Chapter 1196
Qin Zixuan went back to Prince Cheng's Mansion, and Concubine Cheng was sitting in the Fenglin Courtyard waiting for the two to return. Seeing them returning safely, Concubine Cheng was relieved. Her son was not in Yujing. Concubine Cheng missed her son. In Yujing, Concubine Cheng never slept peacefully.

The water is very deep now, the emperor is not the former prince. Concubine Cheng is worried that the emperor will attack Prince Cheng's mansion, so she sleeps with her eyes half open. If Qin Zixuan has only been back for a few days, Concubine Cheng wants to persuade her son to go play again and stay away. Yujing.

Ruxue made breakfast and sat beside her. Seeing Qin Zixuan and Li Han coming back, she immediately smiled and asked if they were hungry?Do you want to have dinner now?

Is there even a need to ask this kind of thing?Of course the food was served, Qin Zixuan took the handkerchief handed over by the maid to wipe her hands, Li Han stretched out her paws and waited for Qin Zixuan to help her wipe her hands.

Concubine Cheng asked, "Nothing happened, right?"

"My lord, don't worry, nothing happened, just the grandsons of the Lu family are not enough to watch." Qin Zixuan replied casually, the biggest shortcoming of Lu Qiang is that he has a living witness, if the witness is dead, it will be troublesome to come back, living people, hehe , the general will interrogate the prisoners.

Concubine Cheng looked at the bright smile on her son's face, and felt relieved, knowing that she did not suffer a loss when she entered the palace this time, otherwise her son would not have suffered such an expression, and her son would not have suffered a disadvantage.

Looking at the laziness of the daughter-in-law, I feel more at ease. Li Han's bastard's expression is too relaxed, it doesn't look like something is wrong, even if something is wrong, it is someone else's trouble.

The food was delivered quickly, and Princess Cheng saw her son eating with great gulp, and felt distressed. The son is not hungry, and he must have found nothing to eat in the hall. Let's see how hungry he is.

This is said, as if the main hall is a dining hall, ask how many ministers dare to eat in the main hall, and only the freak King Cheng.

After Qin Zixuan was full, Concubine Cheng found out what had happened. Li Han told the story, looked at the belching husband, and concluded that it was Lu Qiang who jumped the wall in a hurry.

This guy didn't tell the truth to Concubine Cheng, didn't tell the good thing she did yesterday, not only went to Lu's house to set fire, but also carried away Zhang's treasure, Zhang Yi'an didn't find it yet, when Zhang Yi'an found out, it was Zhang Yi'an who vomited blood myself.

Qin Zixuan took the tea from Mrs. Song, took a sip, put down the cup, and stretched his arms lazily on the chair, asking Li Han to help him rub his stomach, screaming that he was full.

Li Han asked if he wanted to go for a walk to digest and digest, Qin Zixuan waved his hands to express that he didn't want to move, he wanted to go for a walk when he was full, it was against him.

Ruxue's heart ached when she heard that, and she ran to help Qin Zixuan prepare the soup for digestion. Concubine Cheng ordered Qin Zixuan to have a head and didn't know what to say, so she actually made herself full.

Li Han suggested that Qin Zixuan should dissolve it. The defuse technique has too many functions, it can dissolve everything, even if you are full of food, Qin Zixuan thinks this is a good suggestion, so he operates the dissolve technique silently.

After a while, Qin Zixuan farted a few loud farts. He felt that the smell here was a bit unpleasant. He didn't expect to resolve the sequelae this time by farting.

"Hey, this, hey, my lord, let's talk in another place." Qin Zixuan smiled awkwardly, although he said that he couldn't control the world, but he was still embarrassed to fart loud and smelly.

Concubine Cheng held her nose and got up to leave. When will this eldest son grow up!Soon everyone in the house ran away, only the little maid opened the doors and windows for ventilation when she left.

There was no discussion in the main hall. Except for Qin Zixuan and Li Han, anyone can check the tax. This is the bottom line of the officials, just don't let these two intervene, because the virtuous king has checked the tax before, and the emperor has his eyes fixed on it again. On the body of the virtuous king.

It's just that King Xian's complexion is not very good, he has been sweating profusely, and the emperor is weak when he asks questions. After asking, he finds out that King Xian is not in good health. He stayed in the middle of the night yesterday, and it is already the extreme to be able to survive today.

I had no choice but to let King Xian go down to rest. When King Xian returned to the palace, he lay down in the room and fell asleep with his head covered. Several sons came in and out and kept busy. The imperial doctor of the imperial hospital invited several doctors, but King Xian was not seen. better.

After everyone finished their busy work, Qin Ziming sat by Xian Wang's bed and had fun. At the same time, he also admired his father. Yesterday Lu's house was on fire, and Xian Wang quietly called Qin Ziming to his side, asking if there was any way to make him pretend to be sick.

Qin Ziming asked if he wanted to pretend to be very similar, as if the imperial doctor couldn't find out the cause of the disease until he was exhausted, the Xian Wang said that it could be possible, this time was troubled, and the Xian Wang wanted to hide in the mansion for peace.

So Qin Ziming contributed the medicine that Dahai gave him, and then the virtuous king dragged him into the hall with a pale face.

At this moment, the virtuous king was lying on the bed, his body looked weak, but his heart was not uncomfortable. He softly told Qin Ziming what happened in the court, and finally concluded that the emperor wanted to use Qin Zixuan to check taxes, and then asked Qin Zixuan to send the officials Offended to death.

Although Prince Cheng's Mansion is on the cusp of the storm, the relationship with the officials is not tense. Only those who are eager to make contributions want to step on the throne of Prince Cheng's Mansion, and others are more likely to watch from the sidelines.

If Qin Zixuan was to investigate taxes, with Qin Zixuan's two-sided personality, he would definitely investigate thoroughly. Then there would be many people offended, and the big families would be able to offend them all over again.

Even if Qin Zixuan didn't commit crimes or offend others, he would definitely not be able to handle the job well, and he would still be caught. What King Xian meant was that Qin Zixuan would not accept this. Judging by Qin Zixuan's reaction today, that kid should see through it.

Qin Ziming opened his mouth and listened dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the location of Prince Cheng's Mansion is so dangerous now. There are so many open and hidden arrows. Lu Qiang's move was only broken, and the emperor made a move. This is really a loop.

Trying it on himself, Qin Ziming felt that he must not have reacted so fast, the emperor didn't say anything, just talked about it, Qin Zixuan pretended to be sick and ran away, this person is too smart.

"You have nothing to learn from Cheng Wang. You have to learn from Kun'er. Look at Kun'er hanging around Dahai. When will you make progress?" Xian Wang stared at Qin Ziming and hated iron and steel. Stupid, but fortunately he has a business mind, otherwise his life would be wasted.

Qin Ziming blinked his eyes, is Kun'er doing well beside Dahai?Why didn't he know, every time he asked about Kun'er, Qin Zixuan would push that he didn't know, saying that Kun'er left with Gu Yueru, why did he follow the sea now?
This guy foolishly asked what was in his heart, the sage king gritted his teeth in anger, is there any difference between Kun'er following Gu Yueru and following the sea?Gu Yueru is Dahai's master, where does Dahai's baby go, and Gu Yueru will not follow?

(End of this chapter)

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