Chapter 1235

Qin Zishuo expressed his conjecture with the mentality of pulling his comrades in arms, so these young people became angry, not waiting for such a bully, and called Qin Zixuan to settle accounts.

When Qin Zixuan wandered to the hot pot restaurant, Qin Zishuo arrived with his people, Qin Zixuan hurried on his way slowly, and Qin Zishuo came in a carriage, but Qin Zishuo got there first.

Li Han was playing while holding Qin Zixuan's hand, saw a group of people blocking the door, and looked at their standing posture, Li Han smiled very unkindly, Qin Zixuan was confused, looked at Qin Zixuan The standing posture of Zi Shuo and his group is always strange, is it okay for a big man to stand like this?

"Qin Zixuan, you are too much!"

As soon as Qin Zishuo mentioned his name, Qin Zixuan looked at his outstretched fingers, and suddenly yelled strangely: "Damn, are you wiping your asshole with your fingers? Don't you need to wash it after you wipe it? Does your family know that you are so clean?" ?”

The people who asked three questions in a row were dumbfounded. They looked at Qin Zishuo one after another. They actually saw something yellow in his nails. When they smelled it carefully, there was still a smell. Some people couldn't help but retch.

Li Han stood next to him, grinning happily, how intense the scene yesterday was, Qin Zixuan pinched his nose and rolled his eyes, expressing doubts about Qin Zishuo's taste, how old he is and yet so unhygienic.

In the past, if there was no straw paper, you could just wipe it with your fingers, but now straw paper is available, and it is not expensive, cheaper than book paper, but the reason why it is sold so cheap is that ordinary people can use it.

Now that the common people can use it, why doesn't Qin Zishuo, who is a member of the royal family, not use it?Isn't this an embarrassment to the members of the royal family? Qin Zixuan expressed that he couldn't afford to lose that face, and waved his hands to tell Qin Zishuo to leave.

In fact, not only the spectators were retching, but Qin Zishuo was not much better either. Seeing that his fingers were almost cross-eyed, and his heart was in a mess, Qin Zishuo was wondering whether he picked his own ass or someone else's. ?other's!

Li Han saw the young man standing next to Qin Zishuo touching his butt, and his stomach ached from laughing, so he decided to find a place where no one was around to talk to the young man later, let's have fun together.

With that sharp vision, he already realized that something was wrong. His eyes wandered around a group of teenagers, and then a rumor spread quietly that Qin Zishuo had lost his way this time.

Shang Rong sat in the carriage and opened a corner to observe quietly. Seeing Qin Zixuan and the general with relaxed faces, Shang Rong knew that she was safe because there were two stalwart figures standing in front of her.

No matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't stand the fiery gaze. Qin Zishuo was defeated in the end. He didn't care to ask if it was Qin Zixuan's black hands, and ran away in desperation. He should find a place to wash up.

Qin Zixuan arranged Shang Rong in the store, and Shang Rong's cakes will be sold in the hot pot restaurant in the future, and they can also be placed at the door. Anyway, this person is covered by Cheng Wang's mansion. He is not afraid that Xian Wang's mansion is fine, so he will come to provoke Cheng Wang's mansion. .

Qin Zishuo was lying in the hot spring pool in another courtyard. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. This matter was full of evil spirits. Could it be that Qin Zixuan was really the mastermind? Then this matter would never end. Dare to destroy his reputation, this is a life and death enmity.

On the other side, Qin Zixuan and Li Han sat in the private room of the hot pot restaurant, Yang Shulin led soldiers to guard outside, Li Han pulled Qin Zixuan and bit his ears for a while, then Qin Zixuan's eyes widened, my dear, do you want to be so cruel.

The eldest daughter-in-law is really too aggressive, Qin Zixuan expressed his admiration, ordinary people can't do this, only extraordinary people can think of it, such as himself, Qin Zixuan felt that if he would definitely take twice as much medicine, let them do it the next day Can't get up.

The news about Qin Zishuo spread quickly, all parties received the news, even the person in the palace received it, and he also suspected that it was Qin Zixuan who did it, because that guy did things in a hurry, and he wouldn't dare to do things once he got wind of it. things.

Wang Jiayi stood in the courtyard angrily and pointed at the sky and scolded Qin Zixuan for bullying others. Even if Qin Zishuo troubled Shang Rong, it was a matter between children, so why would he use such ruthless means to retaliate.

This time, King Jiayi hated Qin Zixuan. What did he do? He ordered people to quickly collect information on Prince Cheng's residence, trying to find a way to bring down Prince Cheng's residence, and no matter what he said, Qin Zixuan would not be able to live again.

Qin Zixuan didn't know the big deal, but laughed and collapsed on the chair, and gave Li Han a thumbs up, so Li Han was so proud. A few days later, Qin Ziming came back from other places. The first thing this guy did when he came back was to go to the hot pot Check out the store.

The business was intact, but I saw a few customers with food poisoning. The other party insisted that it was caused by eating something from the hot pot restaurant, and the shopkeeper was dealing with it there.

Qin Ziming has been on the battlefield for a long time, and he has never seen any means before. He knew at a glance that this was a trap, and he didn't need to think about it to know that this was revenge.

This made Qin Ziming very angry. The consequence of being angry is to stab someone with a knife. Fortunately, the shopkeeper has sharp eyes, otherwise Qin Ziming would be caught by Qin Ziming and it would be a disaster. .

So Qin Zixuan, who was alive and unrestrained, left Prince Cheng's mansion, instead of going to the hot pot restaurant, he smashed King Jiayi's property with a stick, and King Jiayi cursed again in anger.

It's just that King Jiayi is not Qin Zixuan, nor is Qin Zixuan a bastard, this guy actually smashed up the shop and went all the way to King Jiayi's mansion, blocking the gate of King Jiayi's mansion and yelling.

Ever since, one scolded outside and the other scolded inside. The scolding was wonderful. King Jiayi didn't expect that Qin Zixuan would dare to block the door, and he didn't know what happened.Those little bastards were not sent by King Jiayi, and his method of attack must not be so simple.

But the people who followed behind to watch the excitement understood that it turned out that the poisoning incident in Prince Cheng's hot pot restaurant was man-made, and it was also related to Prince Jiayi's palace.

Everyone watched the show with their ears and eyes wide open, for fear of missing the moment. This kind of good show doesn't happen every year, and at the same time, everyone's disgust for King Jiayi also quietly arose.

There is no other reason. Prince Cheng and the Great General are the heroes of the Great Qin. They were born and died for the Great Qin, and led the army to a decisive battle in the south. But what good things have you, King Jiayi, done?
It seems that he didn't see anything, but with the appearance of the fanatics, the dissatisfaction is getting higher and higher. When the news reaches the hot pot restaurant, the gangsters who are making trouble are dumbfounded. Should they continue to make trouble or run away?

Prince Cheng blocked the gate of King Jiayi's mansion, so would he still be afraid of some of their punks?Don't get the money but put your life in it instead, several people looked at each other, got up and ran away, they stopped playing.

The shopkeeper looked at the backs of several people and sneered, could the monk run away to the temple?On the other hand, Qin Ziming next to me yelled to chase after me and break their dog legs!
(End of this chapter)

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