Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1228 Counterattack

Chapter 1228 Counterattack
Zhang Yi'an finally thought of his mission, if he doesn't bite Qin Zixuan, he will have no good fruit to eat, besides, he is still waiting to get rid of the oil and water from Prince Cheng's mansion, until now Zhang Yi'an is still thinking about good things, I really think Qin Zixuan has nothing to do with him.

It's just that Zhang Yi'an was wrong, he was already being watched by Qin Zixuan before, and now he wants to continue stepping on his feet, it's just a dream, he pretended to be his grandson without seeing Lu Qiang, the old guy almost fell asleep.

Just when Zhang Yi'an opened his mouth, Li Han threw a small stone on his mouth, and did not keep any of the gates from top to bottom. Once he succeeded, Li Han opened another memorial.

Qin Zixuan's voice rang in Zhang Yi'an's mind, Zhang Yi'an's face turned pale in shock, he really wanted to ask Qin Zixuan where he got this data, it was actually accurate to the text, he never knew that he had embezzled so much.

"Zhang Yi'an, Zhang Guifei's father, the emperor's old Taishan, is currently the Minister of Communications. Since he took office, he has embezzled a total of 3 yuan with his subordinates."

"Oh, how much money does the Great Qin State Treasury have now? I'm not very smart, can you give me the number?" Qin Zixuan slapped his head, calling it bad numbers?If you remember the text and still can't call it good, then what should you call it?

"Your Majesty, your old Taishan, I have no objection to your nepotism, but can you take care of your relatives and don't let them spend all of Daqin's money? You don't have money to pay for the troops of Daqin's expedition, but yours Lao Taishan has money to go home, do you think this is reasonable?"

Qin Zixuan read out a series of numbers, and pointed the gun at the emperor again. Today, Qin Zixuan's main opponent is not these ministers, but the emperor who is sitting in a high position. You are an incompetent guy who wants to attack your own property, dreaming.

The emperor's chest heaved with anger, this is his old Taishan, that's right, this is the second time Qin Zixuan pointed at his nose and accused him of nepotism, pro-little people and far-reaching ministers, this emperor's younger brother is too much.

What can't be said in private, but you have to talk about it in the hall, and you have to talk about it on the celebration day, this is embarrassing yourself!The emperor clenched his fist again, Qin Zixuan raised his eyebrows, wondering if he would be mad at the emperor today.

If the emperor is pissed off, he has to find someone to take over. It's really troublesome. It's better not to die. If you want to die, wait until Nawa Dahai comes back. How will the world arrange to listen to Nawa.

Qin Zixuan's psychological activities are very rich, but he doesn't need to be on the ground. Zhang Yian covered his mouth and knelt in the exhibition to express his feelings. When he spoke, he not only leaked air but also leaked blood. After Qin Zixuan discovered this phenomenon, he tilted his head to watch. It was quite amusing. , for the first time.

Li Han clenched his fists and wanted to continue beating people. Lin Yucheng coughed heavily and reminded Li Han not to be presumptuous. If Li Han continued to be presumptuous, he would be whipped by the old man again when he went back. Lin Yucheng said that he didn't want to be taught as a grandson at his age.

Zhang Yi'an talked for a while, feeling something was wrong, and met Qin Zixuan's face full of smirks, he was almost out of breath, his body was like a fallen leaf in the wind, his posture was so fierce that he couldn't speak.

Seeing that Zhang Yi'an was speechless, Qin Zixuan continued to talk. Zhang Yi'an's story had just exploded at the beginning, and there were still a lot of things to come. The ambitions of Zhang Yi'an and the Zhang family are revealed to the world.

The Rong'an Society was led by Zhang Yi'an. Zhang Yi'an brought together the noble merchants in Tongzhou to form such an organization. Zhang Yi'an considered himself the president of the First World.

The purpose of the Rong'an Society is to start from Tongzhou and invade outwards. The ultimate goal is to spread the power of Tongzhou all over the Great Qin Dynasty. The government and business are both working, and they are currently deploying Zhangzhou.

This group of people got together to monopolize business, make a big deal, inflate prices, disrupt local order, and at the same time evade taxes. They should not pay any taxes to the country.

If one day Rong'an will really spread all over Daqin, then Daqin's treasury will be really light, and even a dime of commercial tax will not be collected. At that time, it will be difficult to say whether Daqin's surname is Qin or Zhang.

Qin Zixuan analyzed Zhang Yi'an's purpose one by one from the point to the surface, from the shallower to the deeper. Zhang Yi'an was screaming after analyzing it, but his mouth was still bleeding, and he couldn't speak clearly.

As Qin Zixuan's explanation deepened, the emperor sitting on the dragon chair changed his expression. What he feared most was that others would miss his dragon chair. Judging from the current situation, the Zhang family was really ambitious.

If Rong Anhui is really allowed to continue to grow wildly, is Da Qin still his Da Qin?The emperor asked himself, since he ascended the throne, the treasury has been called poor again and again. He thought it was the fault left by his father, but now he realizes that it is not the case.

When the spies told him who was corrupt, the emperor didn't care, because he knew that being an official for thousands of miles was only for money, but he didn't expect the corruption to be so serious. It's not that the country is poor, but that the money has been stolen.

If things don't deal with it and continue like this, Daqin will be in chaos sooner or later. It doesn't take Qin Zixuan to point it out to the emperor to understand this truth. The emperor's eyes fell on His Highness. Are they all corrupt officials?Why?

After Qin Zixuan finished reading the memorial, he took the thick memorial and beat Zhang Yi'an on the head, and then asked Zhang Yi'an what he meant, why did he do these things, aren't you the emperor's old Taishan?

As the old Taishan, is this the way to deceive the emperor?Is that how he cheated Daqin?I asked Zhang Yian if he had any ambitions, and Zhang Yian who hit him straight had stars in his eyes, his head seemed to be crushed by a mountain, and he couldn't utter any words to explain.

Li Han stood by with his hands behind his back and watched the little Xianggong play tricks. It was the little Xianggong's suggestion to smack Zhang Yi'an's mouth beforehand. The reason was that he didn't want someone to defend himself when he was reading the memorial.

The emperor's face was livid with anger, he had already forgotten about the matter of seizing Qin Zixuan's property, and only asked Qin Zixuan if he had any evidence, would he say such a thing without evidence?Qin Zixuan asked Emperor Xuan Linxi to present evidence.

As soon as the emperor understood it, King Cheng came prepared. He was just staring at these people and preparing to fight back. This made the emperor feel very uncomfortable. Holding the memorial sent by Zheng Xingwang, he really wanted to ask about these crimes. established?
When Zheng Xingwang saw the emperor taking his memorial, he immediately stepped forward and knelt down, even if he died, he would drag Qin Zixuan to hell, and he would beat Qin Zixuan to death if others didn't do their best.

So the emperor pinched the memorial and asked Qin Zixuan how to explain, Qin Zixuan sneered, does this need to be explained?The shipyard was built by myself, without spending a dime from the country. I can't just want to rob my property just because my business is good and my technology is high.

There are so many people doing business in the world, do you just think about it because you fancy other people's prescriptions?Do you want to grab other people's property because you are jealous?Is this a court hall or a bandit den?
(End of this chapter)

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