Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1244 Dilemma

Chapter 1244 Dilemma
Oh, Qin Zixuan understands that, he admires this black-faced person, he dares to move forward even if he is not clean, he is looking for death, so he pointed at Lu Kuan and asked for a price of 100 million. Wait for revenge.

Wang Zhuang thought he should pay 300 million, and he was feeling distressed. He didn't expect Qin Zixuan to ask for 400 million, and the other 100 million was for Wang Zhuang to sell the yard and land to raise money. If he couldn't get it, hehe, then just wait.

Angry Wang Zhuang vomited blood, he was unlucky, so he said he would not participate. Unexpectedly, King Jiayi threatened to report to the emperor if he did not participate.

At best, the emperor would be dismissed, but it would not be that simple in Qin Zixuan's hands. If he didn't pay the money, he might not be able to escape this catastrophe. Wang Zhuang was so angry.

Zhao Zhen and Mrs. Zhao were dumbfounded. Their task was to figure out the cause of Zhao Shengchuan's death, and then the two censors would come forward to sue Qin Zixuan.

I didn't expect to be able to sit on the ground, and I didn't have any stolen money. Not only that, Qin Zixuan got tens of millions of silver in his hands. This business is too easy to do. Whoever does it will get rich.

"You two, take the people from the Zhao family out of Lin's mansion, and confess the good things you have done, or else, ha ha!" Qin Zixuan sneered, his expression turned all over, and he said sinisterly: "Or we will kill the grass and root it out!"

Zhao Zhenhen's nails dug into his flesh, he was sure that Qin Zixuan must know the identity of his father, maybe his father was killed by Qin Zixuan, but they had no proof.

Until now, Zhao Zhen didn't feel that his father was wrong. His father was loyal to the emperor and patriotic. He couldn't be wrong. The fault was Qin Zixuan's wolfish ambition. It must be that his father discovered his plot, so he killed him to silence him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zhen started to beat Qin Zixuan to death, and actually pointed at Qin Zixuan and yelled at him. Before he could swear a few words, he felt pain in his arm, and one arm hit the ground heavily.

A bloody sword was nailed to the wall. Li Han raised the corners of his mouth and stared at Zhao Zhen coldly. He was really shameless. He dared to point at his husband and scold him. Who gave him the courage? In this case, the Zhao family really couldn’t Leave.

Anyone who gave him life could be betrayed, not to mention those ungrateful people, this kind of person is a poisonous snake, must be killed in the hole, don't even think about coming out to harm others.

Zhao Zhen is a scholar, he has never seen such a scene, and he was scared to pee on the spot. He never thought that Li Han would be so brave, and dare to commit murder in public. up.

Mrs. Zhao even fainted on the spot, she fell to the ground and twitched, Qin Zixuan couldn't help laughing like a pig, no one would twitch after fainting, pretending to be at this level is a talent.

Seeing the young man smiling like this, the murderous aura on Li Han's body disappeared a lot. If he could amuse the young man, it would be considered a merit. I will put my head on them for the time being and settle the score later.

"Okay, you can go." Qin Zixuan waved his hands and couldn't help laughing. An Gang and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Thanks to Mrs. Zhao, they can leave without leaving anything.

Hearing that she could go, Mrs. Zhao woke up automatically, supported Zhao Zhen and ran away, not even caring about taking the broken arm, it's better to save her life first, the Lin family really can't stay any longer, it will be fatal if they stay any longer ah.

Soon, the bustling alley became quiet again, Qin Zixuan and Li Han continued to wander, still thinking about fishing for Hua Tianyue, the two sides were getting closer and closer to the same goal.

Hua Tianyue is also looking for an opportunity to mess with Qin Zixuan, at least he has to do something important to return home, otherwise the emperor will ask him what he did in Daqin, he can't say that I have been in the brothel for a few years.

If he didn't do other good things, he visited Daqin's brothels and contributed a lot to Daqin's economy, so it's no wonder he didn't get sprayed to death when he went back. Hua Tianyue didn't dare to return to China before doing something big.

An Gang returned to the Jiayi Palace, saw the grievance on Jiayi's face, told the story, and added a sentence at the end, "My lord, Qin Zixuan and Li Han are too evil, should we not have any contact with them for now? Big things matter."

Thinking of those two unreasonable ones, Qin Zixuan was fine, he couldn't even recognize them all, that bastard Li Han actually figured out their net worth, that's a big deal.

The two censors brought today are both newly promoted, and Li Han can recognize them at a glance. At the same time, he still remembers their property, and he knows who is clear and who is greedy. How can he deal with this.

King Jiayi turned around angrily. Everyone in Yujing knew about Qin Zishuo. If this matter is not settled, he will not have the face to ascend to the top position. At least he will bite a piece of the Prince Cheng's house.

"My lord, Qin Zixuan and Li Han are leaving Yujing. We have more time to settle accounts with him. We can settle the accounts after the success of the great cause. At that time, we will control the power of a country. Could it be that we can't deal with a Cheng Palace?"

An Gang continued to persuade, worried that if Qin Zixuan stayed in Yujing if he continued to fight, it would not be a good thing for the prince's great cause, no matter how bastard Qin Zixuan was, he would still be a royalist.

Right now, the emperor is narrow-minded and can't tolerate Prince Cheng's mansion, and wants to snatch all the things from Prince Cheng's mansion, so that he can feel at ease, but how can the property of Prince Cheng's mansion be given to the emperor?

He, the housekeeper, could see the emperor's thoughts. He wanted to use King Cheng, but he was also worried that King Cheng would rebel. He wanted to rob King Cheng of his property, but he was also afraid that King Cheng would rebel.

It is useless for King Cheng to rebel. If King Cheng does not rebel, I am afraid it is just redundant. With that kind of skill, it is better to have a good relationship with King Cheng. An Gang can't understand the emperor, and he doesn't want the prince to be on the top with King Cheng. , that's not worth it.

King Cheng's fighting power is famous in Yujing. If he stays in Yujing to fight, there will be nothing good except to make a group of officials unlucky. pit.

What is the most important thing now?Grabbing the position of the Minister of Transportation, An Gang felt that the prince was a little out of business.

King Jiayi stood there with his hands behind his back. He didn't know that An Gang's psychological activities were so rich. King Jiayi was suffering. He didn't want to start a war with Prince Cheng's mansion now, but the emperor was very dissatisfied with him sitting on it. The source of his dissatisfaction was On Qin Zixuan.

The emperor felt that it was useless for him not to tear up Qin Zixuan. If the emperor was not satisfied with the position of Minister of Communications, he would not even try to get it. In this way, King Jiayi had no choice but to go to war.

Now the embarrassment for King Jiayi is that Qin Zixuan is going to fight, whether he should fight or stop, how much black information Qin Zixuan has in his hands, King Jiayi doesn't know, what should he do if he has the black information about his rebellion?

(End of this chapter)

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