Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1210 Preparation

Chapter 1210 Preparation
When the two returned to the mansion, they immediately notified the black devil to send in information. Before leaving, they had to study these generals. Qin Zixuan didn't want to be fooled by others.

The 50 troops were in the hands of different generals, and these generals were distributed in different defense areas. Qin Zixuan was drunk after reading these materials, and Qin Zihe, who was afraid of death, didn't let go of a single soldier.

One hundred thousand forbidden soldiers were firmly stationed in Yujing. Compared with the former emperor, Qin Zihe was really not a star and a half behind. This emperor was fooled, and Qin Zixuan didn't want to complain about it.

If the first emperor knew that he had misjudged the person, and after being perfectly deceived by the prince Qin Zihe, would he die in anger again? This is the successor he chose, and this is a successor with the destiny of an emperor Man, I feel that he is not as good as the fifth prince.

Qin Zixuan was looking at the information while thinking about it, Li Han listened cheerfully, and did not comment on the new emperor Qin Zihe for the time being, because he really didn't know what to say, this kind of person is too good at pretending.

The first emperor, that Yin man, was in the ditch. It is estimated that not only the two of them were disappointed with Qin Zihe, but many ministers were also disappointed. The news that Qin Zihe had the fate of an emperor had been dispelled by reality.

"This madman is indeed a madman. He has to guard against him. He is a little crazy for making meritorious service." Li Han pointed to a piece of information and said, Qin Zixuan looked at it, frowning slightly, this kind of person is really not likable.

"The focus is on guarding against this madman. It's hard to guarantee that he won't step on us. I think the emperor will be very happy to see this kind of result." Qin Zixuan kept the word "crazy" in his heart, and focused on guarding against this person.

After reading the documents of more than a dozen generals, Qin Zixuan discovered that none of these generals was actually a soldier Li Han had led. Cheng Qiu and the others were either going out to conquer and stayed away from the power center of Yujing, or Zhixiu stayed at home and entered a nursing home.

Holding the information and discussing with Li Han for a while, both of them felt that this matter is for the time being, even if they change the generals of Daqin, they will do whatever they want.

"Dai Chun is at home now, do you want to invite him over?" Qin Zixuan thought of Dai Chun, a man who had been a soldier all his life, finally chose to retire bravely, and took the initiative to retire at home after Jiang Yunji's accident.

"Don't worry, after the news of our leading troops comes out, if he wants to go to the battlefield, he will naturally come to see me. If he doesn't want to go to the battlefield, why bother to invite him, it's just to embarrass him."

Li Han threw away the list in his hand, his tone was very relaxed, it would be good if he didn't have his former subordinates, if they can enjoy the leisurely life after the retirement, why would it not be a good thing.

If they are not willing to lose at this point, then now is their chance to go out. As for how to choose, Li Han puts the right of choice in their hands, but this time, they will not fight with the generals of the Great Qin, but with their own staff Appear.

For his old subordinates, Li Han has a different kind of affection. They are partners who have experienced the real hell together, and they are also partners who can turn their backs on each other.

Looking at the confident general, Qin Zixuan suddenly stretched out his fingers to hook Li Han's chin and shouted, "Little girl, give me a smile."

Hee hee, Li Han squeezed her throat to imitate Song's laughter, and made Qin Zixuan's hair stand on end. This is really scary. The general's laughter is more suitable for her.

Not long after Qin Zixuan and Li Han left the palace, news spread in Yujing City that King Cheng and the general were going to lead troops south, and many eyes focused on Prince Cheng's mansion.

Even Zhang Yi'an, Lu Qiang and the others, who were fighting fiercely, stopped the fight, turned off the fire for the time being, and turned their attention to Prince Cheng's mansion, wanting to see how Qin Zixuan would go to battle.

Even the rats in the national treasury were almost starving to death. Let alone going out with 50 troops, even [-] troops would be hard to feed. The daily consumption of soldiers was a considerable amount.

There were also people who turned their attention to the Ministry of Accounting. The new Minister of the Ministry of Accounting, Ji Yuda, was drooling over an antique at home. When he heard that it was Qin Zixuan and Li Han who were going to fight, he heaved a sigh of relief. He knew that King Cheng had nothing but money. !
For King Cheng, who has a lot of money and a lot of money, letting him go out is to make him a winner. The consumption of the 50 troops can be put on the Prince Cheng's mansion. It's so easy.

Whoever comes to the Ministry of Accounts can be dismissed with just two words. No money is the best tool to dismiss those people. Whoever comes without money is useless, and the emperor is useless. Thinking of the beauty, he even hummed a ditty.

The new emperor Qin Zihe, who was visiting in Weifu, came to the Shangshu Mansion and saw this plot. Qin Zihe was so angry that he wanted to smash Ji Yuda to death. Who would be the second fool? Do you really think that King Cheng is so easy to dismiss?
The real situation now is that people don't send troops without food and grass, and Qin Zixuan also said that if he dared not give him food and grass after the expedition, he would debunk a corrupt official in the court every day until the court's reputation disappeared.

If the credibility of a court is gone, how long can this country survive?Every time the new emperor thought of Qin Zixuan's threats, he would have a headache. A corrupt official would explode every day, so only Cheng Wang could come up with such a trick.

Although a bit childish, it is practical. Qin Zixuan dares to guarantee that when everyone knows his proposal, even if other troops are tempted, he will feed his own troops first.

Seeing the emperor arriving, Ji Yuda was stunned, he didn't understand why the emperor chose to come to his mansion at this time, it's not normal, did something unexpected happen?
After paying a big gift to the emperor, Ji Yuda turned his eyes around, and saw the butler standing anxiously at the outer door, circling around, knowing that there was something urgent to report, but he couldn't come in yet.

Ji Yuda knew that something bad had happened, so he hurried forward to ask the emperor why he was here, and if he had something to do, he could be announced to the palace, what happened to him suddenly coming to his mansion.

"Prince Cheng and the Great General are about to set off, but tell me the truth, how much money can the treasury provide?" The new emperor stared at Ji Yuda seriously, this is an opportunity he gave Ji Yuda.

Instead of waiting for Qin Zixuan to report to the outside world one by one, he might as well arrest a group of corrupt officials himself. Anyway, the evidence of some people is in his hands. It was considered unnecessary not to deal with them before, but now it is time to liquidate.

Because the existence of this group of people has seriously damaged the interests of the country, so that he can't even take out the silver coins of the soldiers. The emperor is also cruel this time. This world is about to become someone else's world.

Facing the emperor's gloomy eyes, Ji Yuda felt that something was wrong this time.

(End of this chapter)

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