Chapter 1218
So Zheng Hong decided to pre-emptively strike. While playing to the emperor and distorting the facts, he asked the supervisor for help. Now the only one who can save him is Zhao Shengchuan, the supervisor.

Originally, Zhao Shengchuan was very low-key when he served as the supervisor, because the emperor said, you just need to monitor Qin Zixuan and don't rebel. As for marching and fighting, we are amateurs, so don't interfere.

So Zhao Shengchuan stayed in the Chinese army all the time, not going anywhere, but Qin Zixuan didn't find a chance to kill the gangster. Now Zhao Shengchuan received Zheng Hong's distress letter, and his mind came alive.

In the distress letter, Zheng Hong stated that as long as you can save me, I will give you [-] gold. In addition, Zheng Hong also promised that as long as the matter is successful, he will let his sister blow the pillow and help Zhao Shengchuan rise to the top.

Needless to say, this superior is a Diange University scholar, this proposal moved Zhao Shengchuan's heart, so Zhao Shengchuan asked Qin Zixuan to resign, saying that he was going to inspect the work and enforce his rights.

Qin Zixuan laughed on the spot, and agreed without further ado, you can leave as you want, we won't stay, and asked Zhao Shengchuan if he wanted to bring the Jinbing soldiers with him?Zhao Shengchuan said that he would not bring soldiers, and I would only bring my own guards.

The guard was sent by the emperor to monitor Qin Zixuan and Zhao Shengchuan, Qin Zixuan knew it well, he only said that the strength of the guard was too low and he must send a large army to protect him, but Zhao Shengchuan refused.

In the end, Zhao Shengchuan was so forced that he had no choice but to write a letter of commitment. That is, I, Zhao Shengchuan, rejected the kindness of Lord Cheng and resolutely refused to protect the army. General Cheng Wang has nothing to do.

Not only did he write such a letter of commitment, but he also read it in front of all the soldiers. In short, he didn’t want a large army escort. Yang Qing’s eyes twitched when he saw it. There must be something wrong.

Is it a coincidence that he is going to inspect the battlefield suddenly by himself?What does Prince Cheng say?Uh, forget it, I forgot the famous saying, it seems to mean that coincidence is not God's will, and man-made is the majority.

Could it be that Zheng Hong asked for help from Lord Superintendent?If so, can he avenge himself?Yang Qing looked at Qin Zixuan, and found that Qin Zixuan was seriously putting away the letter of commitment, with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Zhao Shengchuan came from the Lin family. Could it be that the relationship between Lord Cheng and the Lin family is not as good as everyone thinks?Yang Qing really thought a lot about this meeting, and was really worried that the matter of Hedong Mansion would not get a fair response.

The good news of Yujing City came, and the new emperor was stunned. Let me go, are Qin Zixuan and Li Han cheating?How long did it take to get to the front line, and the main force of the Suzaku Empire was wiped out, and now it only needs to mop up the tail. Isn't this speed too amazing?
It has been less than two months since Daqin lost three to four million soldiers in the south, and the new emperor blushes. It seems that he really does not have the ability to command a large army to fight, even if he is familiar with military books, it is useless.

After Qin Zixuan left the capital, the new emperor thought of many tricks that Qin Zixuan would use, but he didn't expect that Qin Zixuan would run to the enemy's rear to cut off the retreat, and directly scare Xue Zhenye back with the army.

If this effect can't be achieved by changing people, at most it can attract some troops. Qin Zixuan and Li Han are too powerful!The new emperor sat there looking at the good news and sighed.

Xiaodouzi's head is already healed, and now he is waiting by the side with his head bowed, listening to the emperor's exclamation and keeping silent, he doesn't dare to pick up any more quarrels, if he is not good, he may lose the emperor's favor.

Outside the imperial study room, Zheng Zhaoyi wiped her tears and begged to see the new emperor again. Qin Zixuan went to war, and there was nothing else to say. There must be an explanation for beheading her brother with a sword. In the past, Qin Zixuan drove away the Suzaku army, but now the Suzaku army is wiped out Yes, Zheng Zhaoyi also appeared.

This woman is smart, knowing that it is useless to seek the emperor before the Suzaku army is destroyed. The emperor still counts on Qin Zixuan to contribute, but it is different now. can do it.

Hearing the eunuch's report, the emperor sat there with straight eyes, thinking of Zheng Nian's death. At that time, the memorial written by Qin Zixuan only had one sentence, which was simple, clear and neat.

Afterwards, the emperor also sent people to investigate the truth, knowing that Zheng Nian had indeed reproached Qin Zixuan with a few words, and just drew his sword to kill someone. Isn't this a bit too much, and it's his brother-in-law, this is even more so!

Is the strategy for Qin Zixuan soft or hard?The new emperor sat there in a dilemma, Rou couldn't pursue Qin Zixuan's responsibility, but Qin Zixuan's responsibility just now, how to pursue it?Kill him?This definitely won't work.

Alas, the new emperor waved his hand, this Zheng Zhaoyi doesn't need to be seen for the time being, let's wait until Qin Zixuan returns to Beijing, otherwise Qin Zixuan will lead the army to rebel, who will he find to reason with.

One must know that Qin Zixuan has hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands, and also has the sword of the emperor, who would dare not listen to his orders?If you don't listen, you're looking for death. If you turn your face at this time, you don't want to sit on the dragon chair.

Zheng Zhaoyi in Yujing put eye drops in front of the emperor, while in the south Zheng Hong was followed by Qin Zixuan, Zhao Shengchuan refused to listen to the persuasion and insisted on leaving with the guards sent by the emperor, Qin Zixuan generously let him go.

After Zhao Shengchuan left, Qin Zixuan ordered his subordinates to attack and immediately rushed to the Hedong Mansion, as if he hadn't discovered Zhao Shengchuan's purpose, which made Yang Qing confused.

Zheng Hong felt at ease when he received Zhao Shengchuan's reply. First, he repays the credit first. Even if he wants to overthrow it afterwards, it is impossible, because there are people in his harem, and it doesn't matter who made the credit. The important thing is who is in the Hedong mansion now. hand.

Now that Zhao Shengchuan is helping him to testify, it is useless even if Qin Zixuan arrives with troops. Zheng Hong knows that Zhao Shengchuan is the emperor's man, and the emperor will not be able to become the supervisor of the army if he is not the emperor.

This time, Zhao Shengchuan said it was dark chess rather than open chess. He was clearly telling the Lin family that Zhao Shengchuan belonged to him.

But Zhao Shengchuan didn't expect that Qin Zixuan would know his identity, and he was digging a hole to wait for him. The direction of the two groups of people was the Hedong Mansion, but when Qin Zixuan's army surrounded the Hedong Mansion, Zhao Shengchuan still didn't go there.

Zheng Hong watched the soldiers outside the city spinning around in a hurry, Qin Zixuan gave the order to open the city, but the soldiers inside stood there and dared not open it, they also knew what they had done, and opening the door would lead to a dead end.

However, he didn't dare to refuse directly. He only said that he wanted to ask General Chen for instructions. Zheng Hong had already got the news and was in a hurry. He knew that if the supervising army didn't help him to give false testimony, he would really die.

Qin Zixuan was not used to them, he directly ordered to open the city gate, and shot if he didn't open the city gate, scaring the soldiers into shame, and shot at King Cheng as their fate, but King Cheng died with an army of [-] Xue Zhenye, they thought they couldn't even compare Xue Zhenye's calf.

(End of this chapter)

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