Chapter 1207

Xiaodouzi suggested that Qin Zixuan and Li Han be forced to go to war. This action received a stern eye shot from the new emperor. Eunuchs and women in the harem are not allowed to interfere in politics. Xiaodouzi's move went beyond.

Received the emperor's gaze, Xiaodouzi's heart was pounding in fright, wishing to slap himself a few times, what kind of mouths are there, is this kind of thing a rootless man can intervene in?Quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty.

"Don't be an example!" The new emperor's cold voice sounded, and Xiao Douzi hurriedly thanked him, knowing that his actions had caused the emperor's dissatisfaction, and he had to pay more attention in the future, otherwise he might not be able to sit firmly in the position of Chief Dou.

It's not that I didn't think about it, but I thought about it many times. The last time I just proposed to assist, I was watched a lot by Li Han. If this kind of thing angered Li Han, who would he ask for a knife in the middle of the night? go.

The new emperor is very thoughtful, afraid of death and distrusting others, this narrow-minded and fluffy personality is completely exposed, even Xiaodouzi, who has been with him for the longest time, needs to get to know the emperor in front of him again.

Alas, the new emperor sighed, if only he had Li Han's level of strength, it would be great, but unfortunately he doesn't have that talent, and he can't learn advanced martial arts. Speaking of talent, the new emperor thought of Qin Zixuan, that kid seems to have no talent.

"Are the fruits in Yunmeng Swamp ripe? Why haven't they been sent to the palace yet?" The emperor's thoughts turned quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he turned to the fruits to improve his strength.

"Back to the emperor, last time the spies reported that they were not yet mature." Xiaodouzi bowed and replied, not daring to be careless.

The new emperor sat there with his head tilted and didn't speak. He also ate the fruit, and his strength improvement was limited, but I heard that some people in the army ate it and their strength increased rapidly. Unfortunately, there are too few fruits.

"Ever since Qin Zixuan sent back those batches of fruits, they haven't matured yet. How long does it take for the fruits to mature?" I want more, but unfortunately I don't have any.

Xiaodouzi bowed his head to plead guilty, he didn't know about this, maybe he could ask King Cheng, the new emperor had a headache when he heard Qin Zixuan's name, Qin Zixuan was not an official in the court, but important things always have his shadow.

For such a big matter, King Cheng decided to take the lead, and the Tian family won not get as much as the few of them put together. Is this world still the world of Daqin?
If the new emperor knew that the fruit was not immature, but was divided up by the four major families and Cheng Wang's mansion, I don't know what his mentality is at this time.

Zhao Shengchuan!These three words suddenly appeared in the emperor's mind, maybe Zhao Shengchuan could be appointed as the supervisor of the army, but if the Lin family became suspicious, then his dark chess would be useless.

This is not a good thing, he still wants to use Zhao Shengchuan's hand to control the Lin Mansion, so this person can't move for the time being, so who should be dispatched?Xianwang is a good candidate, but the relationship between Xianwang's mansion and Chengwang's mansion is too good, so we have to guard against this.

The emperor sat there and thought for a while, the emperor who can be used must be guarded, and the king who does not need to be guarded does not want to see them, or they can't suppress the king, who should be chosen?

Qin Zixuan was thinking about when Zhao Shengchuan would die, and the emperor was thinking about how to get Qin Zixuan and the two to the front line. The longer the Suzaku Empire stayed in Daqin, the more detrimental it would be to the emperor's prestige. The emperor would be really anxious.

Because of the defeat of the frontline army, Xue Zhenye knew that Qin Zixuan and Li Han were very powerful, and also knew that Daqin's internal affairs were unstable, and the new emperor could not suppress King Cheng. Here's the chance.

As an experienced veteran general, Xue Zhenye clearly knows the benefits to him of occupying more territory now, and taking more territory realizes that he can face the following battles more calmly.

He can also have more food and grass, more handymen and cannon fodder, and he can drive the people of Daqin to the forefront to pour bullets for them. These are the benefits of occupying the territory.

As soon as Xue Zhenye showed his power, the soldiers on the front line suffered. Zheng Hong's main force was wiped out by Xue Zhenye, and now he is following the direction, and the direction has completely given up on obeying the emperor's order.

Leading a large army to engage in guerrilla warfare, even if he fights head-on, he will have to fight all his soldiers. Fortunately, Xiang Xiang is also a general who has been killed from the bloody flames. He can lead everyone to fight everywhere, so he naturally has his own way.

The direction after letting go of his hands and feet slowed down the speed of Xue Zhenye's progress, but it only slowed down and could not stop it. That is to say, Daqin's territory was shrinking every day. It is not clear that King Cheng and the general are invited to take action.

Qin Zixuan also knew about these situations. Right now, Qin Zixuan was competing with the emperor to see who would be the first to bow his head. Facts proved that Qin Zixuan was more tolerant because he was not an emperor, but a prince.

Even if Daqin disappears, he still has the Eastern Continent to retreat, but the emperor has no retreat. Once Daqin is captured, he will have nothing, so the emperor had to bow his head and call Qin Zixuan into the palace.

Accompanying Qin Zixuan into the palace was Li Han. In the imperial study, the emperor straight to the point told the situation on the front line, hoping that Qin Zixuan could save the situation.

Of course, there is no problem with this, but who owns the military power needs to be explained. The emperor is still vague on this issue. He only said that the two of them should go to war. Qin Zixuan sat there without nodding, and Li Han looked at the emperor secretly. Who is the fool sitting there?
If you want to be loyal, willing to throw your head and blood for Daqin regardless of personal gains and losses, there is no one in it. Li Han has always been a gentleman since he met Qin Zixuan.

This kid Qin Zixuan has watched many movies and TV shows, and knows that loyalty will not end well. Instead of letting others cut off his head and leave a good reputation, Qin Zixuan thinks he should live well.

Everyone is born by parents, and no one is superior to anyone else, so why do you go through life and death to create a peaceful and prosperous world for others, so that others can enjoy it!Anyway, Qin Zixuan didn't want to do business that lost money.

Qin Zixuan just sat like this, staring at the emperor with wide eyes, wanting to see how shameless the emperor can be, if he doesn't explain the military power clearly, Qin Zixuan will not take over this mess.

Who doesn't know the situation on the front line, there is a mess there now, and the consequences of the emperor's blind command in the rear should not be borne by him, a closed prince, but by the emperor.

The emperor looked guilty, avoided Qin Zixuan's sight, and then asked Qin Zixuan to give his opinion. If there is any opinion, he will cooperate with it.

Listening to the emperor's empty talk, Qin Zixuan only sent two haha, or that sentence, everyone is not a fool, who would be a hawk if they don't see a rabbit?
(End of this chapter)

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