a year, and he missed him a little.

"Hey! Is my son good at home, did you make your mother angry?" Liu Hongjian hugged Aotian up and held him high.

"No, I'm good." Aotian shouted excitedly.

"How can there be? Brother lied, brother was digging out bird nests yesterday!" Ling Yu grabbed Liu Hongjian's clothes and made a small report.

"Xiao Yu, my brother loves you the most on weekdays, why did you make a small report on my brother?" Aotian was accused of being weak, and the tone of questioning was a little guilty.

"It's too dangerous to dig out the bird's nest, Xiaoyu is afraid that you will fall, it will hurt!" Xiaoyu said weakly.

"It's fine to beg for a bird's nest, but if you break an arm or leg, you're not allowed to complain of pain!" Liu Hongjian said as he put his son on the ground and hugged two little padded jackets in his arms.

"My son knows, my son will never cry out for pain, otherwise Aotian will be a puppy!" Who knew that Liu Aotian was not only not afraid, but also made an oath, and the three daughters of Sun Xiuxiu who were watching were amused by this son.

That is to say, a unique father like Liu Hongjian, but where would other parents support a five-year-old child to climb a tree?

"Xiuxiu, how is the private school going?" Liu Hongjian asked while teasing his daughter's small nose.

"Husband, I've packed it up a long time ago. It's just that you haven't returned from the expedition, and Mr. Jiaoyu hasn't made a decision, so the class hasn't started yet." Sun Xiuxiu explained.

"Oh, I'll go and implement it as a husband in the past few days, Aotian, if the eldest prince and the others also attend classes with your brothers and sisters in the future, don't you know what to do?" Liu Hongjian asked Liu Aotian again.

"I know, the eldest prince is the king, and the son is the minister, so let me kowtow to him." Liu Aotian said half-understood.


(End of this chapter)

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