Chapter 1190
As the son of Concubine Zhao, there is no shortage of money in his hands. His yard is also one of the best in Yujing City except the imperial palace. I did not expect it to be given to the Wu family. Back then, many people stared at this yard, and the emperor was stunned. No one will give it to you if you hold it in your hands.

I guess I can't bear to think about it, after all, it is the son born to the woman I love the most. If the woman dies, the son dies. If even this yard is given away, then nothing will be left.

The new emperor was very happy. He actually gave it to the Wu family a few days after he took office.

The fact is that the new emperor didn't care, anyway, he gave the yard to the Wu family, Qin Zixuan couldn't help but smile wryly after knowing it clearly, probably the new emperor didn't like the yard long ago.

Unexpectedly, the title deed of this yard after going around is now in the hands of Qin Ziming, and Qin Ziming also generously lent 50 silver to the Wu family, and 50 is worth buying a large yard.

Qin Zixuan clapped his hands and praised Qin Ziming's ability to do business, Qin Ziming accepted the compliment with a smile, and did not miss any work in his hand, Qin Zixuan asked who else the Wu family borrowed money from and how much.

This Qin Ziming really can't tell, anyway, there are many officials who are related to Mr. Wu Tong and Mr. Wu have been borrowed by the Wu family, and several loan sharks from Yujing have also been borrowed.It must be several million.

Qin Zixuan was even happier after listening to the unkind smile. This is the Wu family's own death. Even if the new emperor favors the Wu family, it is impossible to repay the Wu family's loan. When all their goods are ready, hehe, check Al had already left.

Seeing Qin Zixuan laughing like a fox, Li Han couldn't help lowering his head and smacking. The young man was smart enough to make the Wu family suffer so badly. They deserved the Wu family's misfortune. Who let them jump out first.

Qin Zixuan was enjoying Qin Ziming's other courtyard, and the Wu family was already busy, Wu Ji wanted to mortgage the ancestral house, he went to Cha'er again today, looking at the boxes of gold leaves, Wu Ji's eyes It's red.

That's a big box of gold leaves, and it would cost 10,000+ to exchange for silver. If you read correctly, the guys are still carrying them into the house. Those are all ready to pay for the goods. The Wu family is preparing the goods now. I'm afraid it's less.

Wu Ji turned around in a hurry, but he borrowed everything he could, even usury loans. People need mortgages, otherwise they don't put money out. No one's money is blown by strong winds these days.

The act of borrowing money all over the city like the Wu family is crazy in itself, and usury also needs to be risk-controlled, and dare not lend too much to the Wu family. Master Wu, who has lost his old teeth, is grinning toothlessly at this time.

Although Sang Yu, who was lost in the east, was beaten up by Li Han, but now it seems that the situation is not bad. He has left a heroic image in front of the emperor, and his business is even higher.

After this business is completed, the Wu family's property will definitely double. Mr. Wu is very happy to think about it. He has been an official for thousands of miles only for money. Now he can make money without taking the risk of corruption. It's really great up.

Chaer is still busy at this time. For those who are in a hurry to deliver, Chaer pays for the ones that feel good in quality after reading it, and returns the poor quality ones for repairs. The quality control is still extremely strict.

However, Chaer requires a large amount. Even if there is a repair, this group of people is willing to do business with Chaer. The most important thing is that the money is in place. As long as the transaction is made, there will be money to be made. Treat Char to something good.

The first thing Qin Zixuan and Li Han did when they returned to Fenglin Courtyard was to read the information. The husband and wife went to the study room, and Yang Shulin immediately sent various information for Qin Zixuan to choose.

The first thing Qin Zixuan did was to read the information sent by Cha Er, wanting to see what this kid did, which actually made the Wu family so excited. When Qin Zixuan read it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Han rested his chin on Qin Zixuan's shoulder, looked at the news and laughed like a fool, this is how clever he is, but he is mistaken by cleverness, he really thinks everyone else is a big fool, but his Wu family is smart, ha ha!
"Send the order, all the members who participated in this operation will be rewarded, and the retreat plan must be made well, so as not to put our own people in danger." Qin Zixuan was overjoyed after reading the information, and immediately issued an order.

Lin Xi was ordered to withdraw and make arrangements. Qin Zixuan continued to read the information. When he saw that the Lu family was collecting his own information, Qin Zixuan smiled with his mouth curled up. Let's collect it and see who has the better method.

The Lu family, hum!Qin Zixuan tapped his index finger on the table, originally wanted to see the Lu family's jokes, but unexpectedly, the Lu family wanted to drag him off, it's really ridiculous.

Looking up and looking out of the window, the sun is slanting to the west, and the golden brilliance is covering the ground, looking at it is so beautiful, Qin Zixuan couldn't help standing up and running out of the study to look at the scenery, Li Han followed behind with his hands behind his back, with a happy smile on his face .

Looking at Xianggong's appearance, he knew that the Lu family was nothing to be afraid of, and he hadn't seen the reality of the sunset yet.Qin Zixuan stared at Wanxia and said: "Zhaoxia doesn't go out, Wanxia travels thousands of miles, tomorrow will be another fine weather."

"What Xianggong said is that tomorrow will definitely be a good weather." Li Han casually patted Qin Zixuan's shoulder, tilted his head and looked at the western sky. This kind of golden sunset is really rare. All red.

The golden light enveloped the two of them, as if they had passed through a layer of holy light, which stunned Mrs. Song who came to deliver the snacks. She always knew that the prince was good-looking, but she did not expect the general to become very beautiful Sure enough, a woman has to be loved by a man to exude the beauty of a woman.

Li Han was the first to notice Mrs. Song coming over. She fluttered her two long eyelashes and continued to stare at the beautiful scenery. The smile on the corner of her mouth grew stronger. Li Han likes life very much now. There are no tricks to hide the light. Chatting happily together, every second is relaxed and happy, this is home.

Concubine Cheng came over on her bicycle. Seeing Qin Zixuan and the two of them, she stared at Qin Zixuan with one foot on her back, a little illusory, as if the old prince's voice and smile appeared before her eyes again, and Concubine Cheng smiled happily.

The unyielding life of this life, really, with such a stalwart husband and such a handsome son, she is really content, she will work hard to live, watching her grandsons get married and start a family, watching her great-grandchildren Grow up step by step.

When one day you really want to leave, you can also go to Xianggong with full of memories and tell him what happened in Chengwang Mansion after he left, and tell him that our son is really outstanding, a rare good man in this world , tell him that his son Wen Ke governs the country, Wu Ke'an gang, tell him that his son is our pride
The golden sunset covered the earth, Yujing City became sacred, and more and more people walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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