Chapter 1022
Looking at Qin Zixuan's appearance, everyone knew that he was listening to the irony as the truth. Sima Tong stared blankly, saying that Qin Zixuan was extremely smart.

When Sima Tong was scolding Qin Zixuan for two idiots in his heart, his head hurt, and then a book fell from Sima Tong's head with a thud, and then a foot flew to Sima Tong's buttocks.

When Qin Zixuan was proud, he was a little careless and didn't think too much, but Li Han was not stupid, he immediately rushed up to Sima Tong, wanting to turn a corner and scold the young man, this is begging for a beating.

Huang He watched enthusiastically, waved his hands and applauded, and by the way, he didn't forget to step on Qin Zixuan a few times, saying that Qin Zixuan was too weak, he could even bite a wild dog on the side of the road, Qin Zixuan ran over to beat Huang He in anger.

So the good classroom turned into a situation where Li Han was fighting, Qin Zixuan was training his son, and there was a group of cheering crowds watching the excitement. Wang Qi couldn't suppress this situation, so he had to ask the princes and ministers for help.

How could this group of people save him? They are just a group of watchers who are not afraid of big troubles. Sima Tong's cries mixed with Huang He's cries, making the group almost die of laughter.

After a commotion, Qin Zixuan led the whole family out of the school and walked forward, step by step, like a crab. Qin Zixuan was proud of himself, but he didn't want anyone to be unhappy.

For a man as big as Sima Tong, he was beaten and cried by Li Han in public, and the consequences were still very serious. The news was sent back to Sima's family, and the owner of Sima's family was so angry that he smashed the table and threw the cup, shouting that the palace was too embarrassing to bully others.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about this, he ran all the way back to King Cheng and began to toss, Qin Zixuan was so anxious to return to King Cheng, it was because Lin Xi sent news that he had found oil.

If this news reaches Qin Zixuan's ears, it will be good news. What Qin Zixuan hates most is the traffic in this era. If this can be solved, Qin Zixuan will be able to wake up with a smile.

Back in the living room, Qin Zixuan summoned the guards who came to report the news. This guy followed Qin Zixuan's fleet to look for what Qin Zixuan was looking for. Although Qin Zixuan couldn't go to sea, his subordinates were often dispatched.

This group of people is different from Qin Zixuan's going to sea. They go to a place to write down the address. If there is a strong enemy, they will flee temporarily. If there is no strong enemy, they will take down this place and become the world of Daqin.

The East China Sea has been investigated and many continents have been discovered. Some are strong and some are weak. The weak will fight and the strong will flee. This is Qin Zixuan's strategy. Qin Zixuan has never stopped exploring the ocean.

The guard took the map and explained it in front of Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan estimated the time and told Li Han that if he just went down the river like this, he would be able to go around in about three or four years.

Dahai sat beside him and listened, the corners of his mouth curled up from time to time, Qin Zixuan never kept these things from Dahai.

"The oil is on this continent. Our spies found that the black liquid you mentioned is flowing on the surface of the river like a river."

"They took a little bit out of the river and set it on fire. It is very easy to catch fire. To be on the safe side, they brought back a few barrels for you to appraise. If it is, we will lay down that space." After finishing speaking, the guard asked whether to send the things up.

Of course Qin Zixuan wanted to see the sample, he didn't expect this thing to be brought back, he jumped and ran out, seeing Qin Zixuan's happy look, Li Han carried the hand music on his back, and the guard personally led the way for the prince to watch.

After a while, Qin Zixuan saw the oil of his dreams. Looking at the oil in the barrel, Qin Zixuan called out for a reward, a big reward, and the guards immediately spread the news, waiting for the reward from King Cheng.

Now the only thing missing is the engine. If the engine can be assembled, a car can be built. Qin Zixuan smiled at the thought of a good thing. That piece of land now needs to be well laid down.

Hehe, the enemy in front of him has not been resolved yet, another enemy appeared, but this enemy Qin Zixuan likes, if he can come and take it, that's fine.

The war in the Northeast has finally started. The general in charge of the Northeast is Cheng Ye, the military adviser Jiang Yun gathers, and the generals under his command gather.

King Hulun personally sat at the border gate and commanded the army to move forward. The two sides fought one after another. The dead bodies piled up pile after pile at Lichou Pass. There were King Hulun's troops and Daqin's soldiers. Both sides fought real battles. .

At this tense moment, the Jiming Pass also started a war. The Shangbiefeng sisters had been looking forward to the war for a long time. They hadn't made any real achievements in joining the Great Qin, and they didn't like things like picking up leaks.

These days, I have been practicing soldiers, which can be regarded as finding room to play. The bout tribe sent by King Hulun was defeated by the sisters of the merchants. King Lun had a large area of ​​territory, and King Hulun was so angry that he wanted to kill people.

Fortunately, the people of the Hui tribe were wiped out by the merchant sisters. He wanted to kill but couldn't find someone to kill him. Even so, King Hulun killed a general because of his negligence on the battlefield.

In the northeast, Cheng Ye was very anxious, and Jiang Yunji frowned from time to time. King Hulun's subordinates were all veterans of many battles with rich combat experience. They were wary of Daqin's spears.

As for the cannons, they also have defenses. As long as the cannons are fired, people will hide as far away as possible. King Hulun's troops are all cavalry, and they move fast, but Daqin's guns and cannons can't be equipped with a man. .

Even after accumulating for so many years, he still couldn't do it, so Daqin was in a state of shock now, when the news came back to Yujing, the emperor had another headache, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, and turned his eyes to King Kang.

At the beginning, Qin Zixuan said that he wanted to improve the breed of horses, and bought wild horses from the green forest at a high price, and let the gang of green forest heroes contribute. Daqin only needs to pay for it, but Kang Wang took the lead in refusing.

It is enough to spend money to buy horses from outside the Great Wall. Now you know, there are no fools outside the Great Wall, and all the horses sold to Daqin are bad horses.

Of course, there was a reason why Kang Wang led a group of people to refuse, because Kang Wang was in charge of foreign transactions, and he could make a lot of profits by buying horses from outside the Great Wall. Qin Zixuan's strategy made him lose money.

Now that the strength of the two sides is at war, everything is on the surface. Qin Zixuan watched King Kang grind his teeth, and the emperor also stared at Kang Wang with a sullen face. He was the happiest dancer back then. King Cheng's good suggestion was ruined by those bastards.

At this time, the emperor felt more regretful. If he had gritted his teeth and executed it, hey, he still couldn’t persist. Looking at King Kang, the emperor’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, and King Kang’s legs were trembling. May gain the trust of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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