Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1236 Are you full?

Chapter 1236 Are you full?
As soon as he returned to Yujing, Qin Ziming joined the battlefield, took a few guards to catch up with the gangsters and beat them up, who came up with the idea of ​​the interrogation, where did this person hide, dare not be honest, hum!
Qin Ziming snorted coldly, he will let these people know what tricks are, and he must let them understand that even if his father becomes an idle prince, it is not their turn to bully him!

Everyone has a bloody side, and Qin Ziming's bloody side was aroused in this way. A few gangsters on the street were picked on ten fingers, and it was clear that they confessed the matter even with beatings and scares.

The reason for this is Qin Zishuo, the reason is that Qin Zishuo likes Shang Rong, but now Shang Rong is under the protection of Cheng Wangfu, he sent people to rob him several times but failed, so he thought of such a trick.

Qin Ziming sneered when he heard it, and robbed people in the hands of Prince Cheng, why didn't he go to heaven, how powerful the Prince Cheng was, Qin Ziming said that he didn't understand, judging from the layout of the brother, it's okay not to move to Prince Cheng, but to move Daqin must be destroyed.

Of course, it doesn’t matter even if Great Qin is destroyed, anyway, it’s just another person to be the emperor, and no one stipulates that the emperor must be a person of that line.

The news seller was too busy, running back and forth, bringing the news from both parties back and forth, the result of Qin Ziming's interrogation quickly spread outside the gate of Prince Jiayi's mansion.

The onlookers curled their lips after hearing this, and supported Prince Cheng even more firmly. Prince Cheng is so kind, good-looking and kind, and the speed of attracting fans has also skyrocketed. Appearance is a business card in any era, and this era is no different.

King Jiayi couldn't help but walked out of the house to quarrel with Qin Zixuan, so Qin Zixuan pointed at King Jiayi's nose and scolded him for being a bad guy, what the hell, if there is a war on the front line, you pretend to be dead and dare not go out to fight, so you know you can catch him in the back Good, but are your hands stretched too far?
King Jiayi was so angry that his liver hurt, why did his hands grow?He didn't touch the things of Prince Cheng's Mansion. Others were staring at the property of Prince Cheng's Mansion, but he didn't stare at it. He knew that it was a hard bone, and if something bad happened, his teeth would burst out, and he didn't even dodge it.

Li Han stood there with his hands behind his back and looked at the old prince viciously. He looked exactly like the late emperor, except that King Jiayi was too fat, so he didn't appear to have such a strong aura, and the clothes he wore definitely met the standard of a local tyrant.

Anyway, if this kind of dress is placed on the little Xianggong, the little Xianggong will definitely tear it off and throw it away one by one. The bored Li Han counted, and King Jiayi only has eighteen thumb-sized orbs inlaid on his belly.

Such a long belt, few of them have dozens of them. Sure enough, the jade belt around the waist is not the end of the story, but it is a bit similar to Qin Ziming's previous attire, but Qin Ziming does not wear it like this now, and is much more low-key.

King Jiayi was trembling with his hands full of luck, this bastard was even more difficult than the legend said, Qin Zixuan squinted at King Jiayi, this old bastard was a smiling fox.

To actually turn the smiling face into such a fox, and to speak out the absolute value of pride, Qin Zixuan scolded and deserted, the two sides quarreled terribly, at this juncture, under the imperial decree.

The emperor knew that the two kings were fighting, and he was very happy, but it would be too much to block the door and scold the street. If you have something to say, please come to the palace to talk, as long as they are not in harmony.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han looked at each other, it's better to go to the palace, it's not a problem to keep cursing for today's trouble, anyway, there is no disadvantage, go and talk to the emperor, Qin Zixuan will think of reasoning now.

He keeps saying that he is rational, and the angry King Jiayi suffers from liver pain, and blocking people's doors is still called being rational. Is there any reason in this world?Both parties got on their horses and rushed to the palace. On the other side, Qin Ziming also received the imperial decree. This fellow sent some gangsters to the palace under escort.

If the emperor wants to intervene, he should ask the case clearly, otherwise Qin Ziming said that he couldn't swallow this breath, and he really regarded himself as a sick cat. Believe it or not, he launched the economic crisis in advance!
The emperor met several people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, only then did Qin Zixuan know that Qin Ziming had returned, and expressed his displeasure at seeing him for the first time when this guy came back, he valued sex over friends.

Li Han tilted his head and looked at Qin Ziming. This guy is really a lover, and he came back so quickly. Is Shang Rong so good?Li Han said that he couldn't understand it, but the Princess of Changxiang County seemed to be more beautiful than Shang Rong.

Qin Ziming came to Qin Zixuan's side and thanked him, this brother is very particular about his work, so awesome.

As soon as the emperor raised his hand and threw a cup at Qin Ziming's feet, Qin Ziming stopped farting with Qin Zixuan and looked up at the emperor. Why do you only pick soft persimmons? I donated a lot of money to you for your use.

It is said that money is the uncle, but I am not a persimmon! Qin Ziming's heart is full of activities, but his face is full of puzzlement, as if a misty child went to the wrong place.

This little expression successfully amused Qin Zixuan. This brother is showing this expression here. Qin Zixuan doesn't know how to describe this feeling. It's not that he feels stupid, but that Qin Ziming is so stupid. Who will believe this expression?

Sure enough, the emperor didn't believe it. He pointed at Qin Ziming and asked why Qin Ziming beat people in public. There was a criminal court and a Dali Temple for trial.

Qin Ziming was stunned, the emperor was indeed a bastard, Qin Ziming's goodwill for the emperor completely disappeared, bullying people don't wait for such a bully, King Cheng would not bully him like this.

Qin Ziming took a step forward and replied loudly, that is, as the king of the county, I saw that the property of Prince Cheng's mansion was framed, don't I have the right to have a trial?I am a member of the royal family, the county king of Daqin, which law stipulates that I do not have this right?

When it came to the law, Qin Ziming said that he had really read the books on law carefully, which was suggested by Qin Zixuan, because Qin Zixuan said that only by understanding the law can he know how to evade the law in reality.

Only when encountering a problem can one know how to win a lawsuit and how to dig a hole for the other party. These all need to understand the law to be perfect, so Qin Ziming regards it as a wise saying and implements it.

Now that the emperor drinks him, he refuses to accept it, so he asks the emperor, the angrily emperor picks up the cup and hits Qin Ziming again, Qin Ziming clenches his fist when he hits it, the damn thing really only bullies him.

Qin Zixuan stood there with his arms folded, leaning on Li Han's shoulder to watch the play, smiling like a fool, the emperor smashed two cups did not frighten Qin Ziming, but made Qin Ziming very angry.

Qin Ziming gave the emperor the theoretical legal regulations with his fingers, and then recited them one by one. The emperor who memorized them was shocked. There are so many laws of the Great Qin Dynasty, and this guy actually remembers them all. Is he full of food?
King Jiayi looked at Qin Ziming with a gloomy face, secretly resenting that even the most useless Qin Ziming was like this, but none of his descendants in King Jiayi's palace made a name for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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