Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1252 Black Hand

Chapter 1252 Black Hand
In Yujing City, Qin Zixuan and Li Han were hiding in private houses. There was a pile of information in front of Qin Zixuan. Qin Zixuan stared at it. Oh my God, this Empress Lu is not trying to be Wu Zetian.

According to various signs, Empress Lu's intervention in politics is slowly increasing, and those who have not returned to the team, except for Fu Chengying, are Empress Lu's people. These two guys are really good at playing.

Fu Chengying stood up on behalf of the faction to attract firepower and quietly arranged people to take the position, while Empress Lu pushed Lu Qiang to attract firepower, and then she secretly manipulated her own people to take the position.

In contrast, the others are scumbags, and they deserve it if they can't play. Who told them not to play? Qin Zixuan especially thanked Dahai for leaving him such a strong team of spies at this time.

Without this team of spies, it would be really difficult to know the inside story. They are all human beings. Qin Zixuan told him that he would play in the city, but he stopped playing and went back to the countryside to farm.

No one understands this stalk, and Li Han doesn't understand either, so he yelled to go together with the mentality of marrying a chicken and following the chicken, which moved Qin Zixuan so much.

The current situation is that Hua Tianyue is hiding in Fu Chengying's mansion, whether to rush in and take people now, or wait until the other party takes the initiative to attack becomes a problem, Qin Zixuan thinks about it, or go talk to the emperor.

Two days later it will be the day of the altar walk. The emperor will go to pray at this time of year, and this year he will not leave. Qin Zixuan feels that if Hua Tianyue wants to take action, it is very likely that he will choose this time.

So that night, Li Han quietly appeared in the palace with Qin Zixuan. The sleeping emperor was awakened by the two of them, and almost screamed in fright. Fortunately, Li Han pressed his dumb acupoint quickly.

There was a young and beautiful woman lying next to the emperor, Qin Zixuan tilted his head and looked at his eyes carefully, his brows were raised, this woman looks familiar, this is not that, oh, remember, the fifth prince's concubine.

Hehe, Qin Zixuan laughed twice, the emperor blushed when he laughed, it's really embarrassing to be broken by this kind of thing, no matter how thick-skinned the emperor is, he can't stand it.

Li Han picked up the quilt and covered the woman's face, and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about the key points."

Oh, that's right, it's time to get down to business. This time I entered the palace without alarming others, so as not to startle the snake. Qin Zixuan told the emperor directly that there are impure people in your team of spies, and someone betrayed you.

That tone definitely had a taste of gloating, the emperor stared straight at it, can you get rid of the dumb acupoint first when talking about business, is this bullying him for his low martial arts?
Li Han came to understand and said in a low voice: "I'll release the acupoint for you, don't yell loudly, I have important information to tell you this time."

The emperor nodded, thinking he was stupid, in case the two people in front of him got angry and cut him with a knife, who would he ask for reasoning, the emperor nodded solemnly, and baba waited for Li Han to relieve the acupuncture point.

That appearance really doesn't look like the king of a country, Qin Zixuan squinted at the emperor, why did he feel that the emperor's eyes were blinking abnormally, why didn't he realize that the emperor was winking before.

Li Han untied the emperor's dumb acupoint, and then retreated to Qin Zixuan's side. He didn't notice that there was something wrong with the emperor's eyes, but looked out the window with his hands behind his back, giving Qin Zixuan time to explain.

Qin Zixuan looked around, found a chair and sat down. To cut a long story short, he told the emperor that Fu Chengying had hooked up with Xue Zhenye, and now he brought Hua Tianyue into Fu's mansion.

What stays in Zhangzhou is an illusion. As for whether the other party will do it on the day of offering sacrifices to heaven, it’s hard to say. Let the emperor pay attention not to be killed. Also, the team of spies needs to be cleaned up, so don’t pull everyone in. The team of spies.

That kind of team is to be in the hands of the emperor, what do you mean by handing it over to the courtiers?Do you feel that you have a hard neck and a big head, and you are not afraid of being chopped off by others?Qin Zixuan's frank words made the emperor blush again.

At the beginning, he thought that Fu Chengying was very talented and was also in charge of intelligence work before, so he asked Fu Chengying to help manage it for a period of time. It was really only a period of time, and he asked for power back after a while.

Who would have thought that Fu Chengying would successfully infiltrate the spies in such a short period of time, the emperor really did not expect that it was also because he could not handle many things at that time, and he was also guarding against King Xian and others.

Why is it to guard against the Xian Wang and Lin Taifu, the emperor will not tell Qin Zixuan that he is worried about the master of high meritorious service, and is afraid that they will pull him down from the throne once they have power in their hands.

So he handed over some of the affairs to the confidantes of the Prince's Mansion. Unexpectedly, such a serious trouble would be left behind. The emperor himself couldn't help wiping off the cold sweat. Fortunately, Qin Zixuan found out, no, how could Qin Zixuan find out?

The emperor stared at Qin Zixuan and looked at him without asking, but Qin Zixuan had already seen it, and hit the emperor very unceremoniously, almost boasting.

In Qin Zixuan's original words, that is who I am, I am the military god of the Great Qin, an invincible wise man, can you hide it from me with just such a small trick?Tell you that's impossible.

I knew that the spy's death was suspicious with just one glance, and after two glances, I was sure that it was an acquaintance who did the crime, so as long as I followed this clue to investigate, it would be easy to find Fu Chengying.

Don't worship brother, brother is a legend!At the end of Qin Zixuan's last sentence, he even put on a superman pose. Unfortunately, the emperor didn't understand this pose, but he did understand Qin Zixuan's thick skin, thicker than his.

Qin Zixuan talked about Fu Chengying's betrayal, but he didn't mention the issue of factions in the court, nor did he mention the issue of Empress Lu. This kind of matter is up to the emperor. Anyway, the future direction of Daqin is determined by the sea. In this world, as long as the surname is Qin .

Before changing his surname, Qin Zixuan was lazily meddling in his own business, and let Empress Lu make troubles. He wanted to see if she could make a fuss, and more importantly, to see how strong Empress Lu was.

As for whether to arrest Fu Chengying now, the emperor did not hesitate, and immediately ordered Qin Zixuan and the two to bombard Fu Chengying's mansion with forbidden troops and cannons, and at the same time sent someone to capture Concubine Fu.

Concubine Fu's son was taken along with Concubine Fu. The emperor, a guy who was afraid of death, gave orders directly without any investigation.

Qin Zixuan and Li Han received the imperial decree and left the palace. They still have to dispatch troops. Don't worry about the safety of the palace. There are cannons all around. If someone breaks in, they will probably die miserably.

After Qin Zixuan and Qin Zixuan left, the emperor realized that his defense was not enough to protect Li Han and Qin Zixuan. Doesn't that mean that the defense was not enough to protect his safety?

So after the two disappeared, the palace was full of chaos, and the defense around the emperor was strengthened again. The patrol team joined head to tail and patrolled continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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