Chapter 897 Division (No.14)
"Kowtow on your uncle's head! My son doesn't have to kowtow to anyone except his parents and the emperor! Kowtow to the emperor, and you must not forget to ask for lucky money, do you understand?" Liu Hongjian slapped his son's forehead angrily. Chestnut road.

"Oh, what about grandpa?" Liu Aotian muttered softly while clutching his painful forehead.

"Hahahaha!" Sun Xiuxiu and Kun Xing couldn't hold back their laughter, but Yang Xue couldn't hold back.

Tong Yan Wuji, Liu Hongjian also lost his temper by his son.

"Grandpa will naturally have to knock too. In short, if the eldest prince and the others really attend classes with the three of you, you, as an older brother, must protect Xiaoxue and Xiaoyu.

If the First Prince and the others dare to bully the two of them, they know what to do, right? "Liu Hongjian began to educate his son earnestly.

"Hit him?" Aotian seemed to have opened his mind.

"Yes, beat him hard and see if they dare to bully your sister." Liu Hongjian felt that a child can be taught, so he smiled cheerfully.

"But I heard from Erniang that His Majesty has many princes, what if I can't beat them?" Aotian said very seriously.

"Then you have to protect your two younger sisters, whoever called you an older brother, an older brother is born to protect his younger sister, you know that?
Besides, you little idiot, when the time comes, the baby of your old uncle's family will also attend classes with you. As a father, you have already agreed with your old uncle, and your old uncle's son will help you. "Liu Hongjian pondered for a while and said.

"Husband! How can you teach children like this?" Sun Xiuxiu scolded.

"Hey, this is how my husband educates his son, and teaches that kid to always show off how many sons I have." Liu Hongjian said with a chuckle.

The Great Marshal of the Ming Dynasty, the current king of Qin, who did not change his face among thousands of troops, would look childish like a child in his own yard. Who would believe this?

For the next few days, Liu Hongjian was resting at home. He had just returned from the expedition, and he had already told Zhu Cihong that he would take a good rest for a while, and told Zhu Cihong not to disturb him if he had nothing to do.

He thought that he would be able to live in peace at home with his wife and children for a few days, but who would have thought that just two days later, the little yellow gate in the palace came looking for him, saying that there was something important in the palace that he needed to discuss with him.

Liu Hongjian scolded the alpaca in his heart, but he still rode to the palace with his personal guards worriedly.

I thought that the Qianqing Palace would still be as usual, and he would argue fiercely as soon as he entered it. After all, everything that needs him to solve is difficult or disagreement.

But when Liu Hongjian arrived at Deqianqing Palace today, he found that it was surprisingly quiet inside. After asking, he found out that including Zhu Cihong and the cabinet elders, they were all waiting for him to preside over the division and governance of the Raksha Kingdom's territory.

Damn, this shit came back to him in the end, Liu Hongjian sat down on a chair feeling uneasy.

"Your Majesty, please look at the map. The territory of the Raksha Kingdom is too large. I have not discussed it with my colleagues, so I just want to hear your opinion." Li Banghua pointed to the world map on the table.

This map was successfully drawn based on the poor-quality plastic globe provided by Liu Hongjian. Although the maps of later generations are different from the current actual territory, fortunately, the location of the terrain is accurate enough, so it is not a big problem.

"It's big and there are few people living there. Let me see. Why don't you divide Rakshasa into three provinces? As for the names, the west is called Xiluo, the middle is called Zhongluo, and the east is called Dongluo. It's easy to understand. Save trouble!" Liu Hongjian said brazenly.

"However, such a large territory is divided into three provinces, and there is a bit of that..." said Zhang Tianlu, a scholar of Dongge University.

"What about this and that? No matter how big the territory is, no one lives there. Why divide it into so many provinces? Send more officials to increase the burden on the treasury?" Liu Hongjian said disdainfully.

He has always looked at this Tianlu not very pleasing to the eye.

"Three provinces are enough. I'll find a way to immigrate there in the future. If there are too many people, it will be re-divided." Seeing that Zhu Cihong also frowned slightly, Liu Hongjian explained.

Liu Hongjian actually considered this issue along the way. The Raksha Kingdom is also a country such as Poland, which is adjacent to Europe in the west. There needs to be garrisoned for defense, while most of the south of the central part is the ancient alliance, and a small number of Arab countries in the Middle East are rare. There is contact with it, but there has been no war.

There is no need to garrison the north of the central part. The northernmost point is the North Pole. With the current structure and bearing capacity of the ships, no one can send troops across the ocean to attack the mainland of Ming Dynasty from the North Pole.

As for immigration, this is a long-standing problem. Fortunately, in the grasslands, the Menggu people relatively do not have the problem of leaving their homeland.

They were grazing everywhere, and wherever Menggu Baoan was, that was their home.

The difficulty is the issue of the Han people. After all, there are still many production areas in the original territory of Luocha Kingdom, and Liu Hongjian does not recommend using strong and violent methods to emigrate.

After all, he seized such a large territory for the benefit of the people, not to bring suffering to the people.

To put it simply, it is to understand it with reason, move it with emotion, and lure it with profit. First of all, all taxes in the three provinces except commercial tax will be exempted, and commercial tax can also be halved.

Even subsidies were given, so that people who did not do well in the pass would automatically migrate outside, and it would be much better once the trade routes were connected.

There are mostly coniferous forests in the three provinces, which can produce a large amount of wood and wild animal fur, and can also send craftsmen to explore the mines. Liu Hongjian knows that the Raksha Kingdom in the future is still rich in various resources.

After discovering the mineral deposits, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Households jointly opened mines. As long as they dared to pay salaries, there would naturally be folks and craftsmen to do the work.

In short, Rakshasa is not a barren land, and sooner or later Ming will benefit from resource development and utilization, and cities will also appear sooner or later.

Almost like a know-it-all, Liu Hongjian narrated the questions of the cabinet ministers and Zhu Cihong's elusive sister, which made everyone frown, but it was true when they thought about it carefully.

In addition to the three provinces of Rakshasa, the original territories of the Chahar Khanate were also merged into the Ming Dynasty. Liu Hongjian suggested that a separate province of Outer Mongolia should also be established, and the former Mongolian province should be changed to the Inner Mongolian province.

After finalizing the general idea of ​​the zoning and immigration plan, Liu Hongjian took the opportunity to start the work report of the governors of various places.

Zhu Cihong's original opinion was that the governors of various regions should continue to be appointed in their original positions, but the cabinet thought it was inappropriate, as the governors of various regions had been gaining power for a long time and would easily cause problems.The cabinet suggested that the governor be transferred from the original defense zone and exchanged with other defense zones.

However, Liu Hongjian believed that there was no need for governors in North Korea, Menggu, and Northeast China. This statement surprised all the elders present.

Especially Zhang Tianlu, a scholar of the Eastern Pavilion, originally thought that Liu Hongjian would agree with the emperor's opinion. After all, that would be the most beneficial for him. Obviously, the cabinet ministers thought Liu Hongjian was too selfish.

And if Liu Hongjian knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say:
'Huh, this is taking the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain'!
 Thanks to book friend book friend 20190520202117467 for the 500 taels.

(End of this chapter)

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