Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1251 Fighting

Chapter 1251 Fighting
With the Minister of Communications in place, there was another round of blood rain in the court. Those official positions are not redundant, there is a hole for each carrot, and if you want to jump into the hole, you have to pull out the original carrot.

Every day, people come here to participate in this and that, that one is corrupt, this one is corrupt, several factions are fighting each other, the emperor sitting in a high position is very happy, and every house that is raided has a sum of money in the account. The more such things, the better.

Qin Zixuan, who was chasing Hua Tianyue outside, got the news, and almost jumped up in shock. It's not that corrupt officials don't investigate, but it's not like this. The emperor is trying to kill him. Who is behind this scene?

Qin Zixuan sat there and studied with Li Han for a long time, but he couldn't figure out who was behind the scenes. Anyway, people are pulled out every day in the current court meeting, and then it's a round of grabbing games.

The situation here was not right, Qin Zixuan circled around the table, shouting that something was wrong from time to time, Li Han sat there and looked at Qin Zixuan stupidly, didn't see anything wrong.

When the court is not this kind of virtue, when it is harmonious, there are very few, very few. When the first emperor is there, the first emperor's wrist is strong enough, and he is not affected by others. He is particularly decisive in killing or keeping the first emperor. Huang Mao does not seem to have this function.

"Come on, let's sort out the factions in the DPRK again, and see which factions have taken action and which ones have benefited." Qin Zixuan pulled his chair and sat down at the table, and began to write a list.

The names of the ministers of the DPRK and China are written on it, and then the factions they represent, one of which is drawn out is red, and the other is filled with green. Two people sit there and color.

"Hey, aren't these people standing in line?" Qin Zixuan asked, pointing to the green ones who didn't return to the team. Li Han stared at the list again and again. They all have one characteristic, that is, they have luck with shit.

Judging from the standing in front of Zhiqian, King Jiayi got some benefits, then Lu Qiang's faction got some benefits, and the faction represented by Fu Chengying got some benefits.

Qin Zixuan sorted out those who got benefits, and then sorted out those who didn't get benefits, and found a characteristic, that is, those who were close to the emperor got benefits, and those who were far away were waiting for bad luck.

Oh, let me go, Qin Zixuan rolled his eyes angrily. I pointed out to him last time that cronyism is not allowed. I didn't expect that this bastard is still cronyism, and he is also the closest relative to the woman's natal family in the backyard. This guy is sick!

"It's strange, the natal families of those two noble concubines have not stood up to fight for power, but have been standing aside to watch the fun." Li Han pointed to the two teams that were neither popular nor green. These two teams could keep a low profile.

Qin Zixuan tapped his index finger on the table. There is no such thing as red or green. Now that the court is in chaos, even if the emperor has no way to control who is not damaged, have these two teams maintained themselves too well?
"No, it's not right. If you look at the positions they hold, they don't seem to be very important, but they are all stuck in the accounting department. That is to say, if they want to attack, they must have evidence in their hands to kill the people above them." Qin Zixuan Pointing to the name and shouting, I finally found out what was wrong.

Think about it, with a lot of evidence in hand, not to mention the entire courtiers, even most of them are enough for this group of people. If you don't want to fall, you have to be controlled by others and help others to do bad things.

If you don't use your strength now, and when you need to fight in the future, if you threaten others with these materials, then it's not right who is still the opponent. They are opponents between the two factions, and they are really in balance.

Qin Zixuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the result, and Li Han even said that it was too complicated, it's better to have a quick fight, no matter what tricks he made, I will break it myself.

Qin Zizhan wrote out the green list of those who did not return to the team and asked Lin Xi to arrange a human investigation. He wanted to see which faction these people belonged to, and they couldn't all be neutral.

Neutral people are not easy to mix these days. There is still a way to survive when you meet Mingjun. When you meet someone like Qin Zihe who will die sooner or later, he will be turned into fertilizer in two years. It seems that the black hands behind this scene may be theirs. master.

Qin Zixuan made a bold guess, and his eyes shot a fierce light from time to time. He wanted to see who set up the game and what he wanted to do?If he wants to overthrow Daqin, hmph, he must know why the flowers are so popular.

Fu Chengying returned to the mansion, walked to the backyard with careful steps, looked left and right to see if no one was staring at this side, then opened the door and entered, saw Hua Tianyue looked over and hurriedly saluted.

Hua Tianyue snorted, he looked down on this kind of traitorous servant, and he didn't have a good look at Fu Chengying. He looked down at Fu Chengying for a while, and asked when he would be arranged to leave. He had stayed in Fu's house for too long. , very boring, don't want to stay anymore.

Fu Chengying smiled and said it was too late, but before arranging for Hua Tianyue to leave, he had to help Hua Tianyue accomplish one thing, which was to kill the dog emperor. Fu Chengying told Hua Tianyue that he needed to wait for a chance, An opportunity to get close to the Great Qin Emperor.

As long as the Great Qin Emperor is killed, he will assist Hua Tianyue to leave. As for why the Great Qin Emperor must be killed, this Fu Chengying also explained, that is what you want to kill, not I forced you to kill.

Hua Tianyue stared and asked when he would have a chance to kill the Great Qin Emperor. Hua Tianyue also knew that Qin Zixuan and the Great Qin Emperor must kill at least one of them. That kid Qin Zixuan had Li Han by his side, and he couldn't beat him.

The only one who can be killed now is the Great Qin Emperor. If he is not killed, when the Suzaku army arrives, he will really have no face to face others, so he can only hold his nose and bear it, otherwise he will not live in this dark place.

Fu Chengying told Hua Tianyue that there was a chance two days later, the emperor would move from the palace to the altar to offer sacrifices, there was a good opportunity to strike, it was not easy to shoot while moving, as long as he was mixed with the crowd, he would be killed with one blow, if he wanted to escape, he would still Easy.

Of course, this attack was aimed at Hua Tianyue, Fu Chengying asked himself that he couldn't escape, and the protection force that day was not weak, the emperor also had experts secretly protecting him, and there were even cannons accompanying him.

Thinking about it, it's absolutely amazing, why doesn't the emperor bring a dozen cannons with him when he goes out of the palace, only the Holy Majesty in front of him can do this kind of thing, anyway, he can't do it.

According to the news, Qin Zixuan and Li Han are tracking Hua Tianyue's traces in Zhangzhou at this time, they will definitely not be able to come back, without Li Han as an expert in Yujing, who can stop Hua Tianyue?

After listening to Fu Chengying's analysis, Hua Tianyue nodded his head more frequently, he was right, without Li Han in Yujing, who can stop him?He came and left this Yujing whenever he wanted, and this was his back garden.

Next, Fu Chengying explained the route trend to Hua Tianyue, Hua Tianyue nodded frequently after listening, and didn't know if he understood.

(End of this chapter)

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