Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1197 The Loyal Slave

Chapter 1197 The Loyal Slave
If Qin Zixuan knew that the virtuous king thought so, he would definitely give him a thumbs up. He is too smart. Sister Yue really followed the sea, and she was always in the dark, and never came to the light. Few people knew that Gu Yueru was in the Eastern Continent. All are confidantes.

Gu Yueru is not only in the Eastern Continent, but Zhao Qingfeng is also in the Eastern Continent. The demigod Gong Liangyan probably figured it out, but he didn't say it clearly, but the demigod is smart and gave the Gongliang family a big territory.

In fact, Gu Yueru and Zhao Qingfeng had already selected the site. They didn't want the first and second highest mountains, but they wanted a dangerous place with good concealment. This was the site that the Gu Yue family liked.

Dahai can gather a large number of talents in a short period of time, without the support of the Gu Yue family, it is impossible to do it. The four major families have their own goals. They cooperate with Daqin and Chengwangfu.

Cooperation with Prince Cheng's Mansion is different, that is, work is paid for, the Yangtze River is mixed in the Western Continent, and the children of the Eastern Royal Family have gone countless, obeying the command of the Yellow River, and conquered half of the Western Continent.

In the future, the territory there must be a branch of the Eastern Royal Family. Linger went to the extreme north. The situation there is still unknown, but Gong Liangyan said that Linger must have a great chance.

The members of the Fengwu family who accompanied Ling'er also gained a lot. As early as when the children were about to leave Chengwang's mansion, Gong Liangyan, a magician, calculated the whereabouts of each family and chose the most suitable direction for their development. .

The Yanhuang Continent is centered on the Great Qin, and there are four continents in the east, west, north and south. Now the children of Prince Cheng's Mansion have gone to three directions, leaving the Suzaku Empire in the Southern Continent to fight against the Great Qin. These people are also a bunch of black-bellied guys.

The current four big and four families are still quite cooperative. They know that the general situation of the world cannot be changed by manpower.

But these are all done in secret, and those who know are the high-level people, or the disciples of various families. Those who stay in Daqin as errands don't know about it, and only those who leave Daqin on business know.

To Daqin, they have always claimed that they have a small number of people and are practicing in seclusion. The Gu Yue family has not shown up until now. Anyway, their famous saying is that Daqin has not yet reached the critical point of life and death, and even if the new emperor is dissatisfied, there is nothing he can do.

No one thought that the truth would be seen through by the Xian Wang. The Xian Wang actually thought that Kun'er was following the sea, which is amazing my brother!

Qin Ziming listened half-understood like an idiot, then walked out of Xian Wang's room in a daze, slapping his head all the way, thinking in his heart that the water in Yujing is too muddy, I have to think There is a way to get out.

In the afternoon, the rumors in Yujing City reached their peak, because the housekeeper of Prince Cheng's mansion went to Lu's house to collect the bill, Lu Qiang wanted to delay it, but was thrown rotten vegetables and leaves, and some people scolded him for cheating.

As for why this is so, it is because of their vital interests. Although Yujing's living standard is good, some families have also fallen into difficulties after years of fighting.

Especially for those who lost their sons, life is really difficult. The pension system that Qin Zixuan established back then has not been implemented now. It is not that the emperor does not want to implement it, but that the treasury has no money.

At this time, Prince Cheng's Mansion stood up to give out porridge, which was good news for many families. Reminiscent of the fact that those systems were established under the guidance of King Cheng, the favor for Prince Cheng's Mansion skyrocketed.

The housekeeper of Cheng Wang’s Mansion came to collect the money, and the Lu family received scolding when they paid slowly. Angrily, Lu Qiang continued to vomit blood, regretting provoking Cheng Wang’s Mansion. I didn’t realize that Cheng Wang’s Mansion had such a good reputation among the people before. This will really feel the difference .

The Lu family was indeed rich. They had banknotes and cash and gold. They pulled ten carts and managed to make up 430 million. The gold and silver were not transported to Prince Cheng's Mansion, but to the Charity Bureau.

The Director of the Charity Bureau was waiting at the door. He heard the crowing of magpies early in the morning. Sure enough, something good happened. Thinking of going to Lu's house to ask them for donations, the old Director couldn't help but pooh.

At that time, Lu Qiang had no money, but now, hehe, after a big fire, he managed to collect 430 million yuan in one day. Is this someone who has no money?
Seeing the long queue approaching, the old bureau chief went up to express his thanks, and begged the old housekeeper to pass it on to Prince Cheng. Many children and old people who lost their family protection thanked Prince Cheng for their kindness.

The old butler responded with a smile, with a proud face on his face. His prince is kind-hearted. After the handover was completed, the old butler waved his sleeves and led the servants away. It's time.

At the same time, the porridge shed in Cheng Wang's Mansion was also built. The speed of Cheng Wang's Mansion's work was much faster than that of the state machinery. When it came to doing nothing, this made the emperor who got the news gritted his teeth with hatred.

Empress Lu came to ask to see her, but the new emperor refused to see her. Now the new emperor doesn't want to see Empress Lu very much, not even Prince Yuer.How did he fall in love with the Lu family back then?
Concubine Zhang Guixin came to sting a few words, and then walked away. Zhang Guifei is a smart master, knowing that the emperor would want to be quiet, she should hide and go. Rather than appearing now to make people unhappy, it is better to find out The opportunity arises again.

The new emperor was upset, sitting there depressed, Xiaodouzi scratched his head impatiently, Xiaodouzi had never experienced such a thing, he didn't know how to help the emperor, so he could only be anxious.

Suddenly, Xiaodouzi thought of Wei Dehai. The old eunuch is now guarding the mausoleum of the emperor.

So Xiaodouzi suggested that the emperor send someone to invite Wei Dehai, the emperor thought it made sense, and hurriedly sent someone out of Beijing overnight to the imperial mausoleum to invite Wei Dehai, Qin Zixuan couldn't help curling his lips when he got the news.

It's only now that I think of Wei Dehai, it's too late, Wei Dehai at this meeting has passed away a long time ago, in fact Wei Dehai died more than a month after the death of the emperor, but no one knew about it.

Wei Dehai completed the handover, and then entered the secret room when he arrived at the imperial mausoleum, and never came out again. No one cared about an old eunuch who lost power, so that no one reported the news until now.

Li Han shook his cup and said to Qin Zixuan: "That old man Wei Dehai is a loyal master. for so long."

After Li Han spilled the wine in his glass on the ground, Qin Zixuan sighed, feeling sorry for Wei Dehai. Wei Dehai was more loyal to the late emperor than the court ministers, and loyal to Great Qin. Unfortunately, Qin Zixuan also poured a glass of wine to pay homage to Wei Dehai.

(End of this chapter)

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