Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1240 Family Rules

Chapter 1240 Family Rules
Qin Zixuan watched a good show in King Jiayi, and it was really enjoyable. The funniest thing was the reversal of the best second concubine, who actually grabbed the eldest grandson of King Jiayi after kicking open the door to panic , and then began to cry about his misfortune.

Shengsheng turned an affair into coercion, but the concubine was still the victim, and the perpetrator was the eldest grandson. The key is that King Jiayi believed it. Qin Zixuan was really shocked and expressed doubts about the old man's IQ.

After the drama ended, Li Han carried Qin Zixuan and slipped out of Prince Jiayi's mansion, and then discussed with Qin Zixuan why King Jiayi believed that concubine's words, but Qin Zixuan couldn't explain why.

Qin Zixuan felt that if this happened to him, he would be served by a big stick, and they would all be kicked out of the palace. It would be a disaster for such a person to stay by his side.

Unexpectedly, King Jiayi chose to kill the eldest grandson and keep the concubine. Qin Zixuan even wondered if the blood of the royal family was the gene of killing sons. Relentless.

The two walked halfway, Qin Zixuan suddenly said: "How about I make a rule for our sons, let them only marry one wife, and have a monogamous system."

After speaking, he looked at Li Han, Li Han frowned, why did Mao make such a rule for his son?For Mao is not to set rules for the husband himself, it is for Mao.

Thinking that his son will only be able to marry one wife in the future, Li Han really feels sorry for his son. It is too hard to live a young life, and there is only one woman to serve him.

Instead, it is suggested that there should not be too many concubines, and one should not take concubines after the age of 50. As for why it is over 50, Li Han heard from Qin Zixuan that men basically have no ability to sow seeds after [-].

Since there is no ability to sow seeds, why do concubines do it just to plant grass?Qin Zixuan felt that this age was still too old, and everyone who was a girl was a master, and it was hard to say how to take concubines, so it was better to be 40 years old.

Anyway, we get married when we are teenagers, and we have more than 40 years to sow seeds by the age of 20. If we can give birth, we can give birth early.

This time Li Han didn't continue to object. He also felt that it was disgusting for an old man to lie on top of a little girl. The husband and wife discussed and discussed a family rule of the Qin family.

As the beneficiaries of this family rule, Dahai and the others had no idea that this family rule was born under such circumstances, let alone that their parents were so absurd that they went to watch passionate scenes in their backyard.

But this family rule came into being as the times require, and it has saved many young girls. Qin Zixuan, the person who made the family rule, counted his age with his fingers afterwards, and sadly found that he was almost reaching the limit.

Li Han was grinning all the time on the way back to the mansion. He probably thought of this. In a few years, the young man will not be able to take concubines. In the past few years, he will be more careful, and he will sleep with him every day. Hehe, Little Xianggong has limited energy.

To say that Li Han is a bit stupid, but to say that she is smart, this woman is also very smart. She yells to help Qin Zixuan rob women every day, but she doesn't get any. Carried into the backyard.

Poor Qin Zixuan hasn't noticed anything wrong up to now, and he still laughs silly every day. When he returned to the palace, he even wrote this family rule in a small notebook, not knowing that he dug a hole and buried himself in it.

What happened to King Jiayi has not been spread, and there are really few people who know about it. Naturally, there will be no disturbances in Yujing, and Prince Cheng's mansion has entered a low-key period again. go hunting.

The main hall of Yujing City did not become calm just because Qin Zixuan fell into a low profile, but became more lively. The position of Minister of Communications was fiercely contested, and anyone wanted to grab it, but it was a fat job.

The emperor worries about talents every day. He really wants to find someone with a clean and honest government to take up the position. It's a good idea, but it's a pity that he doesn't know who he is.

The emperor actually wanted to hand over the Ministry of Communications to Lu Qiang, and everyone was stunned. Lu Qiang was the one who was almost dismounted by King Cheng. Does the emperor know how many stains he has on him?

The courtiers knelt in the hall, but they did not agree with Lu Qiang taking over the position. Of course, they did not unite for the emperor's good, but they also wanted to get this position.

Then measure a money tree, and if you get it, are you afraid you will run out of money?Seeing that the ministers were enraged, the emperor remembered that Lu Qiang was also a greedy guy, and he was really worried about entrusting him with the Ministry of Communications.

Who should I give it to?The emperor sat in the hall with a sullen face, and King Jiayi stepped forward to protect his capital, not someone else, but his son-in-law, and King Jiayi also wanted to take this kind of thing into his arms.

It's just that King Jiayi is unlucky, the emperor doesn't want to see King Jiayi now, the reason is that King Jiayi has no ability, he has never messed with Qin Zixuan, if King Jiayi knows, he will cry, can he handle Qin Zixuan alone?
If the emperor promises that no matter how big a mistake he makes, he will not be punished, then King Jiayi will definitely fight Qin Zixuan freely.

The minister of the Ministry of Communications puts such a big piece of fat there, and everyone wants to bite it, but no one can bite it. Today's grand court meeting has returned in vain, and all parties are still competing secretly. It depends on who has the best skills.

King Jiayi hadn't sat down yet when he returned to the palace, when he received the news that the granary in Jiangzhou had been robbed, not a grain of grain was left, and all the people guarding the granary were killed. At the same time, it was discovered that the emperor's spies were active in Jiangzhou.

Thinking about what happened in Dachao, King Jiayi was sweating on his forehead, and he suspected that it was the emperor's doing, because the emperor looked at him with such eyes, there was hatred in those eyes!
A gorgeous misunderstanding, a huge misunderstanding, King Jiayi understood the hatred of iron but not steel as that kind of hatred, and actually swallowed this mouthful of blood without daring to explode.

Qin Zixuan was sitting in the Fenglin Courtyard and was waiting for King Jiayi to make a move. Unexpectedly, he endured it and kept silent. This is not like King Jiayi's style, but it is a granary that can support hundreds of thousands of troops ah.

Undeterred, Qin Zixuan even sent someone to follow King Jiayi, and finally confirmed that the old man didn't respond. Not only did he not respond, he even went to Xiangguo Temple to burn a few sticks of incense. He didn't know what this meant, but Qin Zixuan didn't understand it anyway.

Li Han was also confused. He didn't know what King Jiayi was playing. No matter how much food was lost, he had to send someone to check it. No, it seemed like nothing happened.

This made Qin Zixuan's last move nowhere to go. He originally planned to cause another big earthquake and then drive a big boat to the sea. Unexpectedly, Qin Zixuan sat there and sighed repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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