Chapter 1186
Qin Zixuan, who was thinking about something good, didn't know that he was being missed, and was still fucking Li Han, but after returning to Prince Cheng's mansion, Qin Zixuan's good mood disappeared because there were eunuchs in the palace waiting for him.

The little eunuch announced the emperor's will, that is to ask Qin Zixuan to write another travel note, the emperor wants to read it!Qin Zixuan snorted angrily at that time, why is it dripping, this is endless.

Qin Zixuan directly waved his hand to tell the little eunuch to go where he came from. If he wants to catch his own fault, he should be clear about it. We don’t care now. The little eunuch is very pitiful. He finally understands why it is his turn to make an order this time. Feelings are not a good job. .

After dismissing the little eunuch, Qin Zixuan sat down on a chair and began to roll his eyes. It seems that the emperor really wanted to catch his fault, which means that the time for the emperor to tolerate him is limited, and he really doesn't know when he will explode .

But, Qin Zixuan counted the small accounts with his fingers. At this time, there are three big forces and several small forces in the court, that is, the first empress and the four noble concubines account for the three major forces, but the one who dances the most now is Concubine Fu. With Concubine Zhang.

Concubine Fu has no winks, no matter how happy she is, it's useless, because she doesn't like the emperor, the emperor made him a concubine to win over Fu Chengying, from the current point of view, Concubine Zhang is the most favored one.

However, Qin Zixuan calculated for a while and came to a conclusion that Concubine Zhang Gui could not be a queen because Zhang Yi'an was too greedy, so don't treat the emperor as a fool, few emperors are fools.

These emperors hold the state machinery in their hands and have their own intelligence departments. As long as these intelligence departments are not corrupted, it is still easy for the emperor to investigate the news, but the emperor is also a master of pretending to be stupid, so they don't want to break it.

Once the emperor points it out, it is the time to turn his face. At this time, he is basically not far from being useless or dead. You can see this from the uncle of the emperor. The head fell to the ground.

As for the other two noble concubines, it seems that they are going very smoothly at present, and they are not in a hurry to compete with the empress for favor. As for saying that they are not interested in the latter, Qin Zixuan really does not believe it.

Not to mention the back position, even concubines from rich and powerful families would spy on the position of the mistress, otherwise why those people's backyards are in such a mess, it's not because of the position of the mistress.

The mistress, that is, the eldest wife, can enter the ancestral grave after death, and the concubines will be buried in thick coffins if they meet good ones after death, and dig a hole for bad ones and bury them. Mass graves are possible.

This is why being a mistress is so precious, one can imagine how high the gold content is in the position of the empress, and there are more people who want to fight for it. Qin Zixuan didn't believe that the two quiet concubines who were a bit too much had no idea.

In a word, there is chaos in the palace. The forces that can be used now are the Lu family, the Zhang family and the Fu family. It's never too late to reuse.

Li Han watched Qin Zixuan pick his fingers quietly, his mind was not idle either. From today's situation, it can be seen that the emperor really can't tolerate the prince. The prince who had performed perfectly before now has a big change in temperament after he ascended the throne.

At the beginning, Xianggong was worried that Da Qin would become radical if he fell into the hands of the prince, so it was better for the emperor to live a long life. Now it seems that Xianggong is really worried. Not only is he too aggressive, but even Qin Zihui can't tolerate it. Not to mention others.

At best, Qin Zihui is an idle princess, with no power or soldiers in her hands, as long as she eats, drinks and greets her, even the crown prince can't tolerate it. The first fire in office was set on the Cheng family's head, where did he think about it? Qin Zihui's feelings.

Besides, although the Cheng family controls the military power, they are loyal to the emperor and have no intention of treason. Now they have all withdrawn from the army in the name of recuperating.

Thinking about the battle on the front line again, Li Han really felt that those soldiers who died in the battle were not worth it. The emperor didn't take their lives seriously.

What kind of frontal combat is engaged in? Who stipulated that a war must be fought frontally?As long as you can win, you don't care how you fight. In the bustling Yujing, the emperor can't see the cruelty of the battlefield. Dahao Erlang just died in the frontal fight.

Thinking of Chen Zhong being transferred away, Li Han also heaved a sigh of relief. He was his subordinate, and he was not lightly involved. It is good to transfer him away, so as to save himself from being targeted and stay away from the center of power.

well!Li Han secretly sighed. This time, he came back to visit his mother-in-law, to worship the late emperor, and to avenge the late emperor. Judging from the current situation, it is a bit difficult to avenge the late emperor.

To destroy the soldiers of the Suzaku Empire, one must first have military power. The new emperor does not trust Cheng Wangfu, and it is impossible to give military power to himself, but to others. I am afraid that no one can beat Xue Zhenye, who is also a master of soldiers.

Li Han's eyes fell on Qin Zixuan, and suddenly realized that she was thinking too far, because she saw that the little Xianggong actually felt a pair of dice shaking, and he didn't look like he was thinking before.

"Daughter-in-law, don't think about it. It's useless to think too much. I think the emperor should be suspicious of Zhang Yi'an at this time. The household department has no money. Watching tigers fight on the mountain is like watching a play.”

Qin Zixuan said with a smile, after a while Qin Zixuan figured it out, instead of thinking too much here, it's better to calm down and watch the play, it's not too late to act when you see the opportunity.

Li Han sat on Qin Zixuan's lap with his buttocks adjusted. It was really useless to think too much. Let's watch the show now. King Cheng returns to Yujing. If Yujing is still quiet and friendly, is it still called King Cheng to return to Beijing?

In fact, this is also the case. Zhang Yi'an was restless when he returned to his mansion, and Fu Chengying recruited his counselors as soon as he returned to his mansion. The content of the discussion was about the Zhang family's affairs. There are not even a few drops of soup left when eating meat.

Now King Cheng fired the first shot, which was to interview Zhang Yi'an in front of him. Although King Cheng didn't have a copy in his hand, his words were really sharp. If the former emperor was alive, Zhang Yi'an would have been a guest in the prison by this time.

Even if it is not the former emperor, the emperor cannot remain indifferent. It is true that the household department cannot afford money. The emperor wants to raise soldiers, pay civil and military officials, and support the palace beauties. All of them are money, and the emperor will definitely make a move. .

Before the emperor made a move, they made a move first. This is called guessing the Sacred Heart, and this is called placing a bet. If the bet is right, they will hold the job of raiding the house in their hands, hehe, he will also have his share of the Zhang family's property.

(End of this chapter)

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