Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1220 One Leg

Chapter 1220 Two Legs

After beheading Zheng Hong and his subordinates, Qin Zixuan did not leave. Instead, he ordered people to collect information and distribute compensation in a targeted manner. If there are only elderly people or children left at home, Qin Zixuan will not let them starve to death. Bar.

At the same time, with the help of counselors, he wrote a long memorial and sent it to Yujing. The affairs here had to be reported to the emperor. Qin Zixuan's leisurely days were over, and he began to write.

Sitting at the desk, Yang Qing looked up from time to time to see Prince Cheng who was writing. He heard that Prince Cheng cost several hundred taels of silver for a set of words, and a painting was even more unbelievable.

How much is such an extended memorial worth?Maybe a hundred years later, this memorial will really be sold at sky-high prices.This guy Yang Qing didn't go to grab military merit anymore, he just sat down and deserted.

The corpses and heads in the city were also moved together. The people who participated at that time cried their hearts out. They only scolded Zheng Hong and his gang for being too cruel. They not only killed them, but branded them as traitors. This hatred is deeper than the sea ah.

Notices of Anmin also appeared on the city wall, killing those who should be killed, and disposing of the corpses that should be disposed of. The rest is to restore the vitality of the city, and all the methods of appeasement are listed one by one.

The people of Hedong Mansion are really grateful to King Cheng and the General, if it weren't for the prince and the General, when would their enmity be avenged!

The news that Qin Zixuan killed Zheng Hong was sent back to Yujing again. Zheng Zhaoyi really cried this time. Her two backers died like this. Will she have a good life in the future?
After reading the long memorial, the emperor also vomited blood angrily. He already knew the situation there, and he also knew the agreement reached between Zhao Shengchuan and Zheng Hong. The emperor doubted his eyes again. Who was he looking at?
This character really disappointed the emperor, and at the same time, he also hated Zheng Hong for not being able to live up to his expectations. If you can't compete with military achievements, won't you speed up?You are afraid that death will be left behind, which is a day and a half away, so you can't retreat eight thousand miles away from the battlefield.

Such a great opportunity to earn military merits would not be able to grab military merits. It seems that Qin Zixuan was right in scolding Zheng Hong for harming the country and killing his life. The emperor angrily threw a memorial in the hall for all the officials to watch.

At the same time, he ordered to strictly investigate the killing of good and false meritorious deeds, and found that killing them together would definitely not give the villain a path to promotion.Why is there no memorial to the supervisor?

What can the emperor say?It cannot be said that the overseer was killed by Suzaku remnant soldiers for several days, King Cheng has not received any news, and is still looking for the overseer, let alone tell everyone that Qin Zixuan did not get the news, but he did.

The emperor didn't know how to comment on this incident. In fact, Qin Zixuan really didn't get the news?Qin Zixuan knew for a long time that Zhao Shengchuan met the Suzaku remnant and was poached to light the sky lantern.

Qin Zixuan knew this and did not report it. He has been strictly ordering everyone to look for the supervising army. At the same time, he also let everyone know that there is a supervising army watching them secretly. He put a bone-tight spell on everyone's heads so that they would not dare to do evil.

The situation in the south quickly improved with the arrival of Qin Zixuan and Li Han, but Li Han stared at Qin Zixuan even more closely, for no other reason, Li Han learned from the tongue that there was still a holy master who had not appeared.

This holy master is called Hua Tianyue, and he is also an important member of the Hua family. Xue Zhenye led a large army, so he will naturally be supervised by the army. Hua Tianying and Hua Tianfei are similar to the existence of the supervisor.

However, Hua Tianyue is the best, and he doesn't like life in the army. He disappeared after he came to Daqin, and no one knows where he went. As for how Xue Zhenye fought, he didn't care.

It is speculated that he went on a tour, or passed out drunk in a flower building. Anyway, no one knows exactly where. Li Han dare not be careless after knowing this situation, for fear that the other party will suddenly come out and attack Qin Zixuan.

As the news spread, Hua Tianyue, who was in Yujing's brothel, did receive the news. At that time, Hua Tianyue was completely taken aback. Should we be so exaggerated, a hundred thousand troops dared to design Xue Zhenye.

At that time, Hua Tianyue felt that the news was wrong. This was Daqin's method, the purpose was to boost morale, and then this guy continued to be unrestrained in the brothel, until a good news was sealed in Beijing, and Yujing was full of joy. Hua Tianyue discovered the possibility Probably maybe true.

After he walked out of the brothel and entered the royal study of the palace at night to check the victory report, he was really breathless. The territory occupied by the Suzaku Empire was snatched away, and the soldiers were cleaned over and over again.

The outspoken Hua Tian got more angry and rushed to the top of his head. Before he could get angry, he was discovered by the patrolling guards. Hua Tian saw that something was wrong, so he should run away. Although he is a strong saint, his head is not made of iron. Yes, no match for Daqin's cannons.

After the emperor got the letter, he was frightened with cold sweat on his forehead. He didn't know that Hua Tianyue came to peek at the memorial and thought he was here to assassinate him. The frightened emperor hid in the corner of the bed and did not dare to show his head until Hua Tianyue left the palace. Make an appearance.

Hua Tian crossed out of the palace, knowing that Yujing had no choice but to stay, so he escaped from Yujing overnight. There are not many places to go now, so let's go to the south to find a chance to kill Qin Zixuan.

It was only then that Hua Tianyue remembered his mission, which was to find an opportunity to kill Qin Zixuan. When Qin Zixuan was not there when he came to Yujing, Hua Tianyue went crazy, staying in brothels every day and night, and forgetting about the assassination.

Qin Zixuan kept a low profile when he came back, so Hua Tianyue didn't take it to heart. He didn't expect Qin Zixuan to be a human if he became high-profile. Hua Tianyue regretted the wind under his feet and ran to the south.

An assassin appeared in the palace, and all parties were analyzing who it was. When the news spread to the south, Li Han knew that the person she was waiting for had appeared, and the other party would most likely come after the young man.

In the handsome tent, Qin Zixuan's legs were raised on the desk, a pen was twirling in his hand, with a smirk on his face, he was standing opposite him, waiting for the general, Zhang Kuang saw Qin Zixuan's expression quite dissatisfied.

Thinking that Qin Zixuan was eccentric, why did he give Xiang Xiang a task without notifying him?It's not fair, now that rewards are based on merit, they ran all the way here and only picked up a few small fish, the gap is too big.

After Zhang Kuang finished expressing his opinion, Qin Zixuan said slowly: "Zhang Kuang, you were originally stationed in the Taizhou Military Region. In January this year, the emperor issued an order to lead the army to fight in the south. Under the imperial decree, you broke two of your three legs. What I said Is there something wrong?"

"That's wrong, he doesn't have three legs, only two." Li Xingfu, a big bastard, hadn't realized what he meant, and his mouth was already talking, which made Qin Zixuan unable to hold back.

Taking a closer look at Li Xingfu, this guy is black and strong, with a big beard. You don't need to figure it out, he is a simple-minded guy, he is a fierce general.

"What are you laughing at? What I said is true. Take a look and see clearly. You really only have two legs."

(End of this chapter)

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