Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1224 God Assists

Chapter 1224 God Assists

When Qin Zixuan and his party went ashore, they all blushed after drinking, and those who didn't drink enough were carried ashore. Qin Feng, who had been waiting on the shore a long time ago, saw that Qin Zixuan was as happy as an old chrysanthemum.

When Qin Feng was saluting, Qin Zixuan suddenly noticed the white hair on Qin Feng's temples, and couldn't help but sigh how time flies, and the people around him are already getting old in the blink of an eye.

Qin Zixuan supported Qin Feng, who was a great hero of Prince Cheng's Mansion. If it was in his previous life, Qin Feng would definitely own part of the shipyard's shares, unlike the servant who sells himself now.

Of course, in this man-eating society, being able to sell yourself to a powerful master is a very happy thing. It’s hard not to find a master. The happiness of the family is the benefit that Qin Zixuan brought them.

Up to now, there has been no incident of redemption in Prince Cheng's residence. This is also the ability of Prince Cheng's residence. Others are not envious of it. Qin Zixuan is very proud of it.

Before leaving, Qin Zixuan told Qin Feng to go to the palace treasury to get a pill to nourish his body, don't tire his body, and wipe Qin Feng's tears from excitement, he is not worthy of eating those things.

Qin Zixuan didn't care about that, he could give it away if he wanted to, as for others who wanted to buy Qin Zixuan but were not willing to sell it, it all depended on his mood, the Chengwang Mansion was really not short of money.

When they arrived at the shore, the ceremony officer sent by the emperor was already standing there, but the ceremony officer wanted to pick up King Cheng on the shore, but the problem was that the guards of Prince Cheng's mansion would not let him go, which was interesting.

The guards were worried that someone would sneak in and assassinate the prince. They had to protect the prince to a safe place. When they dared to assassinate again, they had their own spears and cannons to serve them.

The ceremony officer who came to welcome Qin Zixuan was from the Ministry of Rites. Seeing Qin Zixuan and his party, he hurried forward to salute and say hello. After finishing the set of small gifts, Qin Zixuan, the recipient of the gift, would be in pain. Would it be so troublesome.

On the other hand, Li Han accepted the gift with his hands behind his back and a cold face, as if he was indifferent. After the ceremony, the ceremony officer asked Qin Zixuan and Li Han to accept the order, so they knelt down on the spot. Except for the official who announced the order, Qin Zixuan and Li Han stood side by side. there.

The purpose is very simple: to express the praise and favor to Qin Zixuan, and to let others know that the emperor loves King Xin Cheng very much, and King Cheng is still favored as always.

This kind of method is very common in this society. It was used by the first emperor before. Qin Zixuan has long been used to this method. If he uses it again, he will not be moved to tears. The way is different, King Cheng calmly made people suspect that the decree was not a compliment to him.

After receiving the decree, the ceremony officer called out King Cheng's guard of honor. Qin Zixuan seldom used this thing when traveling. Like a bystander.

Li Han walked beside Qin Zixuan, and whispered, "No matter how big the situation is now, the pitfalls of returning to Yujing will be as big. This is trying to numb us."

"It's okay, who doesn't know who is cheating when we return to Yujing, anyway, who will know the result until the end of this kind of thing." Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, with a smirk on his face.

The two whispered a few words from time to time while riding on the horse, Qin Zixuan smiled like a spring breeze, Li Han was as cold as ice, one hot and the other cold was a perfect match, followed by Bai Jing and Dai Chun and his party.

This group of people is wearing battle armor, holding knives and guns, majestic, with pennants fluttering on both sides, and the team is lined up ten miles away. At this time, you can see the royal majesty, which is not treated like an ordinary general in triumph.

In Yujing City, the common people had received the news a long time ago. The striker brigade hadn't approached Yujing yet, and the common people had already gone out of the city ten miles to meet King Cheng. Qin Zixuan's reputation in Yujing was really very high, and his dark history was about to be wiped out.

Different from the enthusiastic ordinary people, Chen Fuzhong was conducting the final confirmation meeting, looking at the evidence in his hand again and again, for fear that he would miss something, and then be overthrown by Qin Zixuan one by one, otherwise it would not be fun.

Lu Qiang in the Lu Mansion is also looking at the memorial in his hand. This thing is used to praise Qin Zixuan. If Patriarch Zheng sees this memorial, he will definitely vomit blood with anger. What does this mean? Isn't it a good assist?
Zhang Yi'an was only sharpening his sword at the mansion, ready to attack Prince Cheng's mansion. As soon as the Chen family completed the attack on Qin Zixuan, he would leave his class and search the manor of Cheng Wang. At that time, everything in Prince Cheng's mansion would be his.

In the palace, the emperor was sitting there playing chess with Empress Lu, Yu'er was watching, the emperor dropped a son, and said softly: "It is said that Qin Zixuan wins the world, does the empress think that Qin Zixuan belongs to me?"

Hearing this, Yu'er raised her head and glanced at her father, she sat upright with her little hands folded, her eyelids drooped, and she was probably also thinking about what the emperor said, the corners of Empress Lu's mouth curled up slightly, a smile appeared, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if the trace The smile never came.

Empress Lu knew that the emperor had been hesitating. The emperor had the destiny of the emperor, but the emperor was not the only one who had the destiny of the emperor, and a new star rose to the east.

Two days ago, Qin Tianjian sent news that a super bright nova appeared in the west, and that nova was growing at a savage speed, almost equal to the emperor star. What happened in the west?This is what the emperor wants to know most.

It's just a question of who to send to the west. I have sent a fleet before, but I haven't sent back any news. I guess I won't be able to come back. If I guessed correctly, the emperor is thinking of King Cheng.

After all, King Cheng is a restless master. If King Cheng went to the west to investigate, he should run there in a hurry, and he would not have to spend money on the emperor's travel expenses. As for the Chen family, hehe, Empress Lu snickered.

In this man-eating palace, only smart people can survive to the end. Although the Lu family has been hit, but now that Lin Yucheng's job of checking accounts has been forced, the Lu family will not become the target of others' attacks. Let's change the target.

"Your Majesty, don't be suspicious of employing people, and don't use suspicious people. If your Majesty thinks that King Cheng is available, then let him use it." Empress Lu didn't say anything later, Empress Lu wanted to say that if she felt that she was not available, she would kill him.

But Qin Zixuan's status is different. Empress Lu will not say the killing word. If it spreads, Qin Zixuan is not crazy about revenge on the Lu family. At that time, she won't be able to keep her post, and Yu'er will also suffer along with it.

"Do you think he will hand over the bomb and the method of making the cannonball?" The emperor asked again, that was the question he was most concerned about. Xue Zhenye would fall so quickly, and the new weapon played a major role.

Empress Lu didn't dare to guarantee this matter, if Qin Zixuan had to hand it in when he returned it, Qin Zixuan only read the Taoist book when he returned, which meant that he had snatched two kinds of weapons and hadn't figured out how to make them yet.
(End of this chapter)

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