Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1188 Blocking Arrows?

Chapter 1188 Blocking Arrows?

Shrimp?Qin Zixuan was stunned. After Lu Sheng's death, Qin Zixuan was waiting for the Lu family and the Zhang family and the Fu family to tear it apart. Unexpectedly, they didn't tear it up but burned his own head. Lu Sheng's death had something to do with him!

It's not that he forced Lu Sheng to act recklessly outside the gate of the Taimiao, but that Lu Sheng himself was too arrogant, okay?Qin Zixuan was furious when he heard this, all of them are unreasonable guys, it's because he sees himself as easy to bully.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's shocked face, Qin Ziming decided to give Qin Zixuan a scientific score, and whispered: "My father analyzed this matter for me, and I think Lu Qiang is trying to use you as a shield."

I?Qin Zixuan pointed to his own nose, he didn't need to blame himself for defending against arrows, right? What kind of rhythm is this? Could it be that he is out of date?I can't keep up with the ideas of Yujing and the gang.

Qin Ziming sighed, and continued to explain that King Xian's opinion is that Lu Qiang wants to use Qin Zixuan to break the situation, that is, the Lu family and Prince Cheng's mansion will be torn apart.

But if you want to get King Cheng, someone has to pounce on it. The current position of the Lu family is a little unstable. Even if the emperor has dealt with Lu Sheng's matter now, Zhang Yi'an and the gang are staring like wolves, and they will definitely find a way to pounce on him and bite him. .

But if the Lu family broke up with Prince Cheng's mansion, then Zhang Yi'an and the others would shut down temporarily, because they also wanted to get rid of the palace of Cheng, but they were too timid to make a move. If Lu Qiang took the lead, they would be happy to see it succeed.

Moreover, the Chengwang Mansion counterattacked, and the Lu family was the first to bear the brunt of it. It was a thankless job. Zhang Yian and the others were not fools, they knew what the best choice was, and the most important thing was the Chengwang Mansion’s counterattack. Get it.

Qin Ziming told Qin Zixuan the analysis of the Xian Wang. Although the Xian Wang is the old prince, although he will be treated coldly, his power of observation is not vague at all. Qin Ziming's invitation to Qin Zixuan also meant to be a microphone.

After Qin Ziming finished speaking, Li Han became furious. Why don't people watch the show? The stools are already set up. How dare they stop acting?Li Han refused.

Looking at the furious Li Han, Qin Ziming shrunk his neck. At this moment, Qin Ziming didn't dare to provoke Li Han. This guy is too scary, and his abilities make him a headache.

After Qin Zixuan blasted his hair, he quickly slid it down. This kid's hair was so smooth that Qin Ziming dared to slack a few times. When facing Li Han, Qin Ziming was really honest.

Li Han yelled to kill them, dared not to act for the little Xianggong, he was very capable, this unreasonable side was very unique, Qin Zixuan was amused to see it.

He stretched out his hand to grab Li Han's hand and blew it again and again. It became popular, and he felt so sorry for him. He immediately blew most of Li Han's anger away. He sat honestly beside Qin Zixuan, and followed his master's command in all actions.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, they didn't write the script, we wrote it and changed the script, who knows how?" Qin Zixuan kissed Li Han's palm after speaking, the itchy feeling made Li Han's bones tingle.

Qin Ziming's eyes widened and he gave a thumbs up secretly. This guy is so awesome, so awesome, the general is the only guy who can control him, and he smoothed the general's hair in a few words.

"Brother, what should I do? Do you need my help?" Qin Ziming stretched his neck, Li Han's anger disappeared, Qin Ziming regained his voice, and continued to plead with Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan really couldn't draw a conclusion on whether Qin Ziming should take action in this matter. Judging from the current situation, the emperor will take action on himself sooner or later. If Qin Ziming is allowed to intervene, then the Xianwang Palace will be affected.

But judging from the attitude of the virtuous king, it is clear that he wants to send Qin Ziming to him. It is not an exaggeration to say that the virtuous king is now on two boats. Qin Zixuan squeezed his chin and thought for a while, and decided to let Qin Ziming sit on a high bench play.

For the time being, don't let the Prince Xian's mansion get involved, the provincial emperor will be under a lot of pressure, it will be troublesome if he gets mad, Qin Zixuan is kind-hearted, and he is especially considerate of others.

Qin Ziming was a little disappointed that he didn't have a part in such a fun thing, but Qin Zixuan didn't let Qin Ziming go, but chose to let Qin Ziming continue to do business, it's best to control Daqin's economic power in his hands.

This goal is a bit big, and the risk is also great. Qin Zixuan thought for a long time and thought of a bank. Daqin has a bank, and not everyone can afford to open a bank, but Qin Ziming is the son of a virtuous king. If Qin Ziming opens a bank, he can definitely do it. down.

And then to engage in bank deposits, you must know that now the bank receives money from merchants depositing money, and there is no interest and you have to pay a certain fee, just for the convenience of traveling with these bank notes.

It is also to reduce losses on the road. After all, a silver ticket is just a piece of paper, which can be folded and hidden under the sole of a shoe, but silver cannot be done this way, as it will be separated by feet.

If it is an interest-paying deposit, it will definitely attract most businessmen and people to save money, and then use the money for other investments. If one day Daqin really dares to do something, the first thing Qin Zixuan will do is to make the economic circle mess up first, and one by one will not be able to withdraw. Don't mess around when you get money.

In this chaotic world, if he saves the world again, hehe, the hearts of a large number of people have been gathered together. When the emperor reacts, he can almost be wiped out. What Qin Zixuan is worried about now is what to do after killing the emperor?Who is the emperor?
Suddenly Qin Zixuan stared at Qin Ziming and asked, "Does your father want to be the emperor?"

Pfft, Qin Ziming pissed in fright, this was Qin Zixuan's question, he would turn his face against anyone else, this is because he disliked the slow death of Xian Wang's mansion, didn't you see that his father's face became more and more gloomy these days?
After asking, Qin Zixuan felt that the question was inappropriate, so let it go, and did not bring up this topic, and continued to think about recruiting. After a long time, Qin Zixuan organized the language and conveyed the idea of ​​building a bank to Qin Ziming.

This directly overturned Qin Ziming's concept, but Qin Ziming has a good acceptance ability. He has been subverted too many times, and this time is not bad. After he understands this concept, he even gives a thumbs up. .

Qin Zixuan patted Qin Ziming on the shoulder and said: "Brother, I will leave this matter to you. It is inconvenient for people from Chengwang's Mansion to come out to do things right now. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask me for advice. In addition, if you are in danger, you can also ask me." Cheng Wangfu asks for help."

Qin Ziming nodded. He agreed with this. Even if Qin Zixuan didn't say anything, Qin Ziming would know where to go when he was in danger. The Xianwang Mansion might not be able to keep him, but the Chengwang Mansion would certainly be able to. When others see the children of the Chengwang Mansion, they all go out He wandered in the clouds, but Qin Ziming knew it was an illusion.

His son followed Dahai, even if his son did not reveal the news, there would still be clues.Dahai Nawa has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, but her son was trained to keep his mouth shut, so he didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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