Chapter 1249
King Jiayi threw the cup on the table, knowing that the struggle between himself and Qin Zixuan was not over yet, there would be a battle between them sooner or later, and now whether this battle should be advanced or postponed is the most important thing.

Annoyed, King Jiayi got up and left the study, and walked towards the concubine's yard. Before he got close, he saw the concubine's servant girl looking out ghostly, and saw that he didn't come forward to salute, but coughed heavily for a few minutes Sound, this is wrong.

King Jiayi recalled that it seemed to be the same situation as usual, why did he see himself coughing?If he was sick and coughed like this, he should have died long ago, King Jiayi felt bad, could it be that he was planted grass again?
Thinking of this, King Jiayi rushed to the top of his head angrily, and strode towards the small courtyard. The little girl yelled loudly to see the prince, but she blocked the doorway. King Jiayi kicked the little girl away angrily, and continued to rush inside .

Before rushing in, a heart-piercing cry of a woman came from inside.

"You all bully me, you bad guys, why do you bully me, I'm your grandfather's concubine, how dare you bully me like this!"

The man inside who was dressing in a hurry was dumbfounded. Do you want to play like this? This is killing yourself. It is said that bitches are ruthless and actors are meaningless. This is not true at all.

Others refused to admit it when they put on their trousers, but this one refused to admit it before he put on his trousers. He opened his mouth to defend, but found that the door of the room was kicked open. King Jiayi looked at his third grandson with sparks in his eyes.

One by one, there are so many women out there who don't hook up with him, but the women who hook up with him!When the third grandson saw that it was his grandfather arriving, he immediately understood what a concubine meant, and ran away without even thinking about knocking King Jiayi away. He didn't want to be beaten to death by his grandfather.

King Jiayi's old legs and feet are also getting old, and he was bumped into his buttocks. He sat there for a long time and didn't get up. He was so angry that his blood rushed to his head. These lawless bastards!
The little concubine didn't come over to help her either, she just lay on the bed and cried, as if she had been wronged by the heavens. In the end, King Jiayi was helped up by the little maid. The little maid knew that things were broken. Suspicious.

In order to pretend to be more similar, he coughed while supporting King Jiayi, silently sending a message to King Jiayi, that is, I am really uncomfortable, and he is really coughing, you misunderstood.

Alas, King Jiayi originally wanted to vent to his concubine, but now he has lost interest. He patted his ass and left after the pain in his butt stopped. At the same time as he left, he also sent an order to bring his third grandson here meet him!

King Jiayi's troubles were not resolved, but one more thing happened. He felt green on his head, and went back to the study to think about the problem. He said that if he was frustrated in love, he would be happy in the casino, so he might as well take a gamble.

Thinking of this, King Jiayi decided to take action against Qin Zixuan. This time, he wanted to give Qin Zixuan a name of rebellion. This name was easy to follow, and the emperor would believe it. King Jiayi made up his mind and invited his staff.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han were tracking Hua Tianyue's whereabouts. Before they could catch up, they received the latest news that King Jiayi was planning to frame him, and Qin Zixuan was furious and cursed.

What time is it now?Now is the old lady's filial piety period, Qin Zixuan really doesn't want to cause trouble, but King Jiayi is too bastard, he dared to take the initiative to provoke trouble, and even wanted to play frame-up.

OK!Qin Zixuan was furious, and immediately ordered an attack on King Jiayi's racecourse and bank coffers without saying a word, taking away all his silver and stealing all his handsome horses, let's see what kind of rebellion King Jiayi, who has nothing at all, will use to rebel!

King Jiayi, who was planning in Yujingzhong, suddenly received news that made him suffocate, that is, the racecourse was robbed and the money was taken away. I don’t know who did it, anyway, everything suddenly disappeared. .

Moreover, those people were still professionals, and they didn't even leave a clue after doing bad things. No one knew where so many things were shipped, and they just disappeared anyway.

At the same time, Qin Zixuan also received the news. This guy was very happy to receive the news of his success. Although he can't visit his second child now, the handsome horse and food he sent should be enough for him for a while.

"Hey, I want to see if King Jiayi is still attacking me!" Qin Zixuan drained the wine in his glass in one breath, threw the glass away and sneered.

Li Han said with a faint smile: "This is the beginning, the matter of King Jiayi's concubine can be released, and the common people in Yujing City will be happy."

Well, Qin Zixuan nodded vigorously, and praised Li Han's good idea. Since the war started, he should first discredit King Jiayi, and he was ashamed to learn how to take concubines at his age.

Ever since, King Jiayi hadn't acted yet, and he caused a lot of trouble first. The incident in the backyard was rumored to be wonderful, and King Jiayi was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he got the news. A good son was involved.

Some people are really happy and some are worried. Qin Zixuan and Li Han were happy, and then they devoted themselves to the great cause of tracking down Hua Tianyue, while King Jiayi became the laughing stock of Yujing. Off the green hat king.

Of course, this matter is not over yet, black rumors about King Jiayi came out one after another, and soon became the topic of conversation in Yujing, and King Jiayi vomited a few mouthfuls of old blood in anger.

The staff asked if they wanted to attack King Cheng?King Jiayi thought for a long time and decided to give up. Now he wants money, no money, no food, no food, and besides a bunch of weapons, he doesn't even have a handsome horse. How can he make trouble?

Since he can't start an incident now, the fight with Qin Zixuan can be delayed, because he can't afford to be injured now, and if the battle fails, the power he has gained now will have to be handed over, so he can find someone to reason with.

It's not that the emperor has never done this kind of thing. Thinking about what happened to Zhang Yi'an and those guys, King Jiayi felt that he should proceed with caution.

Qin Zixuan, who was waiting for King Jiayi to explode, was very disappointed. He found that King Jiayi was a particularly tolerant green-headed turtle, and he actually shrank his head back.

Without King Jiayi's calculations, Qin Zixuan put his focus on Hua Tianyue. According to the news, Hua Tianyue is running around like a headless fly without a clear purpose, and no one knows where he will go next. where to.

Qin Zixuan asked himself that there were no omissions, but he didn't figure out where Hua Tianyue was going next. Angrily, Qin Zixuan smashed the table. The old man kept going in one direction every day.

He didn't know that Hua Tianyue didn't want to find a target, but the target was in his heart, he once again lost his way gorgeously, wandering around every day, fortunately he has high strength, otherwise he would have been blocked by someone long ago.

In Yujing City, Fu Chengying stood in a corner of the study with his hands behind his back, the place was dark, Fu Chengying's eyes glowed green like a poisonous snake, and he muttered to himself not knowing what to say.

Suddenly Fu Chengying stomped on the ground, and shouted sinisterly: "You forced it, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

(End of this chapter)

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