Chapter 228 First Victory
The [-] troops galloped and moved, and the earth trembled. Wang Kuo took the lead, and when he was still ten miles away from the enemy camp, he waved his hand to stop the momentum of the galloping horses!
The horseshoes were wrapped in cloth, and they moved forward slowly, purposefully trying to reduce the possibility of exposure.

But what is disappointing is that the King of Qin still has some skills, and he actually sent out hundreds of spies in both light and dark places.

So even though the people sent by Wang Kuo had already dealt with dozens of spies, but before Wang Kuo led the people to approach the distance of five miles, he saw a bright signal flare suddenly bursting out of the sky!
Almost instantly, Wang Kuo gave up his plan to attack at night, waved his hand, and roared suddenly.

"Brothers, follow me to kill!"

"Kill!" The first to respond to Wang Kuo was his immediate army, all 1 people rode on horseback, and followed Wang Kuo at a gallop, heading straight for King Qin's camp.

According to the news, King Qin is in this big camp in all likelihood, so Wang Kuo is sure to win this King Qin, as long as King Qin is killed, the other army of King Qin will naturally be destroyed without attack!
The 3 army is in front, the remaining [-] troops are behind, and the [-] horses are all cavalry fighting, with full mobility, and the distance of five miles is only a short while, and the camp is already close in front of us!
At this time, Daying was already flying like cats and dogs. Even though the king of Qin sent out spies, the signal flares were launched in time, but they really didn't expect that Wang Kuo, who had only 3 people, would dare to attack them at night. A camp of more than ten thousand people.

So for a while, their reaction was a bit slow. When Wang Kuo led the army close to the camp, they could barely organize the defense of thousands of soldiers.

bang bang bang...

This time, Wang Kuo didn't intend to talk about martial arts, so just as he brought people close to King Qin's camp, he was the first to pick up the firearm hanging on the horse's back, and started shooting directly.

Wang Kuo's marksmanship is very good, so even if he shoots at night, he still hits the target with every shot. With one shot, he directly knocked down seven or eight generals in armor. As for those little soldiers, Wang Kuo didn't have any Waste time on them.

As for the soldiers behind Wang Kuo, although they were not good at marksmanship, they couldn't stand up to the crowd, and they lined up in a row, shooting from horseback in a strafing manner.

Therefore, even though they couldn't guarantee that every shot would hit someone, they were still very lethal given the number of people they shot. After shooting down the bullets, they saw rows of people fall down.

This scene also directly frightened King Qin's soldiers, and no one reacted in a short time.

"Kill!" Wang Kuo took the lead, and after the shuttle was finished, he put away his guns, took out his big knife, rode his horse and flew directly over the simple fence, and began his brutal massacre!

Due to the presence of guns, King Qin's first wave of defense did not achieve the purpose of defense at all, and was directly bulldozed.

As the army broke into the camp, the superiority of the cavalry was directly revealed. The trampling of horseshoes and the condescending hacking instantly tore through the defense line of the soldiers like King Qin!

In an instant, the screams were loud and the screams were endless, but Wang Kuo looked around and found that these screams were basically the people of King Qin.

"Don't love to fight, attack the camp and find King Qin!" Wang Kuo yelled loudly on his horseback, and immediately attracted the response of the [-] troops following him. The [-] troops were actually fighting, and they began to search carefully.

Everyone understands a truth, that is, killing a thousand enemy troops is not as valuable as capturing or killing a King Qin.

What's more, if you want to kill 1000 people with your own strength, it is like a dream.

Wang Kuo is highly skilled in martial arts, and he has already killed many people in just a short while. When he looked up again, he found that his army had controlled the situation, so he put away his weapons in resentment, directly withdrew from the front line, and stood in command of the second line up.

Of course, what concerned him the most was whether or not King Qin was here. If he was, he would save himself some trouble.

Zhentian's killing sound became smaller and smaller, just when Wang Kuo was about to be disappointed, but he didn't want to make a bright future, a general of the Five Armies Commander's Mansion directly pressed several people and came to Wang Kuo.

"My lord, this subordinate was lucky enough to find King Qin Palace among the enemy's troops..."

"Fart, what is this His Royal Highness King Qin!" Wang Kuo glanced at the general, then at the young man who was escorted over, and found that the young man's appearance was five points like Zhu Yu's, and he knew the answer in his heart.

But knowing it is knowing, Wang Kuo still cursed at the general, and then he reached out and chopped off the young man's head with a knife.

"This is just a small soldier of the enemy army, King Qin? Where is King Qin here?"

From the beginning to the end, Wang Kuo didn't ask the young man a word, and didn't let him say a word, so he directly killed Zheng Ang's head with a knife, as if he looked disdainful of Wang Kuo's young man.

The general who was in charge of escorting the young man looked blank, and was angry and anxious in his heart!
This is a great contribution, he thought that he could use this contribution to completely become Wang Kuo's confidant, so that he could be promoted to rank!

But he didn't expect Wang Kuo to give him such an answer!
May I ask how he is not angry, how is he not in a hurry?
It's just that he also knows that his arms can't hold back his thighs,
Hey... I sighed secretly in my heart, it seems that if I am not a close friend, I will not be trusted after all!
"We successfully shattered the enemy's conspiracy in this battle, and you have made great contributions in this battle, so after I decide to return to Beijing, I will promote you as His Majesty said!"

However, as Wang Kuo's voice sounded again, the general's heart trembled, and only then did he realize that this is what the Lord meant!

The thought turned, and in just a moment, the general understood what Wang Kuo meant, and hurriedly lowered his head and cupped his hands.

"Yes, I thank you sir, but this subordinate has committed the crime of dereliction of duty, and actually regarded this young man as His Royal Highness King Qin, please punish him!"

"Well, those who don't know are not guilty. Since you don't know the identity of the King of Qin, I'll let it be the first time you made a mistake. Let's forget about it!"

"However, I must be rewarded for my merits. Since you have military achievements, you must be rewarded, so you don't have to postpone it any longer!" Seeing the sensible general in front of him, Wang Kuo nodded in satisfaction.

He stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder reassuringly, and then ordered people to clean up the battlefield as soon as possible.

It has to be said that the cavalry had a huge advantage in the battle against the infantry even though they were taken by surprise, so with the acceptance of the king of Qin, the outcome of this battle was quickly decided.

After cleaning the battlefield day and night, as the Golden Crow rose into the sky another day, Wang Kuo hurriedly led an army of [-] to kill the other side of King Qin in order to avoid leaking the news.

There are only [-] soldiers left here to escort those soldiers who surrendered.

For these soldiers who surrendered, Wang Kuo did not let them be abused, but simply tied them up. Afterwards, these people would actually become his subordinates.

They are all Tianming people, only the master and son are different. In fact, the problem of position is not big.

And the simplest truth is that the real bottom people don't care about who is the one in power, because whoever is in power will not make a big change for them.

(End of this chapter)

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