Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1245 Discord

Chapter 1245 Discord
King Jiayi knew that to deal with Qin Zixuan, he had to hit him with one blow, otherwise it would be dangerous to wait until he counterattacked. Now it is obvious that Qin Zixuan doesn't want to go to war, but if he spends money to eliminate disasters, the emperor will know that there will be no good results.

The emperor is suspicious in nature, if he refuses to fight, it means that he is guilty, why is he guilty if he didn't do anything bad?Anyone would think so.King Jiayi went back and forth in the room, but couldn't make a decision.

Qin Zixuan wandered around and didn't wait for Hua Tianyue. He didn't know if that guy had left, so he had no choice but to return to the palace and continue to be an uncle.

Qin Ziming knew that Qin Zixuan was about to leave Yujing, so he went to Prince Cheng's mansion if he had nothing to do. Seeing that Qin Zixuan was bored, he ran over to give money and gambled a few times with Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan began to show off his gambling skills again.

Mrs. Song was sitting next to her and pulling out her abacus. She knew that the lord had swayed more than 1000 million yuan today. Qin Zixuan would not keep this money, so let's spend the ill-gotten gains.

The task was handed over to the Song family, and the Song family was thinking about how to spend the money. Some of the money would be used for the porridge, and the other part would be donated to the Xiangguo Temple, and then the Charity Bureau.

Hearing that Mrs. Song was going to donate money to Xiangguo Temple, Qin Zixuan grinned, telling Mrs. Song to learn about reincarnation religion if he had nothing to do. If you want to believe in reincarnation religion, it makes no sense that his son's whole church would not support it.

Song groaned and took Qin Zixuan's words to heart, and turned around to find someone to inquire about the reincarnation religion. The little abacus was still working, but Li Han reached out and took the dice and began to shake them.

Li Han didn't care about such things as the Song family. Qin Ziming saw that the family was calculating how to spend the money, and was stunned. He asked Qin Zixuan what he would do if the other party went to war.
If they didn't pay the money, they would fight with Prince Cheng's mansion. Could it be that they are going to rob other people's money? Qin Zixuan sneered at what he said. If they really dare to start a war, they would dare to destroy their three clans and let the officials in Yujing know about Prince Cheng's mansion. It's not something they can step on if they want to.

A few people sat there chatting, and they talked about King Jiayi. Qin Zixuan asked what happened to the green hat king, and Qin Ziming asked why King Jiayi was the green hat king.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han immediately narrated what happened at that time, and what they said was so vivid that Song's abacus stopped moving, and he stared at Li Han in surprise, the general is really capricious.

Why didn't she go to heaven with the prince to watch a play in someone's backyard? Fortunately, the mother-in-law didn't know about it. If the mother-in-law knew about it, she might not know how to train the general.

After Qin Ziming heard this, he quacked happily. He didn't expect King Jiayi's backyard to be so chaotic, so he said that there were no good people in that house. Qin Zishuo was full of injuries and was recuperating at home. When he came out to play around, something good was waiting for him.

Qin Ziming is not the one who suffers, he is determined to find Qin Zishuo's bad luck, Shang Rong's matter is not over, this is slapping him in the face, Qin Ziming has to earn face for himself.

Seeing that the sun was in the west, and the money-giver hadn't arrived yet, Qin Ziming looked around and asked if he should do it now?Qin Zixuan waved his hands with a smile, this is not urgent, there is still a quarter of an hour.

If the money is not seen for a quarter of an hour, the guards of Prince Cheng's Mansion will be dispatched to ransack the house directly, and then take the censor to the palace and throw it in front of the emperor, to see if their backers will decide for them.

If you don't make the decision, hehe, then you will die, Qin Zixuan's mouth turned cold, and after a few days of silence, the emperor's tricks came out again, that guy is a cheap guy, he will be honest after a hard beating.

While Qin Zixuan and Qin Ziming were chatting and joking, the guard came to report that someone had thrown in two parcels. When he opened them, they were full of banknotes, one was 100 million and the other was 400 million. He asked what to do with it.

Qin Zixuan was overjoyed after hearing this, and soon a guard came in to report that the person who lost the money had been identified as Lu Kuan and Wang Zhuang, but these two did not show their real faces, but put on makeup.

It seems that they still know how to be afraid. If they get so much money in a day, it may be impossible to keep those properties. But they are two ruthless people who know how to choose. Qin Zixuan twitched his fingers and calculated.

If King Jiayi doesn't come out, then King Jiayi's treasury will be emptied, and by the way, the handsome horse he raised in the northwest will be taken away. 800 million.

Listening to Qin Zixuan's plan, Qin Ziming shouted to close the door quickly, now we are closing the door to thank the guests, let's grab it, those things are very expensive, and Junma can't buy them even if he has money, so it's better to just grab them and take them away as a gift.

Qin Ziming didn't say who to send this guy to, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes, this is a good idea, the second child lived in poverty in the Western Continent, he can ride and eat handsome horses, and can be used as military rations at critical times, this is a great idea.

So Qin Zixuan patted the table and called the door to thank the guests behind closed doors, no one wanted the package thrown away, but at this time the guard came again with a package in his hand, Qin Zixuan's face was full of disappointment, and at the same time he was very angry, angry with Jiayi The king is not up to date, you have provoked the flames of war, why Mao does not continue to fight.

However, King Jiayi, who didn't know that he had made a decision, was also regretting it at this time. He gritted his teeth staring at the scandalous information about Prince Cheng's mansion in front of him. Qin Zixuan had a lot of scandalous information, but none of them could be punished.

What good has this done?That's too much, even smashing the widow's door, King Jiayi really couldn't believe his eyes, who are these people, they went to the backyard of other people's backyard to watch a play, they didn't pay for food, and they cheated in cockfighting.

There are many similar things. Even Qin Zixuan and Qin Ziming squatting on the street together to see beautiful women are all written on the black material. The question is, what is the use of this black material?Can Qin Zixuan be pulled down?

Wanting to bite Qin Zixuan, there is no place to start. King Jiayi wanted to turn over the old account, reveal the matter of the small cannon and bombs, and force Qin Zixuan to hand over the production method. This idea only stayed for three seconds, and King Jiayi whipped himself mouth.

Once this kind of weapon starts to be produced, it will definitely arm the Daqin army. He dislikes that his opponent is not strong enough, so turning the page at this point, where else can he find it?
Shipyard?This really has nothing to do with Daqin. After thinking about it, there is nowhere to start. King Jiayi patted the table angrily. In the palace, the emperor also patted the table. Unexpectedly, his courtiers are really capable. They will give Wenyin with a word, which is better than The emperor's words are still good.

If you say that there is nothing here, the emperor will not believe it, there must be something going on in the dark that you don't know about, the emperor ordered people to continue to stare at King Jiayi and the three, but to see what they are afraid of!
The emperor himself didn't realize it, he wanted to find someone to mess with Qin Zixuan, but Qin Zixuan was fine, so he started to doubt the little helper he had found, if this situation continued, who would dare to help him in the future!
Compared to the discord between the emperor and his little helper, Qin Zixuan's childhood was much more comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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