Chapter 1185
The prince's face became very ugly following Qin Zixuan's small long voice, what could he say?The cement recipe was given away by him, and not to a family.

Originally, the prince also wanted to hold cement in his hands, but his ministers had something to say, that is, the emperor, you can't compete with the people for profit. Now that the Qin Dynasty is unified, cement can just be used in the people.

So this prescription needs to be promoted, and then it is divided among several ministers who support him, including his old Taishan and his loyal supporters. If he wins the world, he must let those who follow him eat some meat.

It's just that the meat is too fat, and the new emperor regrets it now. I think Wei Dehai once said such a sentence when he transferred the cement prescription to the new emperor: "Your Majesty, as long as you hold this prescription, you will not lose weight." He was strangled by the household department."

It's just that he quickly shared the news with Concubine Zhang, and then it spread out of the palace and reached Zhang Yi'an's ears. Zhang Yi'an is a smart master, he didn't ask the emperor for a prescription, he encouraged several ministers.

Since it was going to be distributed to other people, Zhang Yi'an's portion, as the emperor's Lao Taishan, was naturally indispensable. In fact, Qin Zixuan didn't need to say it, the new emperor himself regretted it to death, and now wanting some money is like peeling off the skin of the household department.

"Uncle Huang, you have a soul in the sky to bless Daqin. This is the painstaking effort of your whole life. You can't just watch someone carve up Daqin. Your dream, your dream of unifying the world and establishing the Daqin Empire, you My dream is not over yet."

Every time Qin Zixuan said something, Qin Zihui would cry sadly for a while, and then the emperor's face would turn ugly. Fan Shijie knelt beside Qin Zihui, seeing his woman so sad, he wanted to slap Qin Zixuan.

This is endless, just say a few words to stab the emperor's heart. You have been stabbed left and right, and the emperor has been stabbed, but there are people next to him who have been stabbed. Can you attack indiscriminately?

The new emperor only felt that he would be pissed off if he stayed any longer, so he flung his sleeves and turned around to leave. At the same time, he wondered if the Ministry of Communications was really corrupt, so serious that Qin Zixuan couldn't bear it.

You must know that Qin Zixuan has never interfered in government affairs, and today he was slashing in front of Zhang Yi'an. If it wasn't serious, Qin Zixuan would not be like this. Money has never seen the Ministry of Households so poor.

The emperor had no money in his hands, and he was also unhappy, thinking while walking, Zhang Yi'an saw that something was wrong, the emperor would not look back to investigate him, so he immediately followed, before leaving, he gave Qin Zixuan a look, only to be glared back by Li Han .

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away behind him, Qin Zixuan narrowed his eyes, with a smirk on his lips, if he dared to attack him, he had to be prepared to be attacked, sometimes the attack method can be simple and straightforward, directly stabbing their pain .

The emperor left, no one continued to ask about Qin Zixuan's travel notes, and no one continued to plot against him, so Qin Zixuan stopped nagging, got up and patted his knees, turned his eyes around, and found that there were not many people left here.

Those ministers are all walking behind the emperor's ass now. The emperor and the courtiers are really not finished talking. See how long the emperor has been away. These ministers have left the emperor behind. How many people are there in the emperor.

Seeing that Qin Zihui was still crying, Qin Zixuan kindly walked over to persuade her, Fan Shijie rolled his eyes, who made Zihui cry like this?
"It's said that people take tea to cool down, but I didn't expect it to be more serious in the royal family. This one." Qin Zixuan shook his head and sighed, Li Han snorted, this one is not a good person.

Walking out of the Taimiao, Qin Zixuan looked back, waved goodbye to Qin Zihui, told Qin Zihui to go to Prince Cheng's Mansion to find him if something happened, asked Fan Shijie to take good care of Qin Zihui, and then walked to the carriage.

The traffic in front of the Taimiao had disappeared when Qin Zixuan came out, the emperor's guard of honor lined up far away, Qin Zixuan could still see the tail of the team, raised his eyebrows, Qin Zixuan and Li Han got into the carriage together.

After a while, Yang Shulin also got into the carriage, and the carriage started to start. Yang Shulin reported the latest news about Lu Sheng to Qin Zixuan. I have to say that the emperor is really cruel. Maybe he regretted bringing Lu Sheng to Beijing, and he would have nothing to do with killing people. Not soft.

Not long after entering the prison, Lu Sheng bled to death from his seven orifices, and died next to the unlucky captain. The poor captain was charged with killing Uncle Guo, and he committed suicide in fear of crime.

None of Lu Sheng's entourage was left alive, and those who died were clean, which made it impossible for those who wanted to attack the Lu family to have a chance, so they couldn't continue to mention Lu Sheng's affairs in the Taimiao.

At that time when Lu Sheng was captured, he didn't walk out of the carriage door, but drove away directly in the carriage. Not many people really knew what was going on inside, so the emperor naturally had ways to hide it.

"I didn't expect the emperor to protect Lu's family." Qin Zixuan sighed. The emperor's mind is really confusing. He obviously loves Concubine Zhang the most, but he doesn't let Concubine Zhang take the position. He even protects Lu's family when necessary. What is this for?

"I can't see through it, this new emperor is even more sinister than the previous emperor." Li Han leaned back and continued, "Why didn't you find out that the new emperor is so sinister before?"

"Hehe, what have you discovered before?" Qin Zixuan took out a cup of tea and asked casually. Li Han tilted his head and stared at Qin Zixuan's graceful movements, and answered.

"I found out that the young man is the most handsome, the most handsome in the world, and it is hard to find another in the world."

"Is there? Dahai's baby looks pretty good." Qin Zixuan was complacent, and he praised his son by the way.

"Xianggong is the most handsome." Li Han's tone was very firm, even if the sea appeared in front of him, it would not change, and his eyes turned into hearts.

Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose, sincerely convinced Li Han, but Li Han's eyesight was good, he was indeed handsome, touching his chin, Qin Zixuan began to be ugly, and some people were not beautiful at this time.

After listening to the little eunuch's report, the queen gritted her silver teeth angrily. She didn't expect that after so many years, her brother would still be so incompetent, such a bastard, and still so lawless, that's the Taimiao.

Although I am the empress, how many pairs of eyes are staring at him in this world, the emperor acted quickly today, what if it is too late?Everyone in the Lu family will be implicated by his elder brother.

After being angry for a while, the queen rubbed her chest and asked, "Is it a trick from King Cheng?"

The little eunuch nodded fiercely. At this time, he needs a scapegoat. King Cheng is good. The most important thing is that someone ordered him to say so, so he has to carry out the order.

The queen's face became ferocious, no matter how angry her brother is, he is still a member of the Lu family, her elder brother, not everyone can be offended, Qin Zixuan's matter is endless!

(End of this chapter)

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