Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1053 Revealed

Chapter 1053 Revealed
The Empress Dowager entered the Cheng Palace to help the emperor solve the matter. Of course, he was also quite dissatisfied with the emperor's actions against the Cheng Palace. Although he did not point the emperor's nose and scold him, he still recalled the youngest son very much, and lamented the youngest son. It's a pity to die, I haven't enjoyed a day of happiness in this life, and I am busy fighting.

Arouse the brotherhood of the emperor, let the emperor reflect on the past, realize that he has gone too far, don't force the good Chengwangfu to the opposite side, they have no political power or military power in their hands, what are you forcing them to do?

If Daqin wanted to rule the world, he still had to rely on Qin Zixuan. He advised Daqin, didn't he have credit for expanding the territory and hard work?If people don't ask for anything in return, you can't push your feet.

The emperor thought about it all night, and originally planned to talk to Qin Zixuan after the morning court, but something happened in Xiangguo Temple, and the morning court did not go smoothly, so he went directly to the altar. The empress dowager left after the emperor punished Yushitai.

The two fought a coordinated battle in this regard. If they want to put out the fire in Prince Cheng's mansion, they must take practical actions. Let alone Yu Shitai is wrong, even if they are right, they must show sincerity before they can talk together.

Qin Zixuan had already received the letter, and supported the queen mother to sit in the first place, with a smirk on his face, and he looked like a fool, which was in line with his usual style. The queen mother looked at this grandson, this is a child with a broken brain.

Bai Jing and Liu Yi chatted with the Queen Mother for a few words and then found an excuse to leave. They are not blind. We know that they have something to talk to. We should not be light bulbs. Let them talk. Anyway, Prince Cheng’s mansion will not rebel now, so why not Sit down and chat peacefully.

Sitting there, Li Han peeled the grapes one by one and put the seeds on a plate and put them in front of Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan squeezed one by one and stuffed them into his mouth. If the Queen Mother wasn't there, Li Han must have fed them.

The Empress Dowager looked at the interaction between Qin Zixuan and Li Han with a smile, no matter how she looked at it, she was satisfied. This couple is really a match made in heaven and the best in the world.

Ling'er came in from the outside holding the little white rabbit, shouting that she wanted to give the little white rabbit a whole ginseng, Dad, you can't be stingy, your precious daughter wants ginseng, she wants adult ginseng.

Qin Zixuan jumped up immediately when he heard Linger's cry, smiled at the Queen Mother, and ran out to meet her. Li Han got up and ran after him. Princess Cheng felt helpless to apologize when she saw the two people's casual appearance.

"Queen Mother, these two children have such a temper, don't take offense." Concubine Cheng saluted, and the Empress Dowager smiled and waved her hand. How could she take offense? She just likes Qin Zixuan's casualness.

Unlike other people who are so ignorant, with Qin Zixuan, the queen mother feels that she is a grandma, an ordinary grandma, does the grandson need to pretend in front of grandma?Of course not, you can do whatever you want.

Not long after, Qin Zixuan came in with Ling'er in his arms. Ling'er was still holding a little white rabbit in his arms. The little white rabbit was holding a century-old ginseng in its paws, and was eating happily.

"Great-grandmother, Ling'er misses you so much." Ling'er struggled to jump to the ground, hugging the little white rabbit and threw herself on it. Qin Zixuan shouted from behind, "slow down, slow down!"

The Queen Mother welcomed Ling'er with open arms, and Ling'er threw herself into the Queen Mother's arms to have fun, and praised her little white rabbit. This little white rabbit was brought out from Yunmengze. After one day, it becomes Linger's private property.

The queen mother hugged Ling'er with a look of surprise. Anyone who has a group of little wolf cubs who only have one flower will be rare. Don't look at it as a concubine. Ling'er's status in Cheng Wang's mansion is quite high. A group of elder brothers dote on her lawlessly. .

The whole family sat here chatting with the queen mother, they didn't talk about Yushitai, they talked about the family's shortcoming, which of the children was naughty again, which one grew taller, and which one learned something.

From time to time, he would talk about Qin Zixuan's childhood. At this time, Qin Zixuan would often answer "Am I that stupid?"The queen mother laughed with her toothless mouth open.

Concubine Cheng was very helpless, her son was so good before, but this kid was called stupid and refused to admit his past, even the kid Huang Shan who reads a lot was worried that Huang Shan would not be stupid.

For this reason, Concubine Cheng often sighed, unknowingly being led astray by Qin Zixuan, every time she saw Huangshan reading, she couldn't help running to let Huangshan go around and have fun, don't keep reading.

The Queen Mother left after eating at Prince Cheng's Mansion. The food was cooked by Qin Zixuan. They were all soft dishes suitable for the elderly. The Queen Mother ate an extra bowl when she was happy. When she left, she asked Qin Zixuan to go to the palace to chat with her. Qin Zixuan Respond with one gulp.

After the queen mother returned to the palace, she sent someone to pass a message to the emperor, that is, let's just expose what happened yesterday, and don't clean up the palace in the future. You can arrange manpower to do whatever you want, and don't think about dragging the palace into trouble.

People don't get involved in the imperial power, so don't worry about trying again and again, it will be hard to put out the fire if you try again. After all, there are four big families behind Chengwang's mansion, and none of those families is easy to mess with.

Don't even think that you have cannons. It was a coincidence to bombard the Shangguan family. The Shangguan family did not resist. After the incident, the four major families must have taken precautions. Where to bomb them.

The emperor didn't rebound this time, he thought seriously about what the queen mother said, and at the same time wondered if it was because Qin Zixuan was sad and eccentric, so the dragon veins were damaged, the injury was God's will, not man-made, if so, he would have to play tricks on Cheng Wang's mansion in the future.

Zhuang Fei, who went to Xiangguo Temple to investigate, came back. They checked it carefully, and found no traces of artificial destruction, and now there are no traces of explosives. If it is artificial, there is really no evidence.

Zhuang Fei was inclined towards natural disasters. The emperor had a recognition in his heart and agreed with this statement. The next step is to arrange for craftsmen to rebuild the Xiangguo Temple. Because it has tripled in size, there are not enough monks in the temple, so monks have to be recruited from nearby temples. .

Ninety-nine 81 days of non-stop chanting, at least three people should be arranged in each room, and they should take turns chanting. The emperor arranged for the Ministry of Work to speed up the pace and strive to complete the project in the shortest time.

At the same time, the imperial decree to adjust the monk's entry to Beijing also came out of the palace. The emperor is anxious. This incident really hit him. Another thing is to make up for the loss of the dragon veins. This matter must be done secretly. The fake dragon veins of Panlong Island can The emperor doesn't know if it can't be used, but he hopes it will be useful.

Qin Zixuan was honest at home for two days, and on the third day he took the dinosaur to go shopping, and then it caused panic. The uninformed ordinary people ran as far as they could. They had never seen such a monster. It was too big and too scary. up.

Along the way, the dinosaurs destroyed many buildings on the street, not on purpose, but because they were too big and knocked down unintentionally, so Lin Xi had to carry the banknotes to lose money behind.

(End of this chapter)

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