Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1227 You worked hard

Chapter 1227 You worked hard
Qin Zixuan said that the palace was quiet. Qin Zixuan was the first one who dared to criticize the emperor like that. The emperor was young and vigorous, and could not listen to persuasion. Many old officials had a lot of opinions on the emperor, so they were also dismissed.

Now this group of courtiers are basically very savvy, if the emperor doesn't listen, he won't listen, so they won't hold their heads up, their lives are valuable, and they have to live for their families and families.

The emperor was watching a play, but he didn't expect a fire to reach him, and he was stunned by the scolding. He didn't know what Qin Zixuan meant by this, and what did it have to do with him?
Qin Zixuan was addicted to cursing, pointed at the emperor's nose and cursed: "Zheng Hong's kind of trash can command millions of soldiers, is it because there are too many men in the Great Qin Dynasty or the lives of the Great Qin men are not worth anything?"

"He is a guy who started with a woman, but he can also be entrusted with important tasks? What is Zheng Nian's worthless thing? You let him command a 20 navy. Let me ask you, does the 20 navy really have so many soldiers? Do you know Zheng Nian? How much time did Nian take his subordinates to eat?"

Qin Zixuan's question made many people's faces change drastically. How could this be related to the Chi Kong sound? Shouldn't King Cheng justify himself?Speaking of which, they haven't heard a single word from Lord Cheng's explanation. This doesn't conform to the routine.

"The 20 navy actually has less than 15 troops. These troops are still the foundation laid by Tang Shiqiang's management. After Zheng Nian took office, he bought and sold official positions, and led those generals who were illegally promoted to eat nothing. You don't know this. How much ecstasy soup did that Zheng Zhaoyi in your harem pour into you? You couldn’t see their true colors clearly!”

The emperor's face is ugly, because he really doesn't know about this situation. Kongxiang has happened in all dynasties, as long as it is not serious, everyone will turn a blind eye and close their eyes. How could they think that it is so serious.

The 20 navy has only 15 troops, but he distributed 20 ring silver. Is the water too deep here?The emperor felt a chill down his spine.

Qin Zixuan's petty temper came up, he grabbed the memorial from Li Han's hand and threw it at the emperor, the frightened little Douzi hurried up to receive it, and then heard Qin Zixuan's shout.

"Your Majesty, it's true that you are the emperor of a country, but you are not a fool. Take a good look at what the Chen family has done. It's really shameless for this kind of person to stand in the hall and stand as the king!"

Xiaodouzi held the memorial and looked at the emperor, wondering whether he should hand the memorial up. Cheng Wang's gesture of handing the memorial was so unreasonable. It was the emperor who smashed the memorial, and no prince would smash the emperor.

The emperor's face was quite ugly, he clasped and clasped his hands next to his legs, and let Xiaodouzi hand over the memorial. Patriarch Zheng stood there with a dark face, thinking of the method of King Cheng's counterattack, which was black material revenge.

After taking revenge on the Chen family, Qin Zixuan's eyes fell on An Minglu. An Minglu felt his skin tightened. Why don't you go too far?

Lin Yucheng looked up at the top of the main hall, it was so tall and beautiful, he was full of sympathy for these people, and wanted to step on the throne of King Cheng, but also to see if he was clean.

Fu Chengying looked down at her toes, her hands trembled slightly, her body was half-shrunk, she tried her best to look inconspicuous, since her family knew about her affairs, Fu Chengying was now very afraid that Qin Zixuan would stare at him.

"You are Anming Road, right?" Qin Zixuan pointed to Anming Road, Li Han took out another memorial from his bosom, unfolded it and placed it in front of Qin Zixuan, everyone was speechless, the dignified general actually did this!

"Sister, you have worked hard. If you need to make a move, you can squeak, and I promise to hit the opponent's bones and tendons." Li Han whispered into Qin Zixuan's ear. Reasonable, but reasoning is really tiring, Li Han said he didn't want to talk about it.

Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, this is a good suggestion, the work of beating people is too tiring, his own tender hands will turn red after beating them, if he really wants to teach a lesson to those who are not good-looking, he has to make a move from his eldest daughter-in-law, that big iron fist is too powerful.

Just when the emperor looked at Qin Zixuan's memorial and trembled, Qin Zixuan began to scold An Minglu again, greeting An Minglu from his ancestors to his ancestors, An Minglu who greeted him vomited blood, King Cheng really took revenge overnight.

Then Qin Zixuan scolded those who jumped out to show off one by one, and then the memorial was transferred to the emperor's case, and the charges were not light. In the end, Qin Zixuan's eyes fell on Zhang Yi'an.

Zhang Yi'an's heart skipped a beat when he was watched. He didn't know what kind of news Qin Zixuan was going to expose him. Seriously, Zhang Yi'an knew exactly how much black news he had to report to the outside world.

But at this time Qin Zixuan stopped scolding, but looked at Zhang Yian with his hips on his hips, Li Han tilted his head to cooperate, the couple just stared at Zhang Yian sinisterly, Zhang Yian was sweating like rain.

On the dragon chair, the emperor had already read Qin Zixuan's memorial, and he clenched his fists again. Isn't his minister honest and wise?Why is there no good person among the talents he likes.

The emperor slapped the dragon case, looked up at His Royal Highness, and saw Qin Zixuan and Li Han staring at Zhang Yi'an, Zhang Yi'an seemed to have been washed, with sweat dripping from his feet.

This slap suddenly resounded in the hall, and everyone trembled in fright, Qin Zixuan even shrank his neck and trembled, Li Han was so angry that he turned his head and stared at the emperor, as if the emperor had done something terrible.

The emperor was embarrassed, and then he remembered that Qin Zixuan was cowardly. This slap of his own scared the kid, but thinking that Qin Zixuan was frightened, he was inexplicably happy, and that kid was also afraid sometimes.

Suddenly the emperor realized that things were going wrong. According to the plot, Qin Zixuan should have defended himself, and then the officials stepped forward to bite the guy, and then he pretended to forgive Qin Zixuan generously, but he wanted to nationalize the shipyard.

The next step is the method of making bombs and small cannons. It seems that these things have not been mentioned so far. Except that Zheng Xingwang listed Qin Zixuan's charges of privately making bombs and small cannons, Qin Zixuan scolded him for a long time and never mentioned it once. .

Is this topic coming to grandma's house?The emperor shook his head to restore his sanity. His goal has not been achieved yet, and he still expects to send Qin Zixuan to the Western Continent. When will these topics be brought up?

You can't turn to this topic very bluntly, it will look too blunt and purposeful, and Qin Zixuan found out that it's not a big mess. The emperor felt annoyed for a while, looked at Zhang Yi'an, hoping that Zhang Yi'an would come out and bite Qin Zixuan a few bites.

Zhang Yi'an secretly swallowed his saliva, his eyes fell on Qin Zixuan, and it was his turn to perform next.

(End of this chapter)

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