Chapter 1187
Fu Chengying stared at Zhang Yi'an, these two were comrades-in-arms in the past, and now they are also rivals in the same palace, they are merciless in calculation, and the Lu family is very lively at this time, everyone is crying and scolding.

Lu Qiang jumped and pointed in the direction of Prince Cheng's mansion and scolded, his son has been living a good life, he has never done anything bad, never had any accidents, never thought that Qin Zixuan would kill his son within a few days after returning to Beijing.

Even though Lu Sheng didn't love the royal family, he was very happy in Lu's family. The reason is very simple, that is, Lu Qiang has had daughters all his life, and Lu Sheng is the only eldest son.

He also hoped that one day Lu Sheng would think of it and leave him a root, but he didn't expect that Lu Sheng would hang up before he figured it out. How would Lu Qiang accept this? Who would inherit the Lu family's such a large family business in the future?
The old lady of the Lu family was crying like hell, while the mistress, Mrs. Lu, was sitting far away watching a play. Anyway, Lu Sheng was not her son, so he died as soon as he died. If he died, he didn’t need to occupy the Lu family’s property. Maybe her daughter could More points.

In the past, the young man was deceived into the Lu Mansion by Lu Qiang's rhetoric, saying that he would divorce his wife after he became a child first. In the end, it was not because he took all the means of planting and framing and got rid of the former mistress.

It's just bad luck!Mrs. Lu felt very helpless when she thought of her unbearable belly. It was not that she was unable to give birth, but that she was very capable of giving birth. She gave birth to six daughters in this life, but she had no son.

What Mrs. Lu couldn't accept the most was that none of his six daughters entered the palace and became a nobleman. Instead, a dead child of a dead mother became a princess and then a queen. This made Mrs. Lu very angry.

Originally Mrs. Lu also wanted her daughter to marry into the prince's mansion, but when the prince got married, the daughter was still young. When the daughter was ready to be released, the prince became more careful and cherished his reputation.

They put it on the crown prince's bed several times, but failed once, but it scared the crown prince not to enter Lu's mansion. After Lu Qiang found out, he scolded Mrs. Lu several times, and whenever he thought of Mrs. Lu, his liver hurt with anger.

Now that Lu Sheng is dead, Mrs. Lu has set her sights on the Lu family's property again. If she can't find a relative for her daughter, then she can find more money for them. Mrs. Lu's mentality now.

Lu Qiang scolded angrily, his mouth was parched, and then he patted his buttocks and sat there crying bitterly, crying for his eldest son, bluntly saying that he was sorry for his eldest son, crying so miserably.

Enough crying, Lu Qiang stopped crying, and ordered people to collect information about Cheng Wangfu, he wanted to start a war, he wanted to avenge his son, the Lu family had the same character, that is, they all agreed that Qin Zixuan had used dirty tricks.

Qin Zixuan didn't know yet, if he knew, he would cry to death in the hut, what is this called, it was Lu Sheng who offended him, and he let him go, why is it that revenge is found on him now?

If you have the ability to seek revenge from the emperor, if you have the ability to pull out the captain and kill him again, the most important thing is that Qin Zixuan thinks that the captain must have been wronged. There is no evidence and it is all based on intuition.

Qin Zixuan had obsessive confidence in his intuition, even so, Qin Zixuan sat on the hillside and watched the show honestly, so he didn't want to interfere too much, for fear of causing trouble to his upper body.

But life is like this, if you are afraid of trouble, the trouble will find you. No matter how Qin Zixuan tried to hide, he still didn't dodge, Lu Qiang is now focusing on Qin Zixuan.

Life is like a play. When Qin Zixuan was sitting on the top of the mountain watching a play, there were also people sitting on the top of the mountain watching Qin Zixuan's play. Unfortunately, this kid has not yet discovered that Qin Zixuan is watching the big play with relish.

This day, Qin Zixuan slept until the afternoon, and when he got up, he received an invitation from Qin Ziming. Qin Ziming asked Qin Zixuan to come out for a gathering. Qin Zixuan didn't hesitate, but Li Han wanted to follow. After returning to Yujing, Li Han really kept an eye on him. Inseparable.

In order to take care of the Song family's daughters, Li Han often put them on the big bed to have a big bed together. Anyway, he just wanted to keep Qin Zixuan out of his sight, for fear that Qin Zixuan would be assassinated if he left him.

The three of them made an appointment in Qin Ziming's other courtyard. The small courtyard was built in an elegant way. Qin Ziming learned to pursue after making money. Seeing that Qin Zixuan gave Li Han the whole Baibao Villa very uniquely, Qin Ziming felt itchy, so Also built a villa.

It's just that this villa is not as magnificent as the Baibao Villa, but it is more elegant. It is really a small bridge and flowing water, and the scenery is attractive. Of course, this design was not made by Qin Ziming, but a professional design talent was invited.

For this reason, Qin Ziming spent a lot of money, and it can't be compared with Qin Zixuan's own design. This is a very famous courtyard in Yujing. Sometimes the princes and grandsons of various families entertain guests, and they will borrow or rent them like Qin Ziming. friend.

When Qin Zixuan and Li Han came here, a grill had already been set up in the courtyard. During the days without Qin Zixuan, Qin Ziming, a foodie, was also concentrating on his cooking skills, but he found the way.

Seeing Qin Zixuan and Li Han approaching, Qin Ziming greeted him wiping his oily hands. Qin Zixuan cheerfully told Qin Ziming to stop, why should he go? They are all brothers, so you are welcome.

Qin Ziming was really rude, and immediately returned to his seat and continued to be his cook. Qin Zixuan walked up to him with his hands behind his back, and seeing the table full of seafood, he lost his appetite.

It was really tired of eating seafood on the boat for several months on the return trip. At this time, seeing the table full of seafood, Qin Ziming was at a loss. He paid a lot of money to buy these seafood.

"Brother, what's the matter? Don't you want to eat seafood?" Qin Ziming stopped his hands and asked with wide eyes. The eyes of Qin Ziming who had lost weight also became bigger, no longer a line.

Qin Zixuan patted Qin Ziming on the shoulder and said, "How can you not gain weight if you are so skinny and eat seafood every day?"

Alas, Qin Ziming sighed, it's not that he doesn't want to eat fat, it's that he can't get fat now, because his stomach is bad, and he can't absorb nutrition even if he eats anything.

"Forget it, brother, don't talk about me, but you, really don't want to eat seafood? If you don't want to eat, let's change the dish. Anyway, I prepare all kinds of dishes here, such as flying in the sky, swimming in the sea, and running on the ground. , drilled in the soil, as you like."

Qin Ziming patted his chest. He is not a stingy person. He also knows that Qin Zixuan has a lot of things to prepare, so he prepares the seafood first. It is because seafood is troublesome. If he does not prepare first, he may not have enough time.

Qin Zixuan was overjoyed when he heard it, and unceremoniously turned on the ordering mode, Qin Ziming wrote down one by one, let Xiao Wu go to get the dishes, and then washed his hands and didn't touch the seafood, it would be useless for Brother Xuan not to eat, why bother .

Qin Ziming looked around and whispered, "Brother Xuan, I heard that people from the Lu family are investigating you. They seem to have placed Lu Sheng's death on your head."

(End of this chapter)

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