Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1191 Set fire

Chapter 1191 Set fire
After watching the rare golden sunset, the people of Yujing fell asleep with excitement, the stars blinked mischievously, and a black shadow disappeared like lightning under the night, and then appeared at another corner.

This black shadow is very familiar with the streets and alleys of Yujing. She knows exactly which house lives in which person, and even more clearly which elder is a corrupt official and which is an honest official.

The road under his feet gradually went away, and the black shadow stopped at Wulipo, looked around for a moment, raised his eyebrows, and it was now!His figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When the black shadow reappeared, there were panic screams from the Lu family, and someone yelled fire, fire!Come and put out the fire.
Hearing these screams, the black shadow happily stepped forward and disappeared in Wulipo.The disappearing shadows soon appeared in Zhang's old house, and as the shadows appeared, more shadows appeared in front of him.

A gesture was made, and the black images disappeared in place like ghosts. When they reappeared, each of them carried a big burden on their bodies. The people in front just walked, and the people behind were responsible for sweeping away the traces.

One can tell at a glance that this group of people is professional, and they can even lift up the fallen grass on the roadside. After the group of people disappeared, the night sky returned to calm again, and there was a sound of bang in the distance, and the hoarse voice of the old man who was on duty at night. .

"The sky is high and things are dry, be careful of fire and candles, it's the third watch."

Qin Zixuan turned over and stretched out his hand to touch it. There was nothing around him, and he felt lonely for no reason, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world. This feeling made Qin Zixuan very unhappy. Before waking up, his wife was always by his side, even when he was going to the bathroom. I will also be tired of being together, why not wait for myself today?
Thinking of this, Qin Zixuan sat up, looked at the dark room in a daze, waited for a long time, but still did not wait for Li Han to come back, which made Qin Zixuan even more unhappy.

"Did this stinky bitch fall into the toilet? Sigh! Forget it, I'd better go get it, don't be suffocated by the urine." I don't know who the urinating person is, anyway, Qin Zixuan got up from the bed .

It's just that when Qin Zixuan came to the toilet, looking at the empty toilet, Qin Zixuan was stunned for a while, then poked his head inside like a fool to see if his eldest daughter-in-law had fallen into it.

This scene was a bit funny, at least when Li Han came back and saw his husband looking into the toilet, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Qin Zixuan turned around and saw the eldest daughter-in-law in black.

"Damn it, where have you been?" Qin Zixuan couldn't help crying, the unreasonable loneliness disappeared, replaced by dissatisfaction, and began to complain that Li Han didn't take him with him because of good things, how could he leave his man alone to go out to have fun? reason.

Hearing the unreliable words of the husband, Li Han listened with a smile, and when Qin Zixuan finished complaining, Li Han said with a smile: "I went to the old houses of the Lu family and the Zhang family, set a fire in the Lu family, and set fire to the Zhang family. The family moved them to a secret room, and then came back."

Listen to this tone, how relaxed it is, look at the smile on Li Han's face, how glaring it is, you can tell that the action is going smoothly, making you want to laugh wildly, Qin Zixuan rubbed his nose and started to release water, did he wake up from urinating, or Let's put the water on first, and talk about it later.

Li Han just stood by the door and watched Qin Zixuan release the water. He didn't have the slightest intention of avoiding it, and Qin Zixuan didn't care.

Hehe, only Qin Zixuan has this feeling, no one else has it!
After draining the water, Qin Zixuan washed his hands, dragged Li Han into the house and changed out of his black clothes, then walked out of the room and came to the courtyard, listening with his ears, he could still hear shouts, Qin Zixuan looked at the big trees in the courtyard, thought Want to start climbing trees.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's movements, Li Han hugged Qin Zixuan's waist and jumped onto the tree pole without saying anything.

I don't know why, but Qin Zixuan always forgets that he is a master. When he sees a big tree, his first thought is to climb, not jump!

Li Han pointed to the big fire in the distance, and said with a smile: "The Lu family is very domineering. All the houses around them were bought or occupied by the Lu family. This fire is good. Once it returns to before liberation, it will also let the Lu family live." Enjoy living without a house."

"Well, good idea, great daughter-in-law." Qin Zixuan pursed his lips and sent a blown kiss. Li Han immediately caught the blown kiss and enjoyed it affectionately. ah.

The people of the Lu family have all woken up, watching the fire all over the sky, shouting to put out the fire, the fire started from the owner's compound, but it gave the servants time to get up, otherwise how many people would be burned to death in the fire.

The fire woke countless people up. Some came to help put out the fire with their servants, and some stood there watching jokes like Qin Zixuan. No matter what kind of person they were, their steps were easy.

Looking at the fire in Lu's house, Zhang Yi'an felt pain in his flesh. It was all money, and he was going to bring someone to search the house.

I hope that the Lu family can have a hobby of collecting gold and silver like him, otherwise the thin silver bills will not be able to withstand the fire
In the early morning of the next day, there was a rumor in Yujing that the Lu family had done something wrong, so they were punished by the heavens. This was God's warning to the Lu family, telling the Lu family to restrain themselves and stop doing things that offended the heavens.

I don't know who came up with the trick to tell about the disgusting things Lu Sheng did in front of the Taimiao Gate, so the rumors turned into the former emperor warning the Lu family to be honest.

Yujing is a playground where rumors are flying all over the sky. If there are no rumors, these little people will feel uncomfortable. There are few entertainment activities these days, so it becomes their pleasure to spread rumors.

In the harem, when Empress Lu heard the news, she smashed the cup, dropped the plate, beat the maid and scolded the eunuch, and finally sent someone to the Lu family to inquire about the situation, ask about the loss, and ask for help.

After all, it is her natal family, even if she has a brother who is holding her back, Empress Lu still can't help caring about her natal family and her old father.

In the main hall, the ministers of the early court stood there in an orderly manner. Among the bright and beautiful team, there was one person who stood out, that was Lu Qiang. Although Lu Qiang washed his face and put on decent clothes, but the other side There was no way to hide the scorched hair.

The clean shaved beard made Lu Qiang look much younger, but the anger on his face ruined that feeling. Seeing the emperor sitting down, Lu Qiang went to the prelude and cried: "Your Majesty, I beg you to make the decision for me. Ah, my minister suffers."

(End of this chapter)

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