Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 898 Arrangements

Chapter 898 Arrangement (No.15)
The direct reason for the initial establishment of the governor was to deal with the frequent rebellions in the newly incorporated territories.

Under the trinity of military, government and finance, the garrison generals can not only quickly attack the rebels and protect the property of the people, but also act independently without being restricted by other officials.

The most obvious advantage of this method is its high efficiency, but its disadvantages are also obvious. After a long time, it is easy for officials to become self-respecting, and if the accumulation is too high, the soldiers and local people only know the governor, but not the court.

The governor's three-year term limit is precisely to deal with this disadvantage. In Liu Hongjian's view, three years is enough to bring peace to the newly included territory.

If it can't be done, it can only prove that the governor is not qualified, and then he needs to be replaced and let talented people do it.

Fortunately, all the governors recommended by Liu Hongjian, such as Feng Dunhou, Governor of Northeast China, Barbara, Governor of Inner Mongolia, Qu Jianhong, Governor of North Korea, and Wang Yuanba, Governor of Beihai, did very well.

There is peace everywhere, and there are few rebellions, and these big bosses can still pay a lot of taxes to the treasury every year, which is why the keyboard warriors of the imperial court have not attacked the governors of various places in the past three years.

But setting up a governor is not the norm after all. Now that the people in the three provinces have gradually stabilized and peacefully, the trinity model of military, government, and finance must be broken, otherwise something will happen sooner or later.

Liu Hung-chien's suggestion was to abolish the governorship of the three provinces. Feng Dunhou, the former governor of the Northeast Province, and Qu Jianhong, the former governor of the North Korean province, switched.

Moreover, the chief soldier no longer manages the government affairs and finances of the area under his jurisdiction, but is handed over to the officials appointed by the imperial court.

In addition, the excess financial surplus was turned over to the national treasury, and was supervised by the Inspectorate and Dongchang.

The former governor of the ancient province of the League, Babara, was transferred to the Foreign League as the commander-in-chief, and the original post of Xuanfu Township in the Nine Borders was revoked.

The governor of the Xiluo Province was newly established, and the governor was Su Ketu, the former deputy general of the ancient province of the League.

One of the Nine Frontiers was revoked as the commander-in-chief of Guyuan Town. Liu Wen, the former commander-in-chief of Guyuan Town, moved northwestward to Xiluo Province with [-] frontier troops, and was restrained by Su Ketu, the governor of Xiluo Province.

The commander-in-chief of Taiyuan Town, one of the original nine frontiers, was revoked, and Xiang Xiong, the commander-in-chief of Taiyuan Town, led the [-] frontier troops to the northwest to serve as the commander-in-chief of Zhongluo Province, and was controlled by Governor Xiluo.

Due to the fact that there are no enemies anywhere and the province is deserted, there is no governor for the time being.

After the Ming Dynasty incorporated Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia, and Rakshasa into its territory, the northern part of the Ming Dynasty no longer had any enemies, so the status of the nine sides, which had been relied on by the imperial court as a line of defense, declined year by year.

In the nine borders, there are only three towns in Datong, Ningxia and Gansu.

At the same time, the Ordnance Institute must continue to expand in order to update the weapons and equipment of the frontier troops in various parts of the Ming Dynasty as soon as possible.

Liu Hongjian even issued a deadly order to Ordnance, urging the Ordnance Department to complete a major refit of the entire army's firearms within two years.

That is to say, all musketeers were replaced with bolt-action rifles, and all artillery battalions were replaced with the most advanced howitzers and mortars. On the basis of the existing configuration of swords and grenades, each cavalry must be equipped with a rear-loading short gun.

The big change includes the Frontier Army, Imperial Guard Army, Habayashi Army, and Huben Army. At present, the total number of troops in various parts of Ming Dynasty, including the army and navy, is more than 140 million.

Zhu Cihong originally wanted to expand the army but was vetoed by Liu Hongjian.

He originally thought that Ming's territory had more than doubled, so the army should also expand accordingly. Little did he know that Liu Hongjian had no intention of relying on numbers to win, although the current number of Ming's troops was already the absolute largest in the world.

After discussing the division of regions and the deployment of troops from various places, the cabinet members were immediately driven back to work in the Yamen by Zhu Cihong, and the two brothers were left in the spacious Qianqing Palace.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing I need to tell you. I plan to build a military base on a small island in the Atlantic Ocean.

This base will be specifically responsible for containing the countries of Europa, and at the right time can launch an attack from the west of Europa, and each other's horns with the province of Xiluo. "

After thinking about it, Liu Hongjian still decided to tell Zhu Cihuang about the mercenary regiment. After all, paper could not contain the fire. He didn't want a gap between the two, but he didn't explain that the mercenary army was in the form of mercenaries.

"Liu Qing, you can make the decision when it comes to war, I don't understand either." Zhu Cihong said.

"In order to confuse the countries of Europe, the source of this army is not transferred from Ming Dynasty, but recruited from distant Levia, but the weapons and equipment still need to be transferred from China." Liu Hongjian added.

"Then can't the country of Europa be distinguished from its weapons?" Zhu Cihong asked.

"Hehe, as long as we yellow people don't show up, who can be sure that it's Daming just based on weapons? I can spread the news and say that the weapons of this army were smuggled from Daming.

Moreover, the supplies for this army do not come from Daming or even Xiluo, but from Europa. I have already discussed with Poland and France in Europa. There is a feud, and the news will not be disclosed. "Liu Hongjian explained simply.

"I don't understand either, as long as Liu Qing is in charge of the war." Zhu Cihong remained the same, even his tone of voice remained unchanged.

"Oh, Your Majesty, you have to take care of these matters sooner or later, and you can't always be the shopkeeper." Liu Hongjian sighed.

"Why? Liu Qing, you are only in your twenties!" Zhu Cihong said casually.

"Back then, I promised the first emperor to be a regent for three years, and now the three-year period is approaching." Liu Hongjian said seriously.

"I am the emperor, I will allow Liu Qing and you to continue as regent." Zhu Cihong suddenly thought of the agreement back then.

Originally, he thought it would be uncomfortable to be controlled by others, but in fact, Liu Hongjian hadn't interfered at all in the past three years, basically following the wheels of war and working for Daming.

"It's my minister who doesn't want to be a regent anymore. This country belongs to the Zhu family, and it will attract criticism after a long time." Liu Hongjian said wearily.

Yes, he is only in his twenties, but only he knows how many bloody storms he has experienced in the past six years.

He knew very well that this was not what he wanted, but his promise to Uncle Chongzhen had been basically fulfilled, and at the same time he thought that Zhu Cihong should also face the turbulent waves alone.

In half a year, that is, at the end of this year, the three-year regency period has come, and he doesn't think there is any reason for him to stay in this seat.

"But Liu Qing, you don't seem to have fulfilled your duties in the past three years. I don't think you have ever taken the initiative to be a regent. You are dereliction of duty, so I disagree." Zhu Cihong almost choked on Liu Hongjian's words.

 Thanks for the 500 taels rewarded by book friend Mouse.

(End of this chapter)

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