Chapter 1208

Qin Zixuan competed patiently with the emperor, and the final result was that the emperor gave in. The emperor proposed that Qin Zixuan be the deputy commander to accompany Li Han to send troops. Li Han was the commander of the three armies, and Zhao Shengchuan accompanied him as the supervisor.

Hearing the emperor made this arrangement, Qin Zixuan curled his lips. He didn't expect the emperor to play Zhao Shengchuan's card right now. It's really good. Is he trying to weaken his vigilance through the relationship of the Lin family?

Haha, Qin Zixuan sent Haha again, and Li Han also laughed along with Haha, the emperor's scalp was numb from laughing, he always felt that this laughter was full of deep meaning, what could it mean?

The emperor asked Qin Zixuan to lead an army of [-] to support the front line. The reason was that there were still [-] soldiers on the front line, which could be merged into Qin Zixuan's command. Qin Zixuan stared angrily. He really regarded him as a fool.

Unexpectedly, it has come to this point. The emperor is still so happy. There were indeed so many soldiers on the front line before, but as the battle unfolded, the number of soldiers available on the front line now does not exceed 30.

The 30 people were still in the direction of risking their heads and leading their subordinates into guerrilla warfare. Only then did they save this little force. Zheng Hong's army now only has a few thousand people.

It's true that Zheng Hong is talented in military affairs, but he is a dead-headed person who is too loyal to the emperor, and executes the emperor's orders without compromise, so all his subordinates fought hard, and only a few thousand people escaped.

Now that the emperor told Qin Zixuan that there are [-] million soldiers on the front line, Qin Zixuan is not happy. Who is this fool?Anyway, he is not a fool, if he has this attitude, then what does Daqin's death have to do with him, anyway, Qin Zixuan will not go to the battlefield with his head up.

Qin Zixuan felt that his life was precious, and he still had to save his life to play with his family. It was impossible for a hundred thousand troops to let him fight against Xue Zhenye's hundreds of thousands of troops, and the battlefield situation was changeable, so no one would dare Make sure that there are no reinforcements from the Suzaku Empire in the sea.

Li Han has a bad temper. When he saw the emperor fooling the couple into fools, he slapped the table angrily, and asked the new emperor if he had enough dragon chairs?If you have enough sitting, let Xian, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, who do you think is a fool?

The angry emperor's face was deformed, and he also knew that it would be difficult to lead an army of 10, but with the fighting power of Qin Zixuan and Li Han, [-] horses were enough to fight against Xue Zhenye.

The emperor had forgotten that the soldiers led by Xue Zhenye were not ordinary soldiers, they were not at the same level as the soldiers Qin Zixuan had encountered before, Qin Zixuan wanted to win with this number of troops, it would be better to say they were delivering food.

Li Han patted the table and told the situation on the front line, then asked the emperor what do you mean?If you don't understand the military, you don't have to intervene. Why did you order to face it head-on? Now that the troops are all gone, who are you going to draw big cakes for?
The embarrassing emperor's face turned blue, purple, and green, like a palette. Qin Zixuan looked away, picked up the cup and smelled it twice, and then dropped the cup. This tea is good, but it doesn't suit my appetite, so I still don't want to drink it. .

Xiaodouzi saw that the emperor was beaten so badly that he couldn't get off the stage, so he stepped forward and shouted at the two of them for their boldness. Qin Zixuan immediately discovered the usefulness of the cup, grabbed the cup and smashed it on Xiaodouzi's head, causing blood to protrude.

Qin Zixuan's affection for Xiaodouzi has long since disappeared. How can a eunuch like him who sees the sky against him have any affection? I really thought that one person would be promoted to heaven by himself. No matter how bad he is, he is also a prince of sincerity, a member of the royal family, and a dead eunuch can scold him .

Xiaodouzi covered his head with a look of horror, only to realize that Prince Cheng is not easy to get along with, and he seemed to be trying to kill himself just now, the emperor's face can no longer be described as ugly.

It is said that beating a dog depends on the owner, but King Cheng doesn't seem to be looking at the owner when beating the dog. Look at his dog's head full of flowers. The red flowers are so eye-catching that they pierced the emperor's heart.

The masters guarding around were restless. They didn't know if they should help the emperor. If they did, they pretended to be the emperor and didn't call them. The general and King Cheng didn't mean to hurt the emperor.

It's just that the slap in the face really hurts a bit. This is the imperial study room. On the emperor's territory, the emperor's chief executive is actually beaten on the emperor's territory. Does the emperor still have face when it spreads?

After hitting someone, Qin Zixuan didn't feel embarrassed at all, but looked up at the emperor's ugly face, and said unhappily: "This Daqin is your Daqin, not mine. You just want to say that you want Daqin to perish. Why bother to be here?" seek death."

"You feel your heart and ask yourself, who have you trusted since you became the throne? How many of those ministers who have followed you all the way to this day are still jumping in front of your eyes, and those who are jumping in front of your eyes What kind of goods are they? Don’t you have any points in your heart?”

"As the Minister of Communications, Zhang Yi'an, don't you know what good things he has done? Most of the income of the Ministry of Communications is divided up by him and his subordinates. How much money can Daqin put out of the treasury now?"

"Lv Qiang, as the minister of strings, what good deeds has he done? Your household secretary keeps complaining all day long that you have no money. How much money from the treasury has entered his house? Don't you know? Why is Fu Chengying here?" Something goes your way? Don't you notice it at all? Do you think you can handle him?"

"Don't tell me that you don't know anything. You know how powerful the spies left by Uncle Huang are. I also know that. Everyone is a smart person. This kind of trick that can't be seen on the stage is rarely used in front of me."

"If you want to be close to villains and far from virtuous ministers, that's your business. Even if the world of Daqin is killed by you, it's also a matter of your lineage. Even if I'm not the prince of Daqin, the people in my Chengwang Palace can still live well, but you If Qin Zihe is not the emperor, what else can you do?"

"The most important thing about being a man is self-knowledge. Don't you, Qin Zihe, know what you are capable of? Not everyone wants to be emperor. In other words, if I, Qin Zixuan, want to become emperor, I will do it long ago, and I won't wait until now. It's just you! Not my opponent either!."

Qin Zixuan came up with a small temper and pointed at the new emperor's nose for a while, scolding the new emperor almost exploded, remember almost, even if Qin Zixuan pointed at the nose and scolded him, he didn't dare to explode.

After scolding, Qin Zixuan calmed down, crossed his hips and panted heavily, Li Han quickly took out a water bag from his waist and handed it over, knowing that the young man didn't want to touch the emperor's things, so Li Han even prepared water when he entered the palace.

The masters hidden around were stunned, holding their weapons and waiting for the emperor's call. They thought that the emperor would let them rush up and kill Qin Zixuan and Li Han, but they were disappointed.

They saw that the emperor they were loyal to hadn't had an attack, and was bowing down to make amends to Prince Cheng. What's going on?Who can tell them who is the emperor?Why?
(End of this chapter)

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