Chapter 1226
Zhang Yi'an, who was walking with the team, hadn't reached the palace when the voice of the old housekeeper came to his ears. The old housekeeper was quite anxious. Just now, the old man received the news that someone had evacuated the Zhang family. The treasure under the ancestral hall.

The old man was not sure if the news was true, so he went there himself, and then fainted in the underground secret room. The full underground secret room became empty, and there was not even a piece of paper left.

The most hateful thing is that none of the hidden weapons of the mechanism they set up has been activated, and they don't know who the opponent is. This method of breaking the mechanism is too clever.

Zhang Yian almost fainted on the ground when he received the news, the old butler supported Zhang Yian and tried his best to help Zhang Yian calm down. You can't faint at this time, if you faint again, whoever will take charge of the overall situation.

Li Han rode on the horse and saw Zhang Yi'an's unlucky eyes. Qin Zixuan tilted his head to look at Li Han, and then looked back at Zhang Yi'an's pale old face, feeling a little sympathetic to Zhang Yi'an.

Of course, Qin Zixuan admired Zhang Yi'an even more. He didn't know that the treasure was lost. It was their ancestral hall. Don't they have to go to worship their ancestors?It's just that Qin Zixuan didn't think about it himself. If he didn't send things to the treasure house, would he have seen what his own treasure house looked like?
Zhang Yi'an recovered his breath, his old face turned blue, it was the Zhang family's life-saving money, he thought it would be safest to put it in the ancestral hall, but he didn't expect the safest place to be lost.

If the emperor hadn't led the way, Zhang Yi'an would have wanted to go back and interrogate the guards guarding the ancestral hall now. Are they dead?It is impossible to move so many things away without making any sound, without leaving any clues.

"Master, what should we do?" Zhang Shun lowered his head and drooped his ears, with a bitter expression on his face. He couldn't decide on this matter. The old man hadn't calmed down yet, and he was lying on the bed stiffly, the imperial doctor was working hard.

"Arrest the guards for interrogation. There must be an inner ghost cooperating in this matter. Even if you beat him to death, you will have to force out the whereabouts of the baby." Zhang Yi'an touched the memorial in his arms and calmed down again.

Today he still has big things to do. Although the treasure is important, it has already been lost, so he can only do his best to track it down. The most important thing now is to cooperate with the Chen family to launch an attack on Prince Cheng's mansion. This time, the three of them will join forces and definitely bring Qin Zixuan down.

The old housekeeper took the order and left. Li Han squinted and then hurried on in a serious manner. He really admired Zhang Yi'an, but this didn't make him lose his sense of proportion.

Back in the main hall of the palace, the emperor praised Qin Zixuan again, all he said was empty talk, not a single word was practical, Qin Zixuan listened carefully with a smile on his face.

When the emperor's words fell, Qin Zixuan and Li Han stepped forward to hand in an order. His mission was completed, and the military power would return to the emperor.

The emperor is really worried that Qin Zixuan will hold on to the military power. With Qin Zixuan's ability, even if there are only 10 troops, the uprising can be successful. Daqin's soldiers are probably no match for others
The emperor did not dare to put any military power in the hands of the two of them. Fortunately, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were not power lovers, so they immediately returned the military amulet after finishing their business, and the officials below also heaved a sigh of relief.

Lin Yucheng heard the sound of anger around him, and squinted at the other party, with a look of disdain on the corner of his mouth, does his nephew need a soldier talisman to do bad things?Just wave the flag and shout, and someone will follow.

Soldier talismans are useful to those who have no prestige. The soldiers brought out by real generals don't care about your soldier talismans. They only recognize people but not talismans.

Xian Wang tilted his head to look at the left minister next to him, saw that the old man had his eyes half closed, wondering what bad things he was thinking, so he closed his eyes too.

In this auspicious atmosphere, someone shouted grievances and walked out of the shift to sue Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan glanced at the person who came, and recognized him as the Patriarch of the Chen family and Yuanwailang from the Ministry of War.

Compared with his two sons, this official was nothing, because he had never led troops to fight, Qin Zixuan looked down on this kind of official the most, and it would be bullshit to want to control people who fought before.

Master Zheng went to the prelude to sue Qin Zixuan for having no king, no law, no king and no father. The memorial listed more than a dozen major crimes, and Qin Zixuan was ordered to die one by one.

After Patriarch Zheng finished reading the book, another three senior officials came out to make a pledge. Qin Zixuan still didn't respond, and continued to copy his hands to read. Zhang Yi'an's face hadn't recovered yet, and he also stepped forward to ask for the inspection of Prince Cheng's mansion and the possession of Prince Cheng's property. into the treasury.

The emperor sat on the dragon chair like a long needle on his butt, and he couldn't sit still. The expressions of Li Han and Qin Zixuan were really strange. These two seemed to be watching a show. How are they going to take the move? ?
Li Han waited until Zhang Yi'an finished speaking, tilted his head and glanced at the officials, and said sinisterly: "Is there only a few? Are there any more? Come out quickly, let's solve it together."

Speaking of this, he even took a special look at Lu Qiang. Lu Qiang's liver trembled in fright. He always felt that Li Han's look had some deep meaning. She didn't know something, did she?

Qin Zixuan sighed, thinking that there would be a lot of people jumping out, but he didn't expect that there were only a few of them, and it wasn't just one or two people who betrayed the water temporarily. It seems that this group of people deliberately cheated the Chen family.

Qin Zixuan stepped forward and pointed to Patriarch Zheng, and said: "Zheng Xingwang, you have a good literary talent, but it's just nothing. Compared with this king, it's really different. We have no comparison, so this king will not drag his words."

Oops, Qin Zixuan adjusted his belt, spread his legs apart, put one hand on his hip, and pointed at Patriarch Zheng with the other, ready to fight. Li Han reached into his arms and took out a memorial, unfolded it and placed it in front of Qin Zixuan.

Qin Zixuan glanced at the memorial, and then shouted loudly: "Well, you shameless Zheng Xingwang, it's not your fault that you are ugly, it's your parents' fault, but your ugly heart is your fault gone."

What?All the ministers, including the emperor, were stunned. Is this going to scold the street?King Cheng, are you going to play the shrew?This is the main hall, not the vegetable market, let's talk about it if we have something to say, don't play like this, okay?
Patriarch Zheng blushed from being scolded, and he didn't want to be ugly. It was given by his parents. Besides, is his ugliness related to what he is doing now?

"Zheng Xingwang, when your mother gave birth to you, you must have clamped the door panel with your forehead. Even your IQ can stand in the hall, which really lowered the average IQ of Daqin officials. By the way, how can you, a guy who harms the country and the people, still do you?" Standing in the hall?"

"That's right, you are Zheng Zhaoyi's father. The emperor is showing kindness to Zheng Zhaoyi because of his face, but when did the women in the harem interfere in politics? How could they control the life and death of such a felony?"

Qin Zixuan looked surprised, suddenly came to his senses, pointed at the emperor and shouted: "Brother emperor, you are emphasizing sex over law!"

(End of this chapter)

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