Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1212 Disagree, kill!

Chapter 1212 Disagree, kill!

Qin Zixuan said several killing words in a row, and the emperor's eyelids jumped when he said it. He didn't know whether it was good or bad to let Qin Zixuan send troops this time, his general would never return.

The emperor was worried but he had to agree to Qin Zixuan's conditions, because Qin Zixuan said, if you don't follow my conditions, then this battle can't be fought, you can send someone else to go.

Who to send?Did you come back from dispatching troops from abroad?It's not that I haven't thought about it, but it's too far away to move. It will take at least a few months for the army to be transferred back. When they come back, the day lily will be cold.

The emperor also had no choice but to give Qin Zixuan a Tianzi sword. Qin Zixuan left with the Tianzi sword.

After the news that Qin Zixuan had taken the Tianzi Sword, Lu Qiang and other ministers went to the palace specially, hoping that the emperor would take back his order, but the emperor asked them who would lead troops to fight, and who could resist the Suzaku army?

It's really hard to say, anyway, they didn't have the ability, so Qin Zixuan took the position smoothly, and he didn't have to worry about food and grass. Those corrupt officials knew not to touch King Cheng's bad luck, they couldn't afford it.

Three days later, Qin Zixuan and Li Han left Prince Cheng's mansion under the worried eyes of Concubine Cheng, and rushed all the way to the pier of Qianzhou Bay. Qin Zixuan was going to go to the south by boat, accompanied by [-] soldiers transferred from nearby.

Qin Zixuan sent troops to the south, Xue Zhenye also got the news, and immediately gathered the battle line and set up a formation. Before boarding the ship, Qin Zixuan issued several orders in succession, demanding that soldiers from all over the country must arrive at the front line in ten days and go into battle. Beheaded according to order.

Li Han led the soldiers to practice. She wanted to teach the soldiers another set of formations in a short period of time. It was specially prepared for the three-talent formation and four-element formation. When Qin Zixuan released this kind of formation back then, he naturally thought about breaking the formation.

Unexpectedly, this is really useful, Li Han is training every day, the accompanying generals are Bai Jing and Liu Yi, Dai Chun and his son, Tan Chongsong and other veterans who are at home have come to report.

Not only came to report by himself, but also brought his son and nephew into Li Han's command. None of these people held formal military positions, and they were all under the names of Li Han and Qin Zixuan, and they were their private soldiers.

Dai Chun and the others have no objection on this point, they are here for the general, it really doesn't matter whether they have an official status, and they are not stupid and know that the general is protecting them.

No one wants to step into Jiang Yunji's footsteps, they don't want to wake up one day to find themselves dead in flames, if not for being from Daqin, they don't want to go out again.

After Qin Zixuan issued several military orders, he sat in front of the map and began to study the tactics of this battle. It is not necessary to fight the Suzaku Empire head-on. Now that the entire army of the Suzaku Empire is on the front line, it is an opportunity to lose the rear.

If the Suzaku army is completely wiped out in Daqin, a naval blockade is essential. Qin Zixuan's first stop is the naval base, which is no longer managed by Tang Shiqiang. Tang Shiqiang is now raising him at home due to injuries.

The commander of the navy is Zheng Nian. This person is Zheng Hong's cousin, who is also capable, and is also a general from the Emperor Loyalty faction, from the emperor's direct line.

In order to make the Zheng family brothers more loyal to him, the emperor also recruited a young and beautiful girl from the Zheng family into the palace to seal Zhaoyi. The relationship between the two parties is very close. Qin Zixuan and his party came to the naval base. Quite dissatisfied.

It doesn't matter if you don't accept it, but Qin Zixuan's order has been issued, that is to ask the navy to go to war, not too many, the navy has 25 ships now, he just needs ten warships to go to battle.

Zheng Nian refused with a cold face, saying that he was not under Qin Zixuan's control, which made Qin Zixuan happy. The emperor decreed at that time that, except for 50 soldiers, all the soldiers in the southern ministries belonged to him.

It's just the first stop to encounter this scene, isn't this going to have a good chat?Thinking of Qin Zixuan raising Lin Xi's Tianzi sword, Qin Zixuan pulled out the Tianzi sword with a sinister smile on his face.

If you don't belong to your own control, then you want to die, only the dead are not under your own control!Zheng Nian looked at Qin Zixuan's actions with a rather ugly face, and he could tell that it was the Tianzi Sword, but Zheng Nian didn't think Qin Zixuan would dare to cut him.

Because he is the general of Daqin and the emperor's brother-in-law, if he can be beheaded by others, what is the prestige of the emperor? Of course, Zheng Nian did not send troops on purpose, he just wanted to give Qin Zixuan a blow.

Let Qin Zixuan know that the navy is not owned by King Cheng, nor by Tang Shiqiang, but by Zheng Nian, but he doesn't want to think about whose support the navy was established and who trained it hand in hand.

When Li Han first trained the navy, he personally led it for a period of time. Many of the generals who were promoted were also trained by Li Han. Zheng Nian refused to accept that Qin Zixuan had nothing to do with Li Han, and some people were convinced.

Qin Zixuan also didn't intend to let Zheng Nian go out with him, the original intention was to let Zheng Nian send out ten ships, and Zhang Liang would lead the team to cooperate with him in the battle. Qin Zixuan was worried about Zheng Nian, but Zhang Liang was different.

Zhang Liang started as a big soldier. At that time, the navy was still in Tang Shiqiang's hands. Tang Shiqiang's promotion of his subordinates was strictly based on military merit, unlike what is promoted now.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Nian refused to send troops because Zheng Nian refused to cooperate. This made Qin Zixuan very unhappy.

Zheng Nian's head fell to the ground, and his eyes were wide open. He never thought that Qin Zixuan would suddenly cut off his head with a sword. Who is not convinced?

"Lin Xi, Yan Mo, this king wants to write a memorial, and the general of the Great Qin Navy, Zheng Nian, refused to listen to the order and beheaded him to show the public!" After speaking, Qin Zixuan handed the sword to Li Han, and then sat in front of the commander's desk.

Beside the case was a blood-spitting headless corpse, with a head rolling beside it. Lin Xi sent a pen and paper, and Qin Zixuan wrote a memorial, which was actually just a sentence.

Tell the emperor that Zheng Nian refused to listen to the order and beheaded, without writing a word about the details, then stamped it and put it in the box, and sent someone to send it back to Yujing.
"I don't care whether you obey or not, but my order must be carried out, whoever refuses to obey, kill!" Qin Zixuan slapped the table and stood up, the general took a step back in fright.

Qin Zixuan pointed to the vice-commander of the navy and said: "From now on, you will be in charge of the navy. Give me ten more ships to fight. Don't play tricks on me, otherwise Zheng Nian will be your fate."

Li Han carried the sword and let out a murderous aura very cooperatively, which made the vice commander's liver tremble in fright.

(End of this chapter)

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