Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1223 Drink together

Chapter 1223 Drink Together
Qin Zixuan's memorial flew to the dragon case, and it was passed quickly. The emperor has no objection to Qin Zixuan's request for merit for the generals, but is dissatisfied with those old guys like Dai Chun.

He actually changed from his own general to the staff under the name of the general, which made the emperor very unhappy, and he didn't think about what good things he had done. Why should Dai Chun and the others continue to work for the emperor?

Dai Chun and others are also broken. You have treated them differently, and you still want me to listen to you wholeheartedly. That is impossible. People have to find ways for themselves to get us out.

Just like Cheng Qiu put his own life to fight for the future of his children and grandchildren, Dai Chun just bet his treasure on Cheng Wang Mansion. Everyone has different positions but the same goal. Moreover, Dai Chun did not make the decision lightly, he also made a deliberate decision. After the final decision, it's either dead or happy, it's that simple.

After the matter in the south was settled, Qin Zixuan fixed his eyes on Yujing, knowing that the matter would not be resolved after returning this time, the emperor would definitely ask for advanced weapons, this Qin Zixuan really didn't want to give it, so why not?

In the fourth month after Qin Zixuan arrived in the south, the emperor's imperial decree arrived, rewarding the generals of all parties, even Dai Chun and others granted a lot of extra benefits, not to mention Qin Zixuan's rewards, which must be the most.

Next is Li Han, who was the hero who beheaded Xue Zhenye, of course he also deserves a big reward, this time the rewards are convincing to all the soldiers, they don't have the guts of King Cheng.

Next is Xiang Xiang and Fang Yang's rewards. The credit of these two people is second only to Qin Zixuan and Li Han, because they are the main force in the first wave of ambush, and everyone is equally convinced of this.

Generally speaking, the reward this time was carried out in a group of harmony, everyone was satisfied except Zhang Kuang who was dissatisfied in his heart, Zhang Kuang had no temper after being beaten by Qin Zi.

Don't look at Qin Zixuan's usual smile, his tricks are still very high, although he is not as domineering and exposed as Li Han, but it is Qin Zixuan that everyone is most afraid of.

The last piece of the imperial decree was for Qin Zixuan, asking Qin Zixuan to return to Yujing. Qin Zixuan had already thought that if the news was correct, there would be a big pit waiting for him in Yujing. Let's see if the emperor can bear it.

On the second day after receiving the imperial decree, Qin Zixuan handed over the work here to Fang Fang, who took over the task of stationing the southern coastline. Qin Zixuan took people on the warship and prepared to return to Beijing.

This time, the navy who fought with Qin Zixuan also received a reward. Everyone was very happy, and they all shouted to follow King Cheng to have meat to eat.

Qin Zixuan didn't generously leave these things to the emperor this time, he still wanted to possess what should be possessed, and the emperor couldn't keep it, this guy was a very soft-eared person, he was timid and hadn't taken it.

With the understanding, Qin Zixuan became more and more disappointed with Qin Zihe, the new emperor. Except that Yin is similar to Uncle Huang, there is no other place that can compare with Uncle Huang. In comparison, Qin Zixuan prefers the capable Yin man Uncle Huang.

When passing the naval base, Zhang Liang stepped forward to resign, and Qin Zixuan waved him to go back happily. As for the escort mission, the navy is really not needed, and his group of people is enough.

As for the [-] soldiers that they brought with them during the expedition, these people did not follow Qin Zixuan back to the voyage, but stayed in the south under Fang Xiang's command. Even so, Qin Zixuan was not worried about being attacked, he was prepared.

Don't worry about whether Hua Tianyue will show up, Qin Zixuan is not worried, he is looking forward to the little days when he returns to Yujing, brother is really not lonely, brother is just bored, Qin Zixuan is humming a song thinking about how to deal with those people who don't have long eyes.

Hua Tianyue hurried all the way to the south, and when he inquired, he received a message that made him vomit blood, that is, Qin Zixuan left on a boat!Hua Tianyue patted his head and hated himself for being a road idiot. If he hadn't lost his way halfway, he would have arrived long ago.

Now that Qin Zixuan returned to Yujing, Hua Tianyue stared at Daying and thought for a long time, but he still didn't reveal himself. Now that he is the only seedling of the Suzaku Empire, he has to kill Qin Zixuan.

So Hua Tianyue wandered around outside the camp, and then quietly left the south. As for when he will be able to reach Yujing, Hua Tianyue himself doesn't know, anyway, it should be soon, and he can't walk through it once. Get lost again.

Qin Zixuan was still looking forward to Hua Tianyue's appearance along the way, but he did not expect Hua Tianyue to arrive when the boat arrived at Qianzhouwan Wharf. Qin Zixuan felt disappointed in his heart, and cursed Hua Tianyue for being a ghost who was afraid of death, which made him prepare for nothing. two days.

Sitting next to him, Li Han was overjoyed, Mr. Xianggong's bad temper had not changed at all, but it was a pity that those methods were useless, and he was about to get off the boat, so Dai Chun took his son and begged to see Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan didn't know what the old guy was looking for him for, so he received the two of them warmly. At first, he thought that he wanted to ask him to send Dai Peng out for training, but after asking, he found out that was not the case.

After hearing what had happened, Qin Zixuan became curious about the little maid, asked her name and what she looked like, and when she entered the palace, she took a good look at her to tease her, and then led her out of the palace.

As for how to bring it out of the palace, do you need to think about it?Ask directly, when Qin Zixuan said this with confidence, Dai Chun covered his face when he heard it, the majestic prince begged Zhaoyi for the maid beside him, it wouldn't sound good to spread the word.

Qin Zixuan said that it's because you don't listen enough, the harem is the dirtiest place in the world, not to mention begging for a court lady, even having an affair as long as he is willing, this big mouth really doesn't cover it at all.

Dai Peng was dumbfounded, is this still a dignified prince?Isn't it a little too casual to speak, the key is what does it mean that the general is still nodding beside him?Does the general also think that Prince Cheng is right?

Dai Peng said that his three views have been destroyed not lightly. Prince Cheng seems not to be a god, he is just a living person, but this kind of Prince Cheng seems to be easier to get along with. No wonder General Bai thinks this is just a trivial matter. It seems to be no big deal here with King Cheng.

After achieving his goal, Dai Chun stopped being coy, and sat there calling for a few drinks. It has been a long time since he had a relaxing drink with the prince and the general, and he really misses this very much.

This was despised by Qin Zixuan, he said it as if his group lived on the verge of hell every day, and he was too nervous to relax all day long. Anyway, Qin Zixuan felt that apart from being nervous during the first ambush, he really relaxed afterwards.

Dai Chun doesn't make money with Qin Zixuan, he only asks for good wine, he wants to drink Dukang, usually Dukang is too expensive, Dai Chun can't afford it, and he is too embarrassed to always ask Qin Zixuan for it, so Dai Chun's wine bug is really greedy ah.

Li Han asked Lin Xi to call Bai Jing and the others over to have a drink together
(End of this chapter)

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