Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1201 The Truth

Chapter 1201 The Truth
Watching Empress Lu's performance, Qin Zixuan almost burst out laughing. Empress Lu said that she is from the Tian family, so why did her aunt come into the palace? Isn't it because she heard that her uncle was investigating the Lu family? It's really ridiculous.

The old queen let Empress Lu kneel there and cry, the ancestral rules are there, and the harem is not allowed to interfere in politics, so the old queen implemented it very well, and naturally she didn't want to see someone destroy it.

This is a lesson for Empress Lu. If she is not allowed to kneel until her knee hurts, the old lady will not let her go. When Mrs. Lu came in, she saw Empress Lu kneeling there with a wonderful expression.

Mrs. Lu was scolding in her heart, but she didn't show it on the surface. She knelt there to say hello to the old queen, to Prince Cheng and the general, and then looked at Queen Lu, wondering if this courtesy was okay or not?
I can't let Empress Lu kneel there to accept my gift, but I can't be rude, but it makes Mrs. Lu embarrassing.The old queen sat there with a sullen face, pretending not to see, and wanted to cool Madam Lu and Queen Lu.

Over there, Qin Zixuan had already chatted with his aunt, boasting that his aunt was so well dressed, and Mrs. Lin couldn't laugh or cry because of her glib appearance. Is this the time to praise someone?Is this because there are not enough enemies who dislike Lin Jiacheng's palace?

But this also shows from the side that Prince Cheng really has no heart, and he doesn't care about the occasion when joking. Is this the kind of person who will rebel?Anyway, Mrs. Lin didn't believe it, so she couldn't figure out why the Tian family couldn't accommodate Prince Cheng's mansion.

Chatting here is very happy, Empress Lu gritted her silver teeth with hatred, she only hoped that the old queen would die soon, so that she could really take over the harem, and then let's see who will support Prince Cheng's mansion!

Li Han happily sat next to Qin Zixuan, his eyes swept over Mrs. Lu and Empress Lu from time to time, he did not miss the hatred in Empress Lu's eyes, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. This is also a master with a deep heart, but luckily he didn't marry into Prince Cheng's mansion , or else I have something to fight.

After the time for the two of them to have a stick of incense, the old queen asked Empress Lu to get up, and then asked Madam Lu how she taught her son. Madam Lu was so frightened that she knelt down again. .

In fact, Mrs. Lu really knows why Lu Sheng became like that, but it's hard to tell, and she doesn't want to tell outsiders, because that would ruin her reputation.

Of course, Lu Qiang's reputation is not much better, because Lu Sheng's mother did not die of illness as rumored outside, but was pushed into the lotus pond by Lu Qiang and drowned. At that time, Lu Sheng was squatting among the flowers nearby.

Lu Qiang didn't know about this, but Mrs. Lu knew about it. Mrs. Lu didn't say anything about it, and kept it in her heart. At the same time, she was always on guard against Lu Sheng, for fear that she would fall asleep and Lu Sheng would cut herself. After Lu Sheng was kicked out of Yujing, Mrs. Lu felt relieved.

At that time, Lu Sheng was still young and could not see his sexual orientation. It was not until one day that Lu Qiang married Lu Sheng that Lu Sheng's sexual orientation was revealed.

From then on, Lu Sheng played very fiercely. When the news reached the emperor's ears, Empress Lu had already become the princess concubine. Beijing, no one is allowed to enter Beijing without a summons.

After Lu Sheng left Yujing, there was no news of him gradually. I didn't expect that the first thing the new emperor would do after taking office was to get Lu Sheng back.Thinking of this, Mrs. Lu scolded Lu Sheng in her heart as a villain.

Mrs. Lu didn't know how to explain this matter, so she could only kowtow to plead guilty, so the old queen deprived Mrs. Lu of her title of imperial wife and beat her body for nothing, which really made Mrs. Lu's blood hit her throat.

Empress Lu saw that the old lady was punishing Mrs. Lu severely, she lowered her head and said nothing, let alone begged for mercy, Qin Zixuan was not afraid of getting into trouble, so he bent over and tilted his head to watch Empress Lu's expression.

I happened to see Empress Lu gnashing her teeth, and I don't know who she is hating?Could it be that he hated the old lady?Can't!If the news is correct, Mrs. Lu should be Queen Lu's enemy.

Seeing Qin Zixuan's appearance, the old lady couldn't help coughing twice, and reminded Qin Zixuan to pay attention to his image. He has stayed with her for a long time, and it's time to let Qin Zixuan go, otherwise this guy might make some kind of joke.

Thinking of the old lady reminding Qin Zixuan that he can go, anyway, the purpose has been achieved, so don't be lazy here, and I have to deal with Queen Lu, I really think that I will believe what she says.

Qin Zixuan sat up straight with a smile on his face, and said goodbye to the old lady honestly. At the same time, he reminded the old lady to take care of herself and must wait until she hugged her great-grandson. The happy old lady asked if Dahai had a crush.

This is really not there, but sooner or later, that is, in the past few years, no more than 22 years old at the latest, this age limit makes the old lady angry, 22 at the latest, how old is Dahai's baby now?How many years does she have to live?

What did you say to make yourself wait to have a great-grandson? This is just to amuse yourself!If Queen Lu and Mrs. Lu were not here, the old queen really wanted to catch Qin Zixuan and talk about him, could she be more mature.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han took Mrs. Lin out of Xianju Palace. Qin Zixuan didn't worry about the following things. He got into the carriage and asked Mrs. Lin about Empress Lu. Mrs. Lin put her palms together and chanted Buddha.

Today's matter is really too dangerous. Fortunately, I cautiously invited King Cheng and the General to sit in the guard, otherwise this little life might really go to Empress Lu. That woman is too insidious to resort to poisonous tricks.

After Mrs. Lin finished speaking in a low voice, Qin Zixuan and Li Han looked at each other, and couldn't help but rejoice at the timing. I also have to suffer some crimes.

"I didn't expect that the little white lotus in the past has changed now, her thoughts are really vicious." Qin Zixuan sighed, thinking that the first time he saw the crown princess, he really thought that the other party was a white lotus, a clear and beautiful beauty At that time, I was worried that the other party would not live long in the harem, but now it seems that she will live for a long time.

"Do you think that the last time Empress Lu was poisoned was a play directed and acted by herself?" Li Han asked suddenly, opening up a big hole, that is, the new emperor knew about Lu Sheng's sexual inclinations. There is an opinion, and in order to protect the queen, she played a bitter trick.

After Li Han gave the reason, Qin Zixuan and Mrs. Lin looked at each other, and felt that it was possible that Empress Lu's vicious character could really do such a thing, but she felt sorry for the dead ghost.

After they sent Mrs. Lin back to Lin's mansion, they didn't get out of the car, but drove the carriage directly to Prince Cheng's mansion. On the way, Li Han poked his head out of the window and stared in one direction.

(End of this chapter)

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