Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1255 Rewards

Chapter 1255 Rewards
Xiaodouzi finished reading the imperial decree with a murderous aura, and lowered his head to his chest. Xiaodouzi really felt the general's murderous aura, and he didn't know whether it was aimed at the emperor or him.

Qin Zixuan's stomach was full, and he said that the emperor didn't hold back his shit. See if this is an eyeliner placed in the Prince Cheng's mansion. Who is easy to pinch, so blatantly placed eyeliner, Qin Zixuan called for guards without saying a word.

Pointing to those beauties, he said: "There are a few beggars in Chenghuang Temple who can't afford to marry a wife. You send these beauties there, and give them a hundred grains of silver for living expenses, so that they can live a good life and stop fooling around."

The beauties on the ground were dumbfounded, why don't they be so ruthless and give them to beggars? This, is it too much for Prince Cheng? There was a brave one who wanted to rush up and hug his thigh, but was caught by Li Han. Kicked away.

The other beauties saw the great general showing off his power, and they all calmed down. This time, Li Hanfa Biaocheng Princess was not only not angry, but very satisfied. She was very angry with the emperor's behavior. Even if she gave eyeliner, could she choose a good reason?

It's still the old lady's filial piety period, the emperor sent beautiful women to Cheng Cheng's mansion, what he knew was that the emperor wanted to install eyeliner, what didn't he know?How would others judge these two brothers!

"Go back and tell the emperor his kindness, I appreciate it, and the woman won't return it, just to facilitate a few marriages, you can go now." After finishing speaking, Qin Zixuan waved his hands to let Xiaodouzi go back wherever he came from, and leave quickly.

Xiaodouzi bowed and retreated. Faced with the calls for help from several beauties, Xiaodouzi said that there was nothing he could do. This matter should be done according to King Cheng's instructions. Didn't you see that the general wants to kill people now?

Except for one of these beauties who vomited blood, the rest only dared to ask Xiaodouzi for help, and dared not hug Qin Zixuan's thigh. They could see that no matter how beautiful they were, it was useless in the eyes of King Cheng.

After Xiaodouzi left, guards stepped forward to set up a few beauties and left. This matter was completed quickly, and it was cheaper for a few beggars.

Besides, when Xiaodouzi returned to the palace and reported the matter truthfully, the emperor was so angry that he overturned the table again, he couldn't figure it out, is Qin Zixuan sick?Those few are all stunning beauties, much better than the women in his Chengwang's backyard.

Empress Lu lowered her head, also unable to understand why Qin Zixuan was allergic to beauties, pretending that he had never seen any beauties provoked by him from the beginning to the end, and did not return any of them except for a few glances, what a weird person.

"Qin Ziming and Qin Zixuan have a good relationship, why don't you send some beauties to Qin Ziming." Empress Lu lowered her head and thought for a moment, and the emperor felt that this plan was feasible after hearing it.

Then a few more beauties were sent out of the palace, this time the target was Qin Ziming, Qin Ziming didn't dare to send him away like Qin Zixuan did, he stood there dumbfounded after receiving the imperial decree, looking at the white cloth on his body, is the emperor sick?

The virtuous king shook his sleeves and left after listening to the imperial decree. He was quite disappointed with the emperor he had trained. He stubbornly refused to listen to persuasion and was narrow-minded. He should rest for a while.

Qin Ziming wanted to ask his father for advice, but found that his father had gone away, so he looked at Princess Xian, who snorted angrily, and shouted: "It's still the period of filial piety, you are not allowed to play with women as an unfilial son, go right now Copying Buddhist scriptures to pray for grandma."

Well, it's my fault again!Qin Ziming knew that his mother was doing this to benefit his own interests, but there was no better way to inquire now, so let's do it for now, he'd better copy Buddhist scriptures.

The old queen is a good one. She didn't kill her own grandmother after ascending to the throne, which is worthy of respect. Qin Ziming doesn't care what the beauties behind her do, so he should leave as soon as possible.

Concubine Xian is also half-deadly angry. It would be fine if she bestowed a beauty at ordinary times. The emperor is really sick when bestowing a beauty at this time. However, Prince Xian’s mansion is now entering a low-key period. Otherwise, Concubine Xian really wants to go to the palace to have a good chat with the queen. , you can't be so ignorant of the rules.

Sitting in Fenglin Courtyard, Qin Zixuan couldn't help but sprayed the tea all over the table when he got the news. Is this the emperor's lack of skill?Do you want to be so cute?
Li Han rubbed his nose, and said leisurely: "The emperor is really stupid now. It seems that although he is qualified to be an emperor, he doesn't have the bearing of an emperor. He really needs to change."

"Who says no? I didn't expect him to grow longer and more crooked. I couldn't see how incompetent he was under the pressure of Uncle Huang before. It seems that we have to recruit." Qin Zixuan rubbed his chin and didn't think of a good move. .

Now only the fifth prince is left in Uncle Huang's line. There is a fifth prince in the city, but he is too hasty, and his methods are shady, and he does not have the bearing of an emperor.

Who should be the emperor became Qin Zixuan's worry. After thinking about it for a while, he didn't think of himself. Li Han stretched his legs, stretched out his arms and stretched out his waist. If you can't be her, you should think about how to play it.

"Sir, shall we stay in Yujing for three years?" Li Han suddenly asked, feeling that three years is a long time, and he can do a lot of things.

"No, it's enough for us to keep our filial piety for one year. Let's leave early, just like the emperor. If we stay in Yujing all the time, he will feel at ease and call him hell."

Qin Zixuan will be very self-aware at this time, knowing that the emperor doesn't want to see him, and he will be unpopular when he sees him, so he should leave early, but before that, he still needs to see how ambitious this Empress Lu is.

If Empress Lu has the ambition to listen to the government behind the curtain, then she has to guard against it. I have promised in front of Grandma Huang that only the surname of Qin can be used in this world, and those with the surname of Lu have to stand aside no matter how capable they are.

Qin Zixuan continued to plan big things. Thinking about what happened during this period, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If Uncle Huang hadn't been killed, Grandma Huang would still be alive and strong. Man, I'm most afraid that the wall in my heart will collapse, and I will lose my energy God followed suit.

"Daughter-in-law, take your mother-in-law out of Yujing tomorrow to play. Your mother-in-law hasn't seen the sea yet, let's take her to see it." Qin Zixuan said suddenly, Li Han tilted his head to look at Qin Zixuan, thinking that her mother-in-law would not agree.

The reason is very simple, that is to keep filial piety, the mother-in-law is a well-behaved person, so she is not as evasive as the husband-in-law.

Qin Zixuan said that the wind is the rain, so he immediately got up and ran to find Concubine Cheng, the result is conceivable, Li Han really guessed right, Concubine Cheng did not restrict her son to play around, but she still obeyed the rules and resolutely refused to go.

Qin Zixuan sat in front of Concubine Cheng and looked up and down for a while, seeing Concubine Cheng's head was full of confusion, wondering what kind of madness the eldest son was smoking.

(End of this chapter)

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