Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1200 Complaint

Chapter 1200 Complaint
The imperial palace is a place without secrets. This is true at all. The conversation between Lin Yucheng and the emperor spread quickly, and it reached Queen Lu's ears. Queen Lu, who was angry, dropped her cup again, beat the maid and scolded the eunuch.

In the end, Empress Lu even invited Lin Yucheng's wife into the palace to speak. This kind of thing often happened in the past, but at that time the new emperor was still the prince, and he hadn't shown his sharpness yet, and he was still in a good disguise. The relationship is really good.

Empress Lu and Mrs. Lin have gradually drifted away since she became the throne. Now that Mrs. Lin is suddenly invited into the palace, the fool knows what it is for. After receiving the edict, Mrs. Lin did not rush to leave, but sent someone to inform Cheng Wangfu.

Qin Zixuan sincerely convinced his aunt, who was also cautious, it was not a big deal, she was on guard, Qin Zixuan took Li Han into the palace for safety's sake, they didn't see the queen, but the old queen.

Knowing that Qin Zixuan was leaving, Mrs. Lin was relieved, she was safe with these two guards, and if something unexpected happened, she could arrange for someone to go to the Xianju Hall to ask Cheng Wang for help.

Empress Lu sat in the palace and was so angry that she finally waited for Mrs. Lin. When Mrs. Lin saw Empress Lu, she began to complain, telling Lin Yucheng that she had taken an offending job.

Find out who offended whom, but this is still the task assigned by the emperor. I asked the empress if she would transfer this work to someone else. Empress Lu was so angry that she cursed the Lin family for having no good people. thing.

Mrs. Lin chatted with Empress Lu, and Qin Zixuan also entered the Xianju Palace. The old lady was very happy to see Qin Zixuan and his wife came to see her, and held Qin Zixuan's hand reluctantly to let go.

The old queen knew that her body was getting worse day by day, so it was hard to say whether she could survive this winter. These grandchildren had seen each other for a while, and the old queen looked at Qin Zixuan with red eye circles.

She can still protect Prince Cheng's mansion when she is alive, if she is gone, who will protect this kid, this kid is a lawless master who is not bound by etiquette, the old lady is worried.

A few people sat there chatting, and when they talked about the recent situation, Qin Zixuan sighed again and again, and the moment he opened his mouth, he complained to the old lady, telling the old lady that the Lu family had no good people, and that they wanted to frame him and the general, and the old lady's eyes widened.

Sitting there, Qin Zixuan spoke flexibly, from the fire in Lu's family to the time when Lu Qiang sued him in the main hall, how he fought back bravely, and incidentally stabbed the old lady about Lu Sheng's good deeds.

Hearing that Lu Sheng did such an unsightly thing at the gate of the Taimiao, and even brought disaster to the team leader on duty, the old lady slapped the table and cursed, what a bitch, dare to do it on her son's sacrifice day This kind of nasty thing, the new emperor is really good!
The old empress immediately ordered Empress Ma Lu and Mrs. Lu to come over, she would like to ask how the Lu family's tutor was taught, and who taught them all!
Mrs. Lin stared at the maid who fell to the ground, with cold sweat on her forehead. This is slandering her for poisoning. Empress Lu is really good at it. She can use this kind of method. Is it impossible for me to tell?

I was thinking of a way, when there was a voice outside, it was actually inviting Empress Lu and Madam Lin to the Xianju Hall, the old empress sent someone to invite Empress Lu, Qin Zixuan said that my aunt was invited by Empress Lu to speak in the palace, you call me together Come on, I happen to have a chat with my uncle Ma too.

The old queen was very angry at the time. She came to the Xianju Palace because she was worried about Mrs. Lin's accident. However, Mr. Lin's tax inspection is a state matter, and no one can vent it. Now that the national treasury is tense, I really think she, an old lady, doesn't know who is doing it. Is it a good thing!

So Mrs. Lin was also on the invitation list, which made Mrs. Lin breathe a sigh of relief, lamenting that she made the right move, and that kid Qin Zixuan is still very reliable, but she doesn't know what kind of chess that kid is playing.

When the two of them entered the Xianju Palace, they saw Li Han peeling grapes and throwing them into Qin Zixuan's mouth. The old queen sat there and watched cheerfully. Just watching Qin Zixuan eat, the old queen's mood would improve many.

Empress Lu did not dare to act presumptuously in front of the Empress Dowager. This is an old man who has ruled the harem for many years. She has just taken over the harem.

I just saw Qin Zixuan and Li Han here, and suddenly felt bad. Qin Zixuan smiled at Empress Lu. He used to deal with this person a lot, because at that time the relationship between the prince brother and Qin Zixuan was still very good, and the princess concubine also often Go to Chengwang Mansion.

It's just that the positions of the two parties have changed now, and the relationship between Qin Zixuan and the new emperor is gradually becoming antagonistic. It's hell if the relationship between the two parties can be good, anyway, Qin Zixuan doesn't believe it.

Empress Lu lowered her eyes to hide her emotions. First, she greeted the old lady, and then Qin Zixuan and Li Han bowed to Empress Lu. It was a salute. These two saluted now. Li Han used to kneel down on one knee like a soldier. , and now it has changed.

Mrs. Lin saluted the old queen, and then saluted Qin Zixuanhuai Li Han, even if she was an aunt, it was useless, a woman's status was low, and she had to salute when she met King Cheng and the general.

Qin Zixuan cheerfully excused Madam Lin, and asked if he had a good chat with the queen?What topics were they talking about, Empress Lu changed color in fright, and quickly said that the two had a very happy chat, as for the dead palace lady, she didn't mention a word.

Smart people know that this kind of method can't be seen in the light, it's death in the light, if it is put on the table, it's too easy to find out the truth with Qin Zixuan and Li Han's ability.

Mrs. Lin happily said yes yes, the chat was very happy, and the conversation cost lives, and I really feel worthless for that maid, she died in vain!

The old queen called Empress Lu to ask him how much he knew about Lu Sheng.How much does the Lu family know about the current power, and they dare to act presumptuously at the gate of the Taimiao, do they still have the Tian family in their eyes?

This question was too harsh, Empress Lu quickly knelt down in fright, hating Qin Zixuan in her heart, why did you bring up this issue even after you received the compensation? Isn't this just looking for trouble?Besides, the emperor helped to cover up this matter, so why did the trouble come to the old lady.

Qin Zixuan raised his lips and didn't look at Empress Lu. This matter was supposed to have been exposed, but who asked Empress Lu to trouble her aunt, and finally called her aunt into the palace.

The old queen was really angry when she saw Empress Lu. She didn't know about Lu Sheng before. If she knew about this, she would have replaced the princess long ago. What kind of daughter can such a family teach?

Qin Zixuan sat by the side and watched the empress dowager admonishing others. Empress Lu knelt on the ground and begged, saying that she was a daughter who had gone out of the family, and she really didn't know about her natal family. If she married into the Tian family, she was a member of the Tian family. I don't know much, and I don't know that Lu Sheng has the audacity to do such insane things.
(End of this chapter)

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