Chapter 1239
Qin Zixuan and Li Han entered the Jiayi Palace, hiding in Tibet along the way, and finally let him find the place. Qin Zixuan wondered if Li Han had been there before, why is he so familiar with the terrain of the Jiayi Palace?
Li Han said that he came here when he was a child. At that time, King Jiayi’s mansion didn’t have as many secret guards as there are now. It was very low-key at that time, not to mention that the gate was always open, it was almost the same, and it was rarely closed.

Not only the gate is not closed, but the back door is also not closed. It is too easy to get into the palace. At that time, Li Han was young and didn't understand why the palace was often closed. Now I know, it is because I am afraid of death.

Probably because I was worried that the first emperor would misunderstand, and then I would find an opportunity to deal with him, so I acted like I had no secrets. As a result, everything changed after the new emperor took office. This person is probably tired of hiding and doesn't want to continue hiding. It's a fight.

Before going to the little concubine's courtyard, Li Han took Qin Zixuan to the palace for a tour, and then saw fried pork on bamboo boards in the ancestral hall, Qin Zixuan kept laughing after seeing it, and then the two left quietly.

King Jiayi, who was enforcing the family law, didn't know that someone had sneaked in and then slipped away, and was still beating Qin Zishuo severely, so he asked the grandson why he provoked them.

Is one of those two guys a gas-efficient lamp?Whoever offends Prince Cheng's mansion will have a good end, either ransacking the house or destroying the family, no one knows how much black material he has in his hands.

Now even the people from the Yushitai saw Cheng Wang's mansion walked around, for fear of accidentally falling into the pit, they have already deeply experienced the power of Cheng Wang's mansion, it is better not to provoke them.

Those people know that their heads are not iron, why does this stupid grandson think his head is made of iron?Isn't this just looking for trouble?Fortunately, Qin Zixuan didn't take out a real hammer today, otherwise the Jiayi Palace would be in bad luck.

The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the strength in his hands became stronger. Qin Zishuo's buttocks blossomed after being spanked, and beside Qin Zishuo, his father was still kneeling. The reason was that he had not educated his son well.

Besides, when Qin Zixuan and Li Han came to the concubine's yard, they saw a happy room, the infatuated man and woman were still entangled, Qin Zixuan shook his head to find the angle, and Li Han was in charge of guarding.

This girl is probably a bit lacklustre, taking her husband to do this kind of thing in broad daylight, only General Li can do it, normal people can't do it.

"Which is the old prince's first son?" Qin Zixuan looked at it for a long time, but he didn't see the man's face, only saw the gray buttocks rising and falling.

Li Han replied casually without looking at her: "It's either the eldest or the third. The two brothers are the only ones who have an affair with this concubine. There are many grandchildren, probably four or five."

Qin Zixuan gritted his teeth when he heard this, and at the same time admired the concubine's skillful methods. She actually seduced so many men, and they were all the flesh and blood of King Jiayi. This woman must be taking revenge, she is too awesome.

Thinking about it, it's true, just like King Jiayi, if nothing else, his stomach is unbearable, a [-]-year-old girl and a bad old man are still a useless bad old man, it's strange if they don't have an affair.

"Look, the queue is here." Li Han poked Qin Zixuan, pointed in a direction for Qin Zixuan to look, and sure enough, he saw a man in his thirties groping towards him.

Qin Zixuan expressed his admiration for everyone who dared to run this way under such circumstances, and at the same time secretly reminded himself not to do such things that make people plant grass, and stay away from concubines and so on.

"Is that the grandson or the son?" Qin Zixuan asked, and had to complain about another drawback of this era, that is, it's really hard to tell the difference between a son and a grandson.

These days, even if the mistress is too old to give birth, there are still concubines, and some men in their fifties and sixties can still have children when they are old. Sun Du was born.

If you want to use age to distinguish generations, that's really not allowed. Qin Zixuan did this stupid thing before, but then he stopped doing it. He has to ask a question every time, so as not to make a joke.

"That's the grandson, the eldest son of the eldest son." Li Han raised the corners of his mouth with a sneer on his face. This King Jiayi's backyard is really messy. Compared with the backyard of the young man, King Jiayi's here is a dirty place. A dark world without light.

The eldest son and grandson are of great significance in this era. They are the pillars that support a family. Are all the pillars of King Jiayi's palace like this?Then why does King Jiayi come out to make troubles, just be a prince of Xiaoyao, maybe he can die well, Qin Zixuan really doesn't understand why King Jiayi still comes out to make troubles.

"Doesn't King Jiayi educate his grandson? Even if the other descendants don't, the eldest son and grandson must be educated, right?" Qin Zixuan asked, thinking about his own son, and looking at other people's sons, Qin Zixuan felt that his son was better.

Li Han sneered a few times, and explained to Qin Zixuan in a low voice that King Jiayi used to pretend to be a debauchery in order to live, and his descendants naturally also pretended to be fake. , and then it became what it is now.

Qin Zixuan shook his head straight after hearing this, no wonder some people say that it will come true after a long time of pretending, it really came true, turned around to look at the two people who are getting dressed, wondering if the man is the eldest son, if so, it would be great fun up.

After finishing the work, the man put on his clothes and walked away from the foot door. Soon the maid brought the eldest grandson of King Jiayi over, and the room was full of clouds and rain again. Qin Zixuan stared at it, and then discussed it with Li Han. It is said that their posture is too conservative, and the current skinny horse teacher is not qualified.

Li Han nodded frequently, especially agreeing with Qin Zixuan's words. If you want to talk about poses, you have to find a little gentleman. He can think of any poses, and he can come up with any kind of scenes. He is so good at playing.

The two of them were having a good discussion, when Li Han suddenly covered Qin Zixuan's mouth, pointed in one direction and said in a breathy voice: "It's over, this is a sign of the beginning of internal fighting, look there."

Qin Zixuan didn't struggle, he followed Li Han's fingers, and saw a 25-[-]-year-old man who was supporting King Jiayi and rushing towards him, he knew it was not a good thing from his anxious look.

It really wasn't a good thing, they came in the direction of this small courtyard, before the gatekeeper had time to warn, her neck hurt and her head tilted to the side, and then the door of the small courtyard was kicked open.

"Wow, today's show is so exciting, I would have called Qin Ziming to watch it if I knew it was so fun." Qin Zixuan couldn't help sighing softly as soon as his mouth was free.

At this moment, King Jiayi's face was pale with anger. He was enforcing the family law. He didn't expect his second grandson to come to him to report important matters. This bastard actually dared to sneak into his backyard in broad daylight. He was so brave.

As the door was kicked open, there were screams in the room, looking at the spring in the room, King Jiayi wanted to vomit blood angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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