Chapter 1211
The emperor asked how much money was left in the national treasury. Of course Ji Yuda knew why he asked. Ji Yuda really felt that he couldn’t afford the consumption of 50 soldiers.

So Ji Yuda told the emperor that he didn't have any money and the treasury was clean. As a result, the new emperor sneered and stared at Ji Yuda with murderous intent in his eyes. This is shameless!

The emperor's eyes scanned for a week, and along the way, the decoration of Ji's house was as good as that of the imperial palace, rockery, strange rocks, small bridges, flowing water, green trees and orchids, the arrangement is exquisite, and if the orchids are not mistaken, the imperial palace does not even have them.

There are good things in the world that are not available in the imperial palace. Just a pot of orchids costs tens of thousands of silver. The national treasury has no money but the Ji family has a lot of money. It is really ironic!

In that case, let's take the Ji family's knife. He has long been fed up with the curse of having no money. If he has no money, he is still a minister of the household department. Wouldn't it be more refreshing to go to hell directly?

"Come here, declare the decree!" The new emperor put his hands behind his back and let out a sneering sneer, Ji Yuda's heart jumped into his throat as he laughed, is the emperor here to investigate or to find trouble?

It was not Xiaodouzi who came forward to announce the decree, but Xiao Huanzi. Xiaodouzi had an injury on his head, so he couldn't go out. He was raised in the palace, and the emperor was afraid of bringing it out to embarrass himself.

Xiao Huanzi walked to the front quickly, stood still, took out the imperial decree from his arms, and smiled sinisterly at Ji Yuda. Ji Yuda knelt down to receive the decree with trembling legs, and he knew in his heart that the emperor was using him for surgery.

"By God, the emperor ordered that Ji Yuda was deeply loved by the emperor and held a high position, but he didn't want to repay the king's kindness. Instead, he corrupted the law and practiced favoritism for personal gain. The evidence is convincing and he should be executed according to the law. The men were exiled to the northwest, and the women were sent to the Jiaofang Division. , the assets of the Ji family were obtained illegally and were charged to the state treasury according to law."

After Xiao Huanzi finished reading, she looked down at Ji Yuda who was stunned, and said with a sneer, "Master Ji, you still haven't accepted the order."

"Chen, minister, the emperor is wronged." Ji Yuda finally understood the purpose of the emperor's question before, it was not to ask if he had any money, but to give himself a chance, if he had no money, he would make up for it with money from the Ji family.

Oh, let me go, Ji Yuda felt a hatred in his heart, it was nothing, he was not the only one who corrupted the treasury without money, why did he pick it on him, and quickly begged the emperor, saying that he didn't want to die.

Nonsense, no one wants to die, Ji Yuda doesn't want to die but he has to die, the new emperor understands in his heart, Qin Zixuan won't scatter eagles if he doesn't see rabbits, and he won't lead soldiers to the south, so who will guard Daqin?

And now they are asking for money everywhere. If they can’t find the money, Daqin will be finished sooner or later. He used to think that there are a few corrupt officials.

Whoever is greedy will send it back, and if he doesn't send it back, the house will be ransacked according to law, and those who resist will be destroyed. Now the new emperor's head is full of Qin Zixuan scolding him, and he deeply feels that he is really wrong.

If there is a mistake, find a way to remedy it. This is the way the new emperor thinks. If Qin Zixuan knows it, he will laugh and cry. There is no way to do this.

It can only be said that Ji Yuda was also unlucky, he didn't get any news, the emperor surrounded Ji's mansion with the forbidden army, and with an order, Ji's house was ransacked, the emperor just sat on a chair in the courtyard and stared at the soldiers who ransacked the house. How much can the Ji family copy.

The old man of the Ji family cried and begged for mercy, but was blocked by the guards. The emperor now only wanted to know how much money the Ji family had. His eyes were full of money, and boxes of gold and silver were brought to the emperor.

Qin Zixuan almost didn't complain when he got the news, what happened to Qin Zihe?Are you crazy?Sitting next to him, Li Han cheerfully looked at the funny expression of the young man.

Lin Xi retreated to the side after reporting the news, Qin Zixuan looked at Li Han, and asked, "How much money can the Ji family copy?"

"It should be quite a lot. The Ji family is also a veteran of the founding of the country. From the first generation to the present, there should be no shortage of money. The Ji family has been corrupt from the second generation to the present. No matter what, there must be tens of millions."

Li Han calculated with his fingers, the second generation of the Ji family is a petty embezzler, not as bold as Ji Yuda, when the treasury is tense, he dares to take money at home, it's a crime.

Qin Zixuan nodded slightly, his feelings are all hereditary, and this guy also sent people to watch with the attitude of watching the excitement and not being afraid of big things, to see how much money the Ji family can copy, and whether it is enough for him to send troops.

The Ji family kept copying until the sky was getting dark, and the emperor brought people back to the palace. At the same time, it was reported that the Ji family had copied 8000 million taels of silver, and there were still many antiques that had not been valued.

If those antiques are counted, it is certain that it will exceed [-] million. Qin Zixuan expressed his admiration for this gold-absorbing ability. In addition to silver taels, many properties of the Ji family have also been copied. Some of these properties were bought with money, and some were robbed .

Anyway, now the emperor accepts all the properties of the Ji family with a smile. When he returned to the palace, he didn't stop smiling. He went back to the imperial study and sat there to calculate. up.

The emperor himself didn't realize that his thinking was going astray, and he went further and further on the road of detonating the emperor. The first thing he did after he had money was to send an order to the Ministry of War, and quickly prepare the food and grass, the army is about to move out.

The Minister of the Ministry of War is not Cheng Wei anymore, but another person, Ning Shouyi, the general who guarded the border. Shou Shouyi has been loyal since he took office.

Ning Shouyi was terrified of this incident in the Ji Mansion. After receiving the imperial decree, he immediately arranged for people to do things, and tried to send Prince Cheng away as soon as possible. .

If King Cheng gets upset and scolds him a few more times, he will suffer bad luck if it is his turn. He doesn't want to be ransacked by the emperor. There are not a few people who have such careful thoughts, so this time the grain requisition went very smoothly.

Even big bosses like Lu Qiang and Zhang Yi'an realized that the situation was not good this time. If King Cheng continued to be exposed in Yujing, they would definitely be the ones who would be unlucky next time.

Qin Zixuan had called their names in the Yushufang, and Zhang Yian and other big bosses all knew about this, and even Qin Zixuan's every move in the Yushufang was spread out of the palace by those who cared.

Fortunately, Qin Zixuan didn't care about this kind of thing. Even if they knew it, so what, if they dared to attack him, they would expose a corrupt official every day. This is not the end of the story.

After Qin Zixuan and Li Han had thoroughly researched their subordinates, and it was time to send troops, Qin Zixuan asked the emperor for a Tianzi sword, and clearly told the emperor that if he wanted to win, he had to delegate power, and I had the power of life and death on the front line.

Who doesn't listen to the order to kill!Which yang obeys yin and violates killing!Which getaway kill!Who is stealing and playing tricks! .
(End of this chapter)

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