Chapter 1195

Lu Qiang looked at the emperor, nodded and accepted the compensation, but the compensation should be discussed again.The emperor stared at it, okay, after the Lu family was burned down, they could still pay more than 400 million yuan, so how rich is the Lu family.

Thinking about my own treasury, the poor don't even like rats, I am really poor as the emperor, I don't even have much money for ministers, shame on me!The emperor thought of the cement recipe again.

If the cement is still in his hands, his small private treasury must be making money every day like the former emperor, but such a good business was robbed by his courtiers, and the most important thing is that they actually evaded taxes.

Suddenly, the emperor rolled his eyes and had an idea. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if King Cheng came to check the tax? Anyway, it was King Cheng who offended people, and the tax collected would be cheaper for himself.

The emperor made the decision on the spot, that is, he agreed to Lu Qiang to pay the money, and he would pay it within one day. If he couldn't pay it today, he would have to act according to the law. The emperor wanted to see how much money the Lu family had. Quickly come up with such a large sum of money.

That's the best thing about being an emperor. You can cheat anyone you want. Before, you wanted to cheat Qin Zixuan, but when you found something wrong, you turned around and cheated Lu Qiang. Lu Qiang's face turned red. He's really his good son-in-law. He's really ruthless. .

Lu Qiang wanted to bargain with Qin Zixuan to save a little bit, but when the emperor intervened, he didn't save half of it. What made Lu Qiang vomit blood was that Qin Zixuan donated the money in front of the emperor and all the ministers.

Prince Cheng said that now that the country is in crisis, as the current prince, he feels sorry for the orphans of Daqin and those children who lost their parents' protection, so he doesn't keep a cent of Lu Qiang's compensation, and donates it all to the Charity Bureau.

Listen, how tall is King Cheng, look at Lu Qiang again, many people who are full of justice in their hearts despise Lu Qiang fiercely, the family is so rich and has never donated much money, but the mansion of King Cheng has donated many times , King Cheng is indeed a model of worrying about the country and the people.

The matter was resolved perfectly, there was flattery in the hall, this time it was Qin Zixuan's flattery, they found out that there is a reason why Prince Cheng's mansion is not good, originally accepting Lu Qiang's money would be a joke, but King Cheng just played with it Slip.

They didn't take any money, so they turned around and sold one. Didn't you see that the emperor is praising the king!Well, it's just that the emperor's complexion is not very good, I don't know if it is constipation.

After Qin Zixuan settled the important matter, he yawned and asked the emperor to resign. The emperor asked him to stay, saying that after the conclusion, he would discuss tax issues and wanted to hear Qin Zixuan's opinion.

It's okay if you don't say this, but when Qin Zixuan was holding his stomach and complained of pain, Li Han became anxious, picked up Qin Zixuan and sued the emperor, and ran out of the hall with big strides, the speed was too fast, so fast that the emperor had no chance keep people.

Lin Yucheng did not sleep with his eyes closed this time, but stared wide-eyed at the two people who disappeared at the entrance of the main hall.As for the topic of discussing taxation that the emperor said, hehe, Lin Yucheng said that he had never heard of this news. This is the emperor's bad move.

The emperor's words reminded the officials, that is, the emperor wanted to attack them and rob them of their money. King Liucheng and the general discussed tax issues, so it would not be because they wanted them to check taxes. Yes, they have to object to whatever they say.

In the blink of an eye, many ministers' eyes were right, and then they raised their eyebrows and winked to indicate what to do next. If the emperor brings up the matter of King Cheng, we have to stop whatever we say, and we can't let King Cheng check taxes.

Poor Lu Qiang was full of confidence to sue the imperial court, but unexpectedly turned around and lost his family fortune. The distressed Lu Qiang wiped his tears, this time he really cried.

The emperor didn't look at Lu Qiang who was wiping away his tears, but took the initiative to mention the taxation, which means that Daqin's treasury is tight now, which is not normal. The treasury was always sufficient when the former emperor was here, and there is something wrong here.

It's almost like saying that you ministers bullied me when I just came to power, deliberately made me look bad, and dragged it to the tax inspection. Before the emperor asked who was going to check the tax, Zhang Yi'an stepped forward to protect the capital, and Baolu forced it.

Zhang Jian'an, a bad old man, won't feel sorry for Yinzi anymore, and in a blink of an eye, he pushes Lu Qiang into the gun again. Tax inspection is a job that offends people. .

Of course, the most important thing is that this kind of thing will definitely be retaliated afterwards. If the Lu family collapses, his daughter will be able to take over. What can Empress Lu do if she loses foreign aid and does not step down? Sit down.

Zhang Yi'an's proposal was supported by the officials, and Lu Qiang spat out a mouthful of blood in anger, and then declined on the grounds that he was unwell. They all vomited blood. If Lu Qiang was forced to take the position, it would be unreasonable.

The emperor was very relieved to see Lu Qiang's refusal. Lu Qiang was not that stupid, but he seemed stupid when he met Qin Zixuan's unreasonable couple.

Zhang Yi'an's proposal was invalidated, the emperor opened his mouth to propose King Cheng's ascension, and he saw Fu Chengying stepped forward to protect his capital, and unexpectedly, he was protecting Prince Cheng. This move won the emperor's heart, and the emperor lamented that Fu Aiqing knew him well.

It's just that Fu Chengying's capital preservation was frantically blocked, and two-thirds of the people in the hall stepped forward to refute, saying everything, but Qin Zixuan couldn't be in charge anyway.

This group of people knew in their hearts that Qin Zixuan was responsible for their guilt, that guy is a complete fool, he doesn't care about offending others, he will definitely clear up the taxation clearly, even more than the virtuous king back then .

There was a lot of noise in the hall, and Qin Zixuan had already been carried into the carriage by Li Han. Once in the carriage, Qin Zixuan's stomach pain stopped, this guy sat up straight and took out a pair of dice and shook them.

While shaking, he asked: "Why did the emperor suddenly mention the topic of taxation? Is there any sign of this in the court recently?"

"There's really no sign of this. I guess your suing Zhang Yi'an played a role. The emperor is trying to get money for the treasury." Li Han took out the teapot and poured water for Qin Zixuan, and brought the full cup to Qin Zixuan's mouth.

Qin Zixuan opened his mouth to drink it, and continued to shake the dice in his hand. After a while, the sound of the dice stopped. Qin Zixuan was amused, and said out of the window: "Lu Qiang framed this king and the general with wrong intentions, but the king and the general are benevolent. Instead of taking Lu Qiang's life, Lu Qiang was fined 430 million silver to help orphans, and Cheng Wang's Palace will start giving porridge from today to help families in need who have lost their men."

After saying that, Qin Zixuan shut his mouth. A good reputation is very important to a person's future. Qin Zixuan's action is to prepare for the future.There was a sound outside the window, and Qin Zixuan continued to smile badly in the car as he regained his composure.

After a long time, Qin Zixuan asked leisurely: "Do you think the emperor will be so angry that he wants to vomit blood when he receives the news? Is he helping Prince Cheng's mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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