Chapter 1221
Li Xingfu was so overwhelmed by the laughter, he stretched out his hand to lift up Zhang Kuang's shirt, and pointed at Zhang Kuang's legs for everyone to see, Qin Zixuan almost fell off his chair in joy.

Li Han stretched out his hand to support Qin Zixuan, and looked at Li Xingfu with a dark face. She understood what the husband said, but this big bastard didn't understand, isn't it too stupid?

The originally good momentum was interrupted by Li Xingfu's intrusion, and he pushed Li Xingfu aside in arrogance. He knew that what happened in January was wrong.

At that time, the situation in the south was not good, and he came to die. In order to survive, Zhang Kuang broke his two legs and escaped. Unexpectedly, he finally came to the battlefield in the south.

Qin Zixuan sat up straight, thought for a while that this matter still needs to be resolved, he slapped the table, pointed at Zhang Kuang and shouted: "Zhang Kuang, other people give you face, but this king will not give you face, you first pretended to be sick and refused the emperor's imperial edict, and now Stealing other people's merits, you still have the face to criticize this king, saying, who is used to it?"

"His mother." Li Xingfu entered again, and Qin Zixuan was almost furious. Is this guy here to tear things apart?Seeing Qin Zixuan looking at him, Li Xingfu continued to explain.

It turned out that Li Xingfu and Zhang Kuang lived not far away, in front and back villages, Zhang Kuang would be so crazy because of his mother's habit, Zhang Kuang's mother is a well-known shrew in ten miles and eight villages.

As long as someone offends Zhang Kuang, that person can definitely block the other party's door and scold him for a few days. Enlisted in the army.

Both of these two started from the grassroots, and they also inherited Qin Zixuan's affection. In those few years, the division of military merits was clearly defined, and the generals above were not greedy for merit, and each of them was promoted rapidly.

Years passed in a blink of an eye, and these people became generals. Of course, with the expansion of power, their wealth also increased rapidly, and Zhang Kuang also changed from a boy to a father.

Going to the battlefield with his head in his hands to make military exploits, Zhang Kuang would not do such a thing, so he thought of breaking his leg to reject the emperor's imperial decree, if Qin Zixuan and Li Han hadn't fought this time, Zhang Kuang would not have appeared.

Zhang Kuang made up his mind to fight with the wind, so when he was biting Xue Zhenye's rear soldiers before, the guy didn't work hard and fell behind. When the news of Qin Zixuan's victory came, Zhang Kuang really fell behind.

This military merit really didn't get much, that is, it was better than Zhen Hong, Zhang Kuang wanted to get more military merit for himself when discussing the merits and rewards, but Qin Zixuan naturally refused to give it, and the two sides argued here.

The character used by his parents when he was a child can really kill people. Originally, Qin Zixuan was on guard against this guy who would steal credit, but now he actually snatched it in front of him. Qin Zixuan is not his mother, so of course he won't be used to it.

Seeing that Qin Zixuan was serious, Zhang Kuang's heart also rose. Qin Zixuan ordered the soldiers to send up Zhang Kuang's performance during this period, and then read out who's merit and how much merit he had stolen.

Unexpectedly, Prince Cheng was not sitting in the Hedong mansion to enjoy, he was watching the battles of all parties, and the one who was robbed of merit by Zhang Kuang stared at Zhang Kuang, saying that the military merit was not worthy, and it turned out to be stolen.

After reading the list, Qin Zixuan slapped the table, pointed at Zhang Kuang and shouted: "Zhang Kuang, you should be glad that you didn't disturb the people because of military achievements, otherwise you would already be a corpse at this time."

Zhang Kuang wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded, this time he is not crazy anymore, he dares to mess with others, but he doesn't dare to mess with Qin Zixuan, Qin Zixuan has the Son of Heaven sword in his hand, if he is given a sword, find someone to reason with.

Besides, I didn't say anything before, I just complained a few words, I didn't expect that a few complaints would cause King Cheng to counterattack, it seems that King Cheng has a lot of black material in his hands, Zhang Kuang said that I am convinced.

Not only did Zhang Kuang not earn military merit for himself, but he also wanted to return what he stole before. This was the loss of his wife and the loss of his army. It was his fault.On the contrary, Li Xingfu stared at Zhang Kuang and scolded him, because Zhang Kuang stole a lot of military achievements from his subordinates.

Qin Zixuan looked at Li Xingfu, and cursed at Li Xingfu secretly, but he didn't bother with Li Xingfu, and continued to turn the pen in his hand and asked: "Who still has credit for it now, bring it up now, and wait until I write it in the memorial." It can't be changed."

The generals bowed their heads, they were afraid of King Cheng's revenge, so let's forget it, it was the credit they picked up, and they always felt blush standing in front of King Cheng and discussing military achievements.

"My lord, it's not a problem for you to report this military achievement, but since the emperor sent the supervising army, shouldn't we wait for the supervising army to arrive before writing the memorial together?" Zhou Wei looked up at Qin Zixuan with his head upright, and looked uprightly at Qin Zixuan eyes.

"Where is the supervising army? Did you find it?" Qin Zixuan blinked his eyes, waiting for the supervising army to report his military merits together.

All the generals glanced at each other, they really didn't know this, they only knew that the overseer left Lord Cheng with his guards, who knows where he got into, maybe he died on the battlefield.

Li Xingfu took up the conversation again without thinking, "Uh, what if the superintendent is unlucky and encounters the death of the Suzaku soldier? Do we have to wait forever?"

Li Han glanced at Li Xingfu when he heard the words, where did this guy come from?Will you speak?Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth to keep himself from laughing out loud, it's really a piece of shit luck for this hard-working man to get to this point.

Fang Fang and Yang Qing looked at each other, both of them felt that Zhao Shengchuan had probably died, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to show up until now.

"This is indeed a problem. Everyone continues to send people to look for the supervising army. I will attach a note to the memorial, that is, the supervising army has disappeared. Whether he is dead or alive remains to be investigated. I will report the military achievements together." Qin Zixuan stopped Turn the pen and get to the point.

Tilting his head to look at Li Han, he asked in a low voice, "Were you also in such trouble when you led troops to victory in battles? You blushed because of your fart military achievements."

"Well, it's the same, sometimes there will be fights, but that kind of thing is always done by the military adviser, I just copy the memorial after the fact." Li Han replied seriously.

If it wasn't for the worry that someone would assassinate the young man, Li Han wouldn't want to sit here, arguing with each other over the big military merits, and the quarrel made her head hurt, so she wouldn't be as happy as going out to fight.

The generals standing below bowed their heads, the general is mighty, this is really not a little credit, you don't care if you don't want credit, but we only count on military merit to go further.

Qin Zixuan threw the pen in his hand aside. If he knew that the military division was so easy to use, he would use the entire military division to handle the affairs. Everyone likes to take advantage of it too much, so they don't want to take advantage of it.

A little impatiently shouted: "Okay, this is the end of the discussion about military merits. Hurry up and deal with the work at hand. The king is still waiting to return to Yujing."

(End of this chapter)

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