Chapter 1194
The new emperor has done so much, just to force Qin Zixuan to play his cards, to see if there is any hidden power in Prince Cheng's mansion, to see if Qin Zixuan has any ambitions, if there are private soldiers hidden, then Qin Zixuan will not be able to stay.

It's just that Qin Zixuan and Li Han are not the kind of people who play cards normally. If he wants to force his hole cards, it is impossible for the new emperor to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight with integrity. Moreover, Qin Zixuan doesn't care even under the imperial decree, let alone these ministers .

As for ambition, Qin Zixuan really doesn't have any ambitions, he plays or sleeps every day, and has no interest in political affairs. Instead of spending time dealing with those emerging problems, he might as well take his wife to the streets.

Now that the problem has been clarified, Qin Zixuan stared at Lu Qiang with his hands behind his back, asking why Lu Qiang plotted against him, and you should say what dissatisfaction you have with the Cheng Palace.

All the ministers silenced, and those ministers who were thinking of making moves against Prince Cheng lowered their heads. They had expected the emperor to stand for Lu Qiang, but they did not expect that the emperor would not say a word from the beginning to the end.

That's really sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and let Lu Qiang and General Cheng Wang tear it apart. The question is, has it ever been torn?King Cheng is okay, he has reservations about his strikes, his little fist doesn't have much strength, but the general is not human.

The general's bones were broken when he stepped down, who can support the general's lynching?Ask yourself if they can't hold on, some people even pat their heads to see if their heads are made of iron.

Lu Qiang was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the situation he had arranged in a hurry to be broken so easily, and he didn't expect that the witness he arranged would betray him completely. How will it end now?
Lu Qiang looked up at the emperor, and found that the emperor was not looking at him with a sullen face, and then looked at the general, Lu Qiang's liver trembled, and finally his eyes fell on King Cheng, and Lu Qiang burst into tears.

This guy is also a master who can stretch and shrink. Seeing that the situation is over, he immediately threw himself at Qin Zixuan's feet and cried loudly, crying and telling his difficulties.

It means that, Lord Cheng, I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the near future. I really didn't intend to deal with you. In fact, the Lu family was burned to the ground. I just wanted to blackmail you for some money. I really have no other intentions, please. Please let me go, I will kowtow to you.

Lu Qiang cried and kowtowed while talking, really shocked Qin Zixuan, can one person do so many things at the same time?It seems that people's potential is forced out. If you don't force it, you don't know how strong you can be.

At least Qin Zixuan felt that he couldn't do Lu Qiang's level. Look at the one who kowtowed, the one who cried well, the one who hugged his thigh, uh, Qin Zixuan found out that Lu Qiang kowtowed and cried while hugging his thigh .

Seeing the snot smeared on the robe by Lu Qiang, Qin Zixuan got angry, kicked Lu Qiang away, took off the robe and quit, pointed at Lu Qiang and yelled at Lu Qiang, saying that Lu Qiang deliberately disgusted people and ruined his royal robe .

The gown is made of high-quality materials, and it took ninety-nine 81 embroiderers 81 days to process it. It is embroidered with gold and silver threads. Do you know how much this dress costs? 80!

Qin Zixuan pointed to Lu Qiang's nose and asked what to do?Pay or not?If you don't pay, it's not over!Lu Qiang wiped his nose on his body, and made Qin Zixuan sick again, Qin Zixuan was so angry that he didn't look at him.

Lin Yucheng saw Qin Zixuan's disgusting nausea, and actually smiled unkindly. This kid is also afraid. Next time, he knows how to deal with him. He will find a few slugs to circle around King Cheng and make him clean like a dung beetle. of.

Li Han was not disgusted, turned around and came between Qin Zixuan and Lu Qiang, staring at Lu Qiang viciously, what a disgusting person, hmph! A villain.

Qin Zixuan turned around and bowed to the emperor, asking the emperor to make decisions for him. What kind of decisions should he make? Qin Zixuan stood there and settled the score with his fingers. It was Lu Qiang who framed him, which frightened his little heart and frightened his spirit. pay.

They don't want more, just 50. He just ruined one of his royal robes, so he has to pay for it. Not too much, the principal is 80. He finally found time to sleep lazy, just for this shit If you are called up, you have to pay for it!

It's hard to say how much to pay, so let's just pay 430. This is only for Qin Zixuan, and there is also compensation for the general. It is listed one by one, and the total is [-] million. Let's pay.

Compensation?If we pay, we will be private, if we don’t pay, we will be public. What kind of crime is it to frame the prince and general of the dynasty?Oh, ransacking the house and destroying the house!

The new emperor looked at Qin Zixuan picking his fingers to settle the score, couldn't help but twitched his mouth a few times, then looked at the dumbfounded Lu Qiang, the new emperor hated Lu Qiang, if you can't defeat Qin Zixuan, don't make a move, now you need his help Wipe your ass.

Qin Zixuan didn't look at Lu Qiang after picking his fingers, but quietly waited for the emperor's answer, whether it was private or public was decided in front of the emperor and all the ministers, of course, if the money is obtained privately, it cannot be delayed In life, no one is a fool, so don't do this trick.

Li Han stood beside Qin Zixuan with his hands behind his back, his eyes swept towards Lu Qiang, Lu Qiang's old face would be ugly now, Prince Cheng said it was 430 million, he was talking about the Lu family's property!
Can the Lu family come up with such money?Of course it can, Lao Taishan, who is the son of heaven, some of the Lu family have entered the officialdom, and some have gone into business, and they still have a lot of money in their hands.

Moreover, the Lu family holds a lot of power in their hands. They can also evade taxes in business and have a lot of gray income. Originally, the Lu family had more property, but it was burned down.

Bank notes are easy to carry, but they are not fireproof. Most of the bank notes in the mansion were burned, only a few were saved, but the gold and silver stored in the mansion will still be there, not all of them destroyed, it is really not easy.

Zhang Yi'an stared at Qin Zixuan's back with wide eyes, don't you want to be so ruthless, then you will have no friends, the Lu family is the meat he is staring at, how can you kill a Cheng Wang out of nowhere!
All the money was paid to Prince Cheng's Mansion, so what's the matter with him, Zhang Yi'an?If I had known earlier, I might as well do it myself. At least I can drink a few mouthfuls of soup, and now there is no soup left.

The ministers of the DPRK and China discussed in low voices, some people said that they could pay for it and spend money to eliminate the disaster, while others said that they could not. Isn't this compensation the first of its kind in paying for life with money, and Lu Qiang should pay for his life.

The one who said this is definitely Lu Qiang's enemy. This is because he hopes that Lu Qiang will die. Lu Qiang himself is also thinking about whether to pay for it. Compensation is fair, and that is to act in accordance with the laws of Daqin.

Framed the prince and the general of the dynasty, this is a capital crime, if he died, he would be dead, nothing, Lu Qiang soon figured it out, he should spend money to eliminate the disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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