Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1250 The Dark Horse

Chapter 1250 The Dark Horse
Fu Chengying came out from a dark corner, with a remnant stern look on his face. They were all Conglong's heroes. His current official position is not obvious, and even the daughter of the harem has no chance to go further.

Then why should he continue to be inferior to others, why can't he fight for a future for himself, since the emperor is ungrateful, then don't blame him for being ruthless, he will seize this opportunity no matter what.

Fu Chengying came out of the study, and called his confidant to whisper a few words in his ear, the confidant nodded slightly, turned around and walked away quickly after bowing, Fu Chengying's face was chilly.

Qin Zidi and Li Han led their subordinates to the spy's corpse, and seeing the deadly attack, both judged that it was an acquaintance who committed the crime, that is to say, someone among the emperor's spies was responsible.

But why did the spy want to lay hands on it?Is it a vendetta or to cover Hua Tianyue?Not far away is the place where Hua Tianyue disappeared. Judging from the information from all sources, that is the place where Hua Tianyue appeared last.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han looked at each other, and they smelled something unusual. This is someone taking over Hua Tianyue. Who could it be?Suddenly Qin Zixuan had a flash of inspiration and thought of a person.

"Could it be that old bastard Fu Chengying did it?" Qin Zixuan asked in a low voice.

Li Han raised her eyebrows. She has also read Fu Chengying's information. That person hooked up with Xue Zhenye and betrayed a lot of Daqin's internal information. He originally kept this person for fishing purposes. I don't know if it might be His hand.

Ordinarily, now that the Suzaku army is gone, and Fu Chengying hasn't been exposed, he should be hiding. Why did he help at this time?Li Han couldn't figure it out, so he asked Qin Zixuan, and Qin Zixuan couldn't figure it out either.

Could it be that Fu Chengying only needs to stare at him now, but it's much better than chasing Hua Tian. The old man's actions are irregular, and it's wrong to take shortcuts.

"The emperor's spies can no longer be used, let's use our own." Qin Zixuan made a suggestion, and Li Han seconded it, so the matter was decided happily.

The emperor's spies continued to investigate Hua Tianyue with great fanfare, while Qin Zixuan and Li Han secretly sent their own people to stare at Fu Chengying to see if Fu Chengying sent someone to pick Hua Tianyue away.

In the palace, the emperor was sitting opposite Empress Lu, and the two were talking about who should belong to the Minister of Communications. Since the death of the old lady, Empress Lu has blatantly intervened in government affairs.

This woman is careful and the emperor is ruthless, her thinking is clearer and her methods are extremely strong. When the emperor was still the prince, he relied on Empress Lu. Now that the old empress has passed away, the emperor only relies on him a lot.

The emperor is not at ease in whoever has the Minister of Communications, but he can't just stop arranging people to take over, otherwise the Ministry of Communications will always be paralyzed, and it's all money.

Empress Lu knew that the emperor didn't believe in Lu Qiang, and in fact, Empress Lu herself didn't believe it either, but there was nothing she could do, it was her natal family, who could support her, and her power would have shrunk significantly without the Lu family.

In the harem, a woman without power will have a hard time. For example, the current empress dowager, the emperor's own mother, because she can't be a human being, until she prayed for the emperor in the Taimiao, it is not certain whether she can return to the palace in this life. Woolen cloth.

At least Empress Lu didn't want this person to come back. She didn't want another mountain on her head, and she didn't want multiple people to grab her power. Only one master in the harem was enough, and everyone else could stay away.

This time Empress Lu did not propose to let Lu Qiang take over, but proposed a seemingly neutral newcomer, this is Su Lun, the number one scholar in the upper realm. The emperor died before it was time to reuse it.

After the new emperor took office, Su Lun was also not reused. The reason was that he was too good-looking. The emperor was upset when he saw it, and felt that the little boy had no good intentions, so he never gave Su Lun a chance.

Su Lun had no choice but to use the money to go the way of Empress Lu. Now a big cake is about to hit him on the head. Whether it can fall or not depends on whether the emperor nods his head. In fact, the emperor nodded.

The reason is that Su Lun is considered a newcomer in the court, and he doesn't have a strong background behind him. This kind of person is easy to control. If Su Lun doesn't do a good job after taking office, at worst, he will be replaced when the time comes.

In the early morning of the next day, the emperor directly announced the result, which stunned the officials all of a sudden, asking who is Su Lun?Later, someone pointed out who Su Lun was, and everyone suddenly realized that the reason was the Hanlin of the Imperial Academy.

He was given to such a high-ranking official all at once, and he was not afraid that his neck would be brittle and his head would be lost. At the moment, the ministers went to the prelude, saying that Su Lun was young and energetic and had little experience, so he was not good enough to take on this important task, and begged the emperor to take back his order.

This is not the first time the emperor has faced this kind of situation. Since Zhang Yian took the law, this kind of situation has happened frequently. Look at each other.

Up to now, the emperor is extremely bored, he is the king of a country, does he still need to look at others if he wants to appoint a minister?If you don't agree, you can't be appointed?Who is the emperor!

Seeing that the emperor's attitude was firm, the sharp arrows that had been fired could not be turned back, everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't know what was going on, why suddenly a dark horse came out, who was this dark horse, it was so strong?

The virtuous king in the audience closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was none of his business who was in charge. He was just an idle prince. The only reason he insisted on going to court was because of habit, and all the power in his hand had been removed.

Lin Yucheng lowered his head and thought about his thoughts. Could it be that Su Lun belongs to the emperor?Thinking of what happened to Zhao Shengchuan, Lin Yucheng was upset for a while. He didn't expect to raise a litter of white-eyed wolves. Fortunately, the group of white-eyed wolves are gone now.

King Jiayi stared straight at the emperor, do you want to be so cruel, in order to make the emperor look at him high, and fight against King Cheng, first he lost food, then he lost his handsome horse and money. Want to lose a purse?
Hehe, no wonder the ministers are unwilling to fight against King Cheng. It's not without reasons, there are too many reasons. Yaya's emperor is an extremely shameless person. He works for such a master, idiot talent.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Qin Zixuan's absence in Yujing to start an incident, but he didn't expect that everything would have to start all over again. King Jiayi really didn't dare to start an incident without money or food, but money is hard to earn, where can it come from?
King Jiayi rolled his eyes and wanted to recruit, and suddenly thought of a place where the money came from. That was the Ministry of War, but the Ministry of War was already occupied, and if he wanted to grab a seat, he had to kill one.

Who should I do?The position of Minister of the Ministry of War is very important, and it is definitely not possible to get rid of it easily, so if this person is not good, then kill the Minister of the Ministry of War. This is the second in command of the Ministry of War, and there are many opportunities to reap benefits.

(End of this chapter)

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