Chapter 1021
Hearing that the emperor was going to send an army to South China Sea, Qin Zixuan squeezed his chin and said, since the other party dared to send someone to assassinate him, it must not be as simple as killing him, the other party would come to fight Daqin sooner or later.

Maybe you can wait for the other party to come to your door, and then Daqin will become famous as a teacher. Before leaving the teacher, it is best to go to Nanhai to spread some rumors, let the world know about their graduation, and then go to conquer them. Others have nothing to say .

Qin Zixuan knew the strength of the Justice Division. If the opponent's strength was mediocre, he would be defeated if he sent troops to fight. The problem was that the opponent's strength was not ordinary, stronger than Daqin. If the opponent was allowed to grasp this point and use it, Daqin would be passive.

The emperor nodded after hearing this, he really needs a righteous teacher, the other side can use it to assassinate Qin Zixuan, first to spread hatred among the people, and when their army comes, they can just use it.

Qin Zixuan has no objection to this proposal, so let the emperor send people to spread rumors to force out those dark things, Qin Zixuan doesn't think that the other party has left.

What we need to do now is to learn the language of the other party, and send more spies to inquire about the news. The emperor accepted this suggestion, so Wang Qi turned into a master. Not only the spies followed him to learn the language, but also the officials of Daqin also took time study.

Both Qin Zixuan and Li Han are on the study list. At the same time, Qin Zixuan brought his sons and daughters to study together, for no other reason than to let them learn more.

Qin Zixuan, who re-entered the school, was still very good at learning, but Li Han was different. That guy was afraid of studying when he was a child. Seeing Qin Zixuan studying hard, she tilted her head to admire the little gentleman.

Huang He followed suit, he looked around but didn't see the target, then tilted his head and looked at his toes, pretending that his toes were very beautiful, Huang He decided to appreciate his beauty.

Although Wang Qi was a master, he really didn't dare to take care of Qin Zixuan's family, he turned his eyes and closed his eyes as if he didn't see it, but some people couldn't stand it anymore, and they spoke ironically.

Li Han had a thick skin and pretended he didn't hear it, but Qin Zixuan couldn't bear it, his eldest daughter-in-law could only bully herself, and others could dodge as far as she could, so Qin Zixuan started to fight back.

After all, Qin Zixuan is a second generation person, and his learning ability is really not a factor. Qin Zixuan, who has the best grades here, will be second. No one dares to be the first. Even Hai Hai can't compare to Qin Zixuan.

"That guy with a big head like a pot lid gave your name. Don't say that I bully you. I will compete with you with my eyes closed to see who can write more words about the Suzaku Empire."

As soon as Qin Zixuan finished speaking, the classroom was quiet, followed by Huang He's cry, this kid is not afraid of big troubles when he sees the excitement, calling out to Dad, I am optimistic about you, come on, beat that little turtle grandson.

Sima Tong's face turned black with anger when he heard the Yellow River's cry, who is the little turtle grandson scolding!It's so hateful, just as hateful as Qin Zixuan, and his words are dirty.

Sima Tong is Sima Sheng's older brother, and his brother died in Qin Zixuan's conspiracy. Although he had nothing to do with Qin Zixuan, the Sima family's brain circuit is also different from ordinary people, thinking that Sima Sheng's death was related to Qin Zixuan.

Then Qin Zixuan didn't explain, how could others misunderstand that it was someone else's business, anyway, it wouldn't hurt his muscles, it's normal for enemies to appear, even if he didn't do anything, his identity would also cause hatred, Qin Zixuan was in this respect Sometimes very big.

When Qin Zixuan was stingy, he was equally ruthless when he was destroying the enemy!Now Sima Tong jumped out, Qin Zixuan stood up and fought back without hesitation, the reason was because of Qin Zixuan's Ni Lin.

Sima Tong didn't know how much Qin Zixuan had learned, he thought he was very proud of his grades, he was full of enthusiasm for Qin Zixuan's challenge, and those who watched the excitement and were not afraid of big things even followed suit.

Wang Qi pinched his ruler and looked at the students in the audience. As a teacher, he was very guilty. Although he was appointed by the emperor, the people sitting below were all people who could not be offended.

Either the prince or the minister, or the second generation of officials, all of them have compelling backgrounds. Wang Qi said that he could not afford to offend him. He was a poor second generation. Thanks to the emperor's blessing, this improved the family's living standards.

Seeing the group of booing people, Wang Qi let out a long sigh and gave up his position. The blackboard behind him should be used for the two-person competition. Wang Qi also wanted to know his teaching level.

There are good seedlings and bad seedlings in Prince Cheng's mansion. The good ones can go to heaven, while the bad ones make people grit their teeth and want to step on them a few times.Dahai's grades have always been far ahead, while Qin Zixuan never took the exam.

Saying that taking the exam is an insult to his IQ, well, he is a great talent, and Wang Qi didn't dare to force Qin Zixuan, so Qin Zixuan would jump out and ask for it.

Sima Tong threw away the book in his hand, walked up to the podium angrily, drew a line in the middle, split the blackboard into two, Qin Zixuan ran up to the podium, took a piece of cloth to cover his eyes, his words counted Words, blindfolded silently.

Sima Tong looked at Qin Zixuan's actions with an angry black face, Huang He, who loves to be lively, continued to yell and kill that turtle grandson, everyone looked at Huang He with joy, this kid is really a troublemaker.

Qin Zixuan turned around and compared a letter V, and then held the chalk to write on the blackboard. Based on his feeling, Qin Zixuan wrote row by row. The small characters were beautiful, much better than Sima Tong.

Qin Zixuan couldn't see how many words Sima Tong wrote, but kept writing silently. Sima Tong couldn't control his eyes, and leaned towards the blackboard in front of Qin Zixuan from time to time, sweating more and more as he wrote, as if he was about to lose.

Wang Qi stared at the blackboard with wide eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't expect Qin Zixuan's learning ability to be so strong, much stronger than him, and he was really convinced.

Sima Tong swallowed his saliva. Hearing the applause behind him, he couldn't help trembling. He realized that he was wrong. He was wrong. He really didn't expect Qin Zixuan's learning ability to be so strong.

Qin Zixuan felt that the blackboard was finished, so he stopped, then pulled off the handkerchief from his eyes, tilted his head to look at Sima Tong, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, the smiling Sima Tong blushed, his neck was thick, and his loss was too embarrassing.

"Father, kill that son of a bitch, so that he doesn't have to look for trouble!" Huang He's voice sounded again. This guy is a master who is not afraid of big troubles while watching the excitement, and he took the initiative to help Qin Zixuan sow hatred.

"Prince Cheng is such a good tutor!" Sima Tong gritted his teeth, and he had never seen a child more mischievous than Huang He.In the past, Dahai only harmed Qin Zixuan, but the Yellow River was better, so it was to blame whoever was caught.

Qin Zixuan raised his stomach, so it goes without saying that the tutor in Prince Cheng's Mansion is of course the best. Look at how well his children are taught one by one. They are beautiful and talented. Whether they are upright or crooked, they are talented anyway. , Qin Zixuan felt proud even thinking about it, his own kind is strong.

(End of this chapter)

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