Chapter 1209

The new emperor felt guilty for a while when he saw Qin Zixuan's blushing. The consequence of lack of confidence was to apologize and admit his mistakes. He was also worried that Qin Zixuan would make a mistake and pull himself down. Qin Zixuan could really do this kind of thing.

Of course, even if he could do it, he wouldn't do it, because Qin Zixuan knew that it was impossible for the Great Qin to unify the world. Qin Zixuan knew the distance, and the East Continent was now in his son's hands, so it was impossible to give it away.

Even if Qin Zixuan wanted to send it away, Dahai would not agree. In this case, it has nothing to do with who is the emperor of Great Qin, whether he is wise or stupid. Prince Cheng's mansion has already taken root in the Eastern Continent. If it wasn't for his mother, who would care if he didn't come back? Got it.

Just scolding the new emperor, Qin Zixuan really couldn't bear it anymore, Qin Zixuan felt that he was going to blow up if he continued, damn it, he had to go to the battlefield and do so many tricks, if he didn't hit the emperor, he would designate There is no rations or anything.

The emperor humbly apologized to Qin Zixuan. He was also angry, but what could be done? He also knew many problems Qin Zixuan mentioned. He thought it was not a big problem. As the saying goes, when water is clear, there are no fish. How many corrupt officials can survive? What a big mess, I didn't expect it to become the biggest problem now.

The amount of money handed over by the Ministry of Communications is getting less and less every month, and the Ministry of Households is yelling in my ears every day that there is no money, no money, where did the money go?Hehe, the emperor sneered in his heart, yes, he was surrounded by a group of villains.

Now he has also appointed the virtuous minister Lin Yucheng to check the accounts. Unfortunately, time passed day by day, and the accounts are still piled up there. Up to now, the family has not checked it out. In Lin Yucheng's words, I am in the process of liquidation.

I don't know when the liquidation will end, but Mrs. Lin was called into the harem by Empress Lu. The emperor also knew what happened at that time. It can only be said that the spies left by the former emperor were really powerful.

The emperor did not open his eyes to be stupid, but pretended to be stupid with his eyes open. Some things can be seen through without telling the truth. You do yours and I see mine. Anyway, they are all actors on the same stage.

Now that Qin Zixuan pointed out these situations unceremoniously, the emperor lost most of his confidence and looked at Qin Zixuan with dodge eyes. After scolding him, Qin Zixuan sat there and drank a few sips of water, then remained silent.

The soldiers of the Suzaku Empire are still making trouble in the south. This can't be ignored, but the emperor can't follow the emperor's ideas. He has to think of a way to manage it, otherwise it will be difficult to handle.

The room fell into silence again, Li Han looked at Qin Zixuan with admiration, none of the masters hidden around entered Li Han's eyes, this guy thought that the young man was really handsome.

Few people dared to point at the emperor's nose and scold them like that, and those people were all dead, only the young man was alive and well, which is really heart-warming news.

"Currently, the conscription work is still going on, and there are only 50 soldiers who can be recruited at any time. The other soldiers were either sent to conquer or were injured in the south. There have been more than 400 million casualties in the battle with the Suzaku Empire."

"However, the Suzaku Empire didn't have a good time. They also raised two or three million people one after another. If they hadn't been increasing their troops, they would have been kicked out of Daqin now." Seeing Qin Zixuan's ugly face, the emperor quickly explained.

In fact, Da Qin really took advantage of the early battles, especially when Chen Zhong led his men to station in the south, Da Qin's losses were really small, but after Chen Zhong left, Xue Zhenye's combat power seemed to have improved a lot.

Coupled with an imperial decree to start a frontal battle, Daqin suffered heavy losses. After careful calculation, the emperor was really to blame for this matter, so the more he thought about it, the less confident he became. Even the masters who secretly guarded outside began to doubt that the emperor in front of him could really lead Will Great Qin rule the world?

Dear villain Yuan Xianchen, this is really a big taboo of the emperor, but the crown prince has been suppressed for too long, and he can't hear the opposite opinion in his ears. This will be scolded by Qin Zi, and he will not know after hearing a few words. Anyway, the attitude is very good.

50 is 50, Qin Zixuan also knows the current situation, and with the soldiers under Xiang Xiang's command, he can fight Xue Zhenye.

Now when the emperor mentioned the supervisor again, he quietly scrutinized Qin Zixuan's expression, seeing Qin Zixuan's face turning cold, his heart raised his throat, Qin Zixuan sneered and did not object.

The front line is the battlefield, and if there is an accident, it will be a matter of course. If Zhao Shengchuan dared to go to Qin Zixuan, he dared to make him unable to return to Yujing. Qin Zixuan concealed the murderous look in his eyes and began to beg for food.

As for the fact that the household department has no money, it has nothing to do with Qin Zixuan. This time Qin Zixuan does not intend to contribute money and effort. It is not such a good thing. Since the emperor can just watch those villains of the Zhang family and the Lu family collect money, let the emperor solve it this matter.

If you don't have money, don't even think about sending troops. The three armies will go ahead without food and grass, and Qin Zixuan doesn't plan to go if the money is not in place. Things are stuck here. The emperor thought that Qin Zixuan would take money out of his pocket like in the past.

He opened his mouth and moved a few times but didn't know what to say, so he asked Qin Zixuan why he refused to advance the money this time?It seems that the money advanced last time has not been repaid. If it is said that the treasury has no money, Qin Zixuan also said that several ministers have problems.

It seemed that he had to pay or manage people. The emperor understood what Qin Zixuan meant, and he didn't intend to use it to benefit outsiders, but those people were his confidants, and he still counted on them to do things.

"Well, why don't you pay in advance?" The new emperor started to make it again, and this proposal was offended by Qin Zixuan, that is, isn't the money of my Cheng Wang's mansion money?The money in your treasury doesn't need to be money, and you can let other people pull it home, but the money in my Chengwang's mansion can't.

That's your old Mount Tai, that's your confidant, who has something to do with me, Prince Cheng's Mansion, not only has nothing to do with it, they want to take a few bites from Prince Cheng's Mansion, that's the enemy, why should my money be cheap for the enemy?

The emperor had nothing to say to the one-sentence question, so Qin Zixuan seemed to be right. The problem is, alas, the emperor can only sigh. The problem is that the money has already been stolen, and it will take time to recover it.

He wanted to ask Qin Zixuan to go after the money, but he swallowed the words, the emperor felt that Qin Zixuan was waiting for this sentence, this topic must not be brought up, so the emperor sullenly asked Qin Zixuan and Li Han to go down to prepare, he would deal with the problem of food and grass Think of ways to.

Qin Zixuan got up and left, without a word of nonsense, Li Han glanced around, frightened the hidden masters around him to lower their heads, the general's eyes were too terrifying, as if he knew they existed.

After leaving the palace, the two got into the carriage, and Li Han couldn't help asking: "Sir, did you take explosives today? This doesn't seem like your character."

Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, he didn't eat explosives, he just didn't want to be a fool, why should he earn some money so hard that others would miss him.

(End of this chapter)

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