Chapter 1052

The emperor told about the pseudo-dragon pulse of Panlong Island, and asked if it could be moved to make up for the loss of the dragon's belly. Gong Liangyan shook her head.

But the emperor has this matter in mind, if Gong Liangyan doesn't do it, why can't he find someone to do it?The emperor's heart was on the tip of his horns, he felt that this was a big deal, a very big deal, and he had to find a way.

When Huang He came outside, he saw Wei Dehai playing the wind, and sat down next to Wei Dehai, curling his fingers to tell Wei Dehai's fortune.

This kid is a money fan just like Prince Cheng, regardless of his young age, he makes money super fast, Xiao Zui will also say that Huang He is trying to persuade Wei Dehai to count his hexagrams.

In the words of Huang He, you have earned money by asking me for fortune-telling now. When I learn to become famous in the future, it will not be [-] silver, but one hundred thousand million!

Wei Dehai shuddered when he heard this, and seriously suspected that Huang He didn't know how much [-] silver was worth, and it was [-] if he opened his mouth, even Gong Liangyan probably wouldn't be able to offer such a price, it was too dark.

"Old Wei, what do you think they are talking in there? Why did you drive me out, I'm a little magic stick." Huang He regarded himself as a magic stick, anyway, his father often called him a magic stick, so let's be a little God stick, anyway, is a title.

Wei Dehai shook his eyebrows, he didn't know about this, it should be something very important to talk about, otherwise Huang He wouldn't rush out, thinking of this Wei Dehai stood up straight on his toes and looked around, afraid that someone would approach.

Huang He looked at Wei Dehai's vivid expression, and said with a smile: "You are only five centimeters taller when you stand on your toes, or you can give me 1 taels, and I will help you calculate the height of five centimeters."

"Hey, my lord, what is the calculation for the height of five centimeters?" Wei Dehai was finally seduced by Huang He's words, and couldn't help lowering his head to ask.

Huang He smiled proudly: "If you give me [-], I will count whether there is anyone eavesdropping at this altitude."

Oops, Wei Dehai was amused, he stood on tiptoe to watch, do you still need to count?This baby was indeed a brat, Huang He sat on the steps and took out a broken fan to fan the flames, and continued to spank with Wei Dehai, never leaving the money.

When Gong Liangyan came out, Huang He was still sitting there beating Wei Dehai. When he saw Gong Liangyan coming out, he stood up quickly, and the crown prince went to the steps to send Gong Liangyan off respectfully.

Huang He patted the prince and asked him to convey his farewell, so he would not go in and disturb the emperor, the prince accepted with a wry smile, knowing that the father would definitely not want to see anyone, he was thinking about it.

Yesterday, King Cheng made a fuss and beat up the people at Yushitai. Something happened to Xiangguo Temple at night. If it was just an ordinary thing, it would be fine, but something happened to Longmai, which made the two of them have to think about it.

Whether the injury to the dragon's belly was man-made or God's will became the topic they were most concerned about. Of course, the Xiangguo Temple had to be rebuilt as soon as possible before that. .

Seeing the emperor like this when the prince sent the man back, he hurried over to greet him. The emperor told the prince to keep quiet and help him back to the palace first, as there are still things waiting for him to deal with.

Those who win Qin Zixuan win the world, but what if they lose Qin Zixuan?Does it mean losing the world?If this is the case, the incident at Xiangguo Temple is most likely God's will. The investigation has not yet ended, and the emperor's heart has already become inclined.

The crown prince and Wei Dehai supported the weak emperor back to the palace, drank a bowl of osmotic soup, the emperor felt much better, immediately asked the crown prince to assist him in his work, some matters could not be delayed any longer.

An imperial decree came out from the palace, that is, according to the investigation, the Yushitai had seriously neglected its duties.

The guilty ones were punished, the innocent ones were kicked out of the Yushitai, and then re-selected as the Yushi. At the same time, the Queen Mother also set off from the Xianju Hall to rush to Chengwang Mansion.

When the emperor encountered problems that could not be resolved, he went to the queen mother, and this time he did not leave. The emperor knew that he could not lose Qin Zixuan, so what should he do?Of course, you have to find someone to make a match, and this person is the old lady, who has to wipe her son's ass at a young age.

After Qin Zixuan woke up, he heard the news of the accident in Xiangguo Temple. In line with the idea that more things are worse than less things, Qin Zixuan didn't go to watch the excitement, but sat in the Fenglin courtyard to bask in the sun. The news was sent in after Lin Xi inquired.

Li Han was practicing martial arts beside him with a big sword, and later Bai Jing and Liu Yi also visited the house. They heard about what happened yesterday, and the situation yesterday was too delicate, so they only came to the house today.

Seeing that Li Han was practicing martial arts, they immediately held a long spear and fought against Li Han. They felt that the general's strength was getting higher and higher, and they really wanted to know how far they were from the general.

Wang Rui was sitting beside Qin Zixuan chatting with his little daughter in his arms. Qin Zixuan took out gadgets from his arms to tease her. Wang Rui sat next to him drinking tea and glanced at the little baby from time to time. His eyes were full of envy. He and she wanted a baby girl It's a pity that Bai Jing doesn't want to give birth.

In this lively atmosphere, the queen mother arrived. Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes and knew that the emperor would use the queen mother in the end. He is really a guy who has not been weaned.
Qin Zixuan still has some feelings for the queen mother, and the old queen really loves herself, even more than the prince. Except that she can't help him win the emperor, everything else follows Qin Zixuan.

The three of Li Han accepted the move, threw their weapons and went forward together with Qin Zixuan. They were accompanied by Princess Cheng, Princess Cheng's eyes were red, and the eyes of the Queen Mother were red. Don't ask these two, they must be thinking hard Sweet memories of the past.

Qin Zixuan and his party went forward to salute, the queen mother saw that there was a little baby at the scene, she was so curious, she even gave the little baby the Jade Shuzi she was wearing, this is a generous gift.

As for Liu Yi's bandit nature, once she got into her daughter's hands, don't even think about leaving. She immediately hugged her precious children to thank her, her face turned into a trumpet flower, and the Queen Mother felt relieved when she saw them happy.

The two people next to Li Han are not simple people, and their behavior also shows Li Han's attitude, which shows that Li Han is not hostile to this old woman.

Li Han's attitude can be known with just one action, and Li Han's attitude directly shows the grandson's attitude towards him. After all, that little devil king is not a good person, he is not good, and he loves Qin Zixuan lawlessly. There is a turning point on this trip.

(End of this chapter)

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