Chapter 227

In the hands of Wang Kuo, this big machine of the imperial court has begun to take shape!

The magical effect of Jin Yiwei is unimaginable to ordinary people, and Jin Yiwei is also an extremely sharp double-edged sword. If it is used well, it will kill people invisible. If it is not used well, it will stab yourself.

Fortunately, Wang Kuo came out of Jinyiwei step by step. Inside Jinyiwei, his cronies are almost everywhere, so he is naturally at ease when using it.

Taking advantage of Jin Yiwei's powerful detection and infiltration capabilities, Wang Kuo completely eliminated the outside forces of the Ouchi Guards and the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion in just half a month.

Not only did he completely control the two armies in his own hands, he also directly promoted those positions from the two armies!
At this point, the hearts of the people are concentrated, and the two armies have become one of the strongest forces in Wang Kuo's hands.

Wang Kuo is not stupid. If he puts his cronies into the two armies, although this can ensure that the high-level people are all his own, but in this way, he will lose the morale of the soldiers at the bottom.

Even running-in will take some time!

Therefore, it is better to directly select talents from among them and upgrade their ranks. In this way, the kindness of knowledge and encounter will make these newly promoted soldiers work for themselves.

And what he has to do, in fact, is only one thing, and that is to exclude those from other forces.

According to Wang Kuo's order, Jin Yiwei quickly surrounded Duke Xu's mansion, and news came from the spies inside. During this time, although Xu Guogong's family also went out, none of the main personnel actually left the capital.

So far, Xu Guogong has completely become the turtle in the urn!

When Wang Kuo was trying to gather power, King Qin did not stop. He sent [-] troops to the capital from left and right.

And along the way, wherever the King of Qin went, except for the surrender of the guards, he just stayed behind closed doors. There was a lot of you who beat you, and I just watched the fun. When you have a winner, I am choosing one to be loyal to. up.

However, this kind of person is still the biggest mainstream!

In fact, Wang Kuo also understands that this is already the best result, because his dominance of the court is like deception, as long as anyone is interested, it will not be ugly.

So when his name is not right, one is the son of the former emperor, and the other has the orthodox court and established a new emperor!
How to choose, as long as there is a bit of conscience, it is not difficult to choose, so Wang Kuo simply hopes that there will be more such scumbags, the better!

But the fact is that although there are a lot of grass on the wall, there are also some conscientious people, so when King Qin rushed from the fief to Beizhili, his soldiers also changed from more than 7 to 12 , a full 5 people more than when they came out.

"My lord, the King of Qin and his army of 12 people have already charged directly from the left and right sides, namely Tianjing City and David City, and we are only a hundred miles away from North Zhili!"

The soldiers under his command reported anxiously in Wang Kuo's big tent, but he hadn't finished speaking yet!
"Also, the king of Wei has already made a move. He has organized an army of [-] in the fiefdom, and he has already dispatched his army in the name of the Qing emperor!"

"The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind?" Such a thought suddenly popped up in Wang Kuo's mind, but just as the thought came to him, he laughed and shook his head!

Whether it's the praying mantis catching the cicada, or the oriole behind, to Wang Kuo, it's all the same!

If he doesn't have much ability, then maybe the appearance of King Wei is still a good thing, after all, he has the restraint of King Wei.As long as he survived several waves of attacks from the King of Qin, then the King of Qin would have no choice but to retreat and stop fighting.

After all, the real purpose of the two princes is to become the emperor, so no matter who they are, the two of them are already destined enemies!

It's just that Wang Kuo really doesn't care about them too much.Because in Wang Kuo's view, as long as he directly wiped out part of the king of Qin with the momentum of thunder, then the king of Wei would be the rabbit's tail, and it wouldn't grow any longer!
Thinking of this, Wang Kuo walked back to the sand table and looked at all the geographical locations near Beizhili!

"Pass me an official order to organize an army of [-] for me, and set off tonight to go straight to King Qin's army on the left. I will annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

With a bang, Wang Kuo slammed his fist hard on the sand table and said.

"My lord!" Among the officials in the big tent, a man who looked like a general heard this.He just felt a tremor in his heart, if he didn't know that Wang Kuo had led troops to fight and won several battles, he would have thought that Wang Kuo was a war rookie.

[-] troops to annihilate the [-] troops on King Qin's side?

Isn't this a special courting death?
That's right, King Qin's two armies marched out, because the people who ushered in the surrender were different, so according to the news, the army that Wang Kuo wanted to fight had more than 7 people, while the other side had only 4 Many, less than 5 people!

Hitting a stone with an egg, this is what all the generals in the big tent think at this moment!
However, Wang Kuo only said one word to everyone's worries!

"I never fight unsure wars, you just need to obey orders!"

"Okay, let's go down and get ready!"

Following Wang Kuo's decision, everyone can only look at me and I look at you, and finally retreated helplessly.

As soon as this group of people left, Wang Kuo sent his cronies to leave the barracks!
At this time, more than 20 days had passed since Wang Kuo was in the capital. According to speculation, Wang Kuo also calculated that the King of Qin was about the same distance from the capital, so he brought a large army to Beizhili, and planned to get rid of a part of the King of Qin once and for all.

At nightfall, Wang Kuo's [-] army was ready to go. Wang Kuo didn't give any pre-war instructions to these people, but with a wave of his hand, he took advantage of the night and rushed towards the army on King Qin's side.

There are more than 5 troops under Wang Kuo, including 1 in his direct army, 2000 guards in Ouchi, and more than 3 in the Fifth Army Dudufu.

Just going out, the capital also needs some people to defend.So Wang Kuo only brought [-] troops when he came out this time.


In the night, the [-] troops hurried on their way, walking like thunder, making the rumbling sound of horseshoes, which was loud enough to be heard several miles away.

It's just that if someone is watching, they will find that the soldiers behind Wang Kuo are actually his direct army, while the rest of the Ouchi guards and the soldiers of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion are left behind. The general leads.

After investigation during the day, the current King Qin's army is currently only more than 60 miles away from Wang Kuo and others, and Wang Kuo gallops with the army, and the distance of [-] miles will take about two hours, or four. hours of time.

Calculated according to this time, the time when the two armies met was around one o'clock in the morning in the middle of the night!
And this time point is also the most sleepy time for people!
Of course, attacking the camp while sleepy is the best choice, if not...

Then you can't!
Even if the left and right are hard steel, Wang Kuo is not afraid of them, not to mention that he is not without a lineup of backup players!
(End of this chapter)

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