Chapter 1219

In the face of strong pressure, the city gate of Hedong Mansion opened, Qin Zixuan looked at the corpse that had not yet been dealt with, his eyes were red with anger, and ordered the whole city, King Cheng arrived, the general came, those who still have a tone, those who have injustices can leave Come out and report, King Cheng will decide for them.

So groups of soldiers started shouting, making Zheng Hong furious, whether to slap him in the face, or face to face.Anxious Zheng Hong ran up to Qin Zixuan and jumped up, accusing Qin Zixuan of being unfair and listening to others.

Yang Qing saw that he was quitting, you Zheng Hong are turning black and white, Cheng Wang is fair and just, brought Gao Sheng out to tear Zheng Hong, Qin Zixuan moved a small bench and sat there watching the show.

Li Han squinted his eyes and looked at Zheng Hong. She also did the massacre of the city, but the massacre was the enemy's city, not the people of Daqin. If this Zheng Hong is alive, it is really unfair to God. .

"Decree, take over the city gate, take down Zheng Hong's subordinates, whoever resists will be killed on the spot!" Li Han's cold voice sounded, she was not in the mood to see Zheng Hong and Yang Qing tearing apart, so let's get down to business first.

"Yes!" Bai Jing bowed her hand and took the order to get down to business. Zheng Hong's question at the gate of the city was already seen. Taking over the gate was just a matter of words, and there were still some soldiers behind Zheng Hong.

Hearing that Li Han was going to take them down, he immediately became nervous, his hand was already on the barrel of the gun, Qin Zixuan was having a good time watching the show, and seeing that the atmosphere was not right, he quickly stood up and looked around.

Seeing the confrontation between the two sides, Qin Zixuan shouted: "Listen, Zheng Hong's subordinates, I'm giving you a chance to put down your weapons immediately and cooperate with the investigation. I can extrajudicially tolerate the situation and commute your sentence as appropriate, or if you're obsessed with obsession, kill everyone!"

What?Zheng Hong's subordinate Bai looked at Qin Zixuan. The crime they committed was serious, but not big enough to kill everyone. Only rebellion is the way to kill everyone. Is King Cheng too capricious in enforcing the law?

Everyone, look at me, and I look at you. Those with poor mental quality and timidity immediately dropped their weapons to cooperate. If someone takes the lead, others will follow suit, so a fierce shock ended with Qin Zixuan's words.

Bai Jing looked at Qin Zixuan, doesn't the prince like to go to the theater?Why don't you continue watching this time, it's so exciting to shoot muzzle to muzzle, the prince is still too merciful.

Qin Zixuan saw Zheng Hong's subordinates being captured, and then looked at Zheng Hong who was jumping. Zheng Hong stared at Qin Zixuan with hatred, but he didn't believe that Qin Zixuan dared to kill him!You really don't need to believe this, you have already killed one, and you don't care about killing another one, that's Qin Zixuan's mentality.

Anyway, he has already been offended, so what does it matter if he is offended to death?There is actually not much difference between killing a family and killing a family. They are both to promote hatred. It is actually a good thing to kill a family and kill the grass.

Qin Zixuan's temperament has become stronger and stronger, and his murderousness has become more and more serious. He is no longer kind or soft to the enemy. This is a huge improvement, at least in Li Han's view.

Facing the dissatisfied Zheng Hong, Qin Zixuan yelled at him, scolding Zheng Hong for being greedy for life and afraid of death. As a general with millions of soldiers, how can he still have the face to live if only a few thousand of his subordinates died?This is running away from the battle. Generals die in battle and fight to the death. As the commander, do soldiers still have a face to live when they die?

Anyway, Qin Zixuan felt that he should have no face to live, so Zheng Hong should die. If he dared to jump in front of him, he would die. Thinking of the soldiers killed by Zheng Hong, Qin Zixuan was furious.

Of course, there was something that made Qin Zixuan even more furious, that is, the people in Hedong Mansion did not die. In this chaotic world, which family does not have one or two cellars, and some people went underground to hide.

Hearing the yelling outside, some courageous ones came out to take a look, saw the soldiers with strict military discipline, and the big flag flying on the city wall, Qin and Li could see the words very clearly, and burst into tears on the spot.

So one shouted two, two brought three, and the people who escaped came out one after another, weeping at the headless corpses all over the city, and then came to the square outside the gate of the mansion, and knelt on the ground spontaneously.

This is a petition, Qin Zixuan understands, ordered people to escort Zheng Hong and his soldiers out, let everyone see if this group of people did evil, someone saw Zheng Hong spitting, how could Zheng Hong suffer from this anger, and stared on the spot.

As a result, he was kicked by Li Han and broke his leg. Li Han's sense of justice was overwhelming. Qin Zixuan came to Zheng Hong with the Tianzi Sword and sneered. The Chen family can be wiped out.

Later, another soldier came to report, saying that many heads were found, and these heads belonged to ordinary people, but the hair on these heads had been processed and turned into the hairstyle of the Suzaku Empire. You don’t need to ask to know what it was. idea.

Qin Zixuan was overwhelmed, Zheng Hong's face became ugly, he knew that the big event was over, and it would be extremely difficult to survive, and he didn't know where that bastard Zhao Shengchuan went, why he hasn't arrived yet?

Qin Zixuan moved closer to Zheng Hong's ear and whispered, "Are you still waiting for Zhao Shengchuan to help you reverse the plot?"

Um?Zheng Hong looked at Qin Zixuan, what does this mean? Could it be that Zhao Shengchuan betrayed him?This is impossible, Zheng Hong clearly knows how attractive the conditions he promised, Zhao Shengchuan can't go back on his word.

"You can go to hell!" Qin Zixuan beheaded Zheng Hong again with the Tianzi sword. Yang Qing and other generals were stunned. Doesn't the prince even need to make a statement?What surprised them the most was seeing Prince Cheng scolding the street and holding the Emperor Sword to greet Zheng Hongzu's eighteenth generation.

After beheading Zheng Hong, Qin Zixuan's evil spirit came out. In the past, he had seen people who killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, but it is really rare to see someone as mad as Zheng Hong. As long as you are not an idiot in the current battlefield, you can get some military merit.

Qin Zixuan killed Xue Zhenxian and did not participate in the cleanup. The credit was almost given to them, and there were still people who killed the good and pretended to be credited. This is absolutely unforgivable. They found that they killed together.

Those Zheng Hong's subordinates who were detained were all crying in fright. Their leader was beheaded. Do they have any good fruit?The answer is of course no. Qin Zixuan said that the sentence was commuted according to the circumstances, but now it is the death penalty after the discretion.

Of course, there is no need to implicate the family after this death. Thousands of people were beheaded in different places. The sky over the Hedong Mansion was covered with black clouds, and resentment gathered in the air. Qin Zixuan couldn't understand these things, but Li Han could.

Li Han sent people to nearby monasteries to invite monks to do this, to resolve his grievances, Qin Zixuan did not refuse after hearing this, and stood on the city wall of Hedong Mansion and looked into the distance in a daze, the war was too bloody, how should Daqin's future be dealt with?

Qin Zixuan wanted to break his head and didn't know how to solve it. It's really difficult to destroy it or keep it. At this time, Qin Zixuan really wanted to call Dahai to his face and ask, would you like to be emperor?If you are willing, this world will be handed over to you!
(End of this chapter)

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