Second-hand little prince

Chapter 1256: Concubine Killer

Chapter 1256: Concubine Killer

The next day, Qin Ziming ran to Prince Cheng's mansion and told about the beauty bestowed by the emperor. Qin Zixuan knew about it a long time ago and was full of sympathy for this guy. It was the first time he found Qin Ziming to be pitiful.

There was a virtuous king's father on the top, and even though he was old now, he would still beat him up if he offended the virtuous king. Unexpectedly, a big mountain was not moved, and now another one came. This is the rhythm that will grind people to death.

Qin Ziming sat there and sighed, and finally said, "Brother, I am being dragged down by you", Qin Zixuan was amused when he said these words, and after careful consideration, Qin Ziming was really troubled.

The emperor must think that Qin Ziming knew something inside, so Diandian sent someone undercover to Qin Ziming's side, how could he know that Qin Ziming didn't know anything, let's just forget about the situation of Dahai, and even Kun'er didn't know about it.

Thinking of this, Qin Zixuan kept stealing the fun, so he just told Qin Ziming not to reveal the details of the bank. Qin Ziming patted his chest to assure that he was not a fool, and such a big matter would be revealed.

Of course, the women sent by the emperor should be taught by the concubine mother. Anyway, I have never seen any woman before. Qin Ziming is better than Qin Zixuan.

When Qin Zixuan went to the brothel, he just ate, drank, and never went to play. This guy was timid, worried about contracting the disease, and kept himself clean. He was simply a model of a good man.

Li Han sat by the side and listened to the chat between the two, and looked up at the white clouds in the sky from time to time. It was a leisurely life, and Qin Zixuan was left to concentrate on being a thug.

Qin Zixuan looked back and saw Li Han lazily, and said aloud: "Daughter-in-law, let's go hunting tomorrow, let's hunt a tiger for wine."

"Okay, I'm fine." Li Han regained his energy all of a sudden, Qin Ziming rubbed his ears, and it was as simple as Cheng Wang's mansion said about tiger hunting, just like drinking water.

Alas, Qin Ziming sighed, and suddenly realized that fools are blessed with fools, and his second brother is also blessed. Back then, everyone was afraid of Li Han, fearing that she would be a shrew, but it turned out that he was not.

Look at how obedient Li Han is now, Qin Zixuan doesn't need to say what to fight, the key point is that the genes of the family are still strong, and none of the sons born is worse, one is smarter than the other, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp.

Thinking of his son, Qin Ziming is really envious. Qin Zixuan's sons all have a good future. Even if they don't enter the four major families, they are still masters. It's not like his son, who took advantage of Prince Cheng's mansion to register his name disciple.

"What is Dahai doing now? Will he come back soon?" Qin Ziming suddenly asked, this question stumped Qin Zixuan, because Qin Zixuan also wanted to know how Dahai is now.

When he left, the Eastern Continent hadn't been completely conquered, and there were still many things to do. He didn't know if he had finished it now, and he didn't even know if he missed himself. Qin Zixuan also missed his eldest son.

Dahai, far away in the eastern continent, is currently undergoing a series of reforms, and Dahai doesn't want to be the emperor, so Dahai made an overlord, and set up a parliament under the proposal of dinosaurs.

The reincarnation religion and the Congress are adopted to rule the world together. The reincarnation religion does not specifically interfere with the governance of the country, but the reincarnation religion has a veto power, so the right to speak is still very large.

Dahai also wants to be lazy at this meeting. He knows that governing the world is too troublesome. In his short life, Dahai doesn’t want to waste his time on governing the country. The place hits the jackpot.

The Yanhuang Continent is so big, Dahai said that I want to go all over, Dahai's heart is wilder than Qin Zixuan, after receiving the news of the death of the old lady, Dahai was really angry.

This guy was quite scary when he got angry, and he actually returned directly from the Eastern Continent in a warship. On the way back, he conquered all the islands he encountered one by one, and if he refused to accept it, he would be silenced.

It is very similar to the way the Suzaku Empire attacked Daqin, but the target is different. Dahai's goal is directed at the Suzaku Empire. Since the Suzaku Empire likes to invade so much, then I will go to invade it myself.

Dahai also arranged for someone to deliver a letter to Qin Zixuan when he was leaving, and asked him to bring Bai Jing and others to help in the battle after receiving the letter, and to discuss the ownership of Daqin after he took down the Suzaku Empire.

Qin Zixuan didn't know about Dahai's actions, and he lived a leisurely life. It was really sitting on the top of the mountain watching the tigers fight, and watching the internal fighting in the Great Qin was so lively. Qin Zixuan almost moved a small bench to sit in the court hall.

What I read every day is called a joy, other than telling jokes to amuse Concubine Cheng, or reading a long novel, this kid especially likes others to stare at him stupidly.

In the court hall, Lin Yucheng opened his eyes slightly, and tilted his head to look at the guy who made trouble for him. Why, dare to provoke Lin's mansion if he dares not provoke Cheng Wang's mansion?hehe!
King Xian also woke up from his rest, and also looked at Zhuang Jiahua. Is this guy too courageous? He dared to bump into the Lin family just after he took office.

I didn't see that the emperor had to honestly let Lin Yucheng stand in the hall if he didn't want to see the Lin family. If the emperor dared to attack the Lin family, most of the officials in the world would stand up to protest. This is the influence of the saint.

Zhuang Jiahua was born as a military commander, and he didn't know much about the system of literati. Once he became successful, he felt that there was no one he could not step on in this world, but he didn't know that he had stepped on a steel plate.

The emperor sitting on the top stared at Zhuang Jiahua and sneered, the good guy finally came out with an iron head, bump it quickly, can you hear it, if you can knock off a piece of skin, it will be fine.

The emperor is cowardly and shameless. If he dare not provoke, he wants his courtiers to provoke him. He dare not protect his courtiers at critical moments. There is really no comparison with the former emperor.

King Jiayi applauded inwardly, but he almost didn't wave the flag. No matter if it was Lin's mansion or Chengwang's mansion, King Jiayi didn't want to see him. The reason was that Lin's mansion didn't support him, and Chengwang's mansion tricked him.

Lu Qiang lowered his head and smiled slyly. Except for Zhuang Jiahua, there were not many people in the hall who were optimistic about it. Some people whispered to ask the emperor to accept Zhuang Jiahua's daughter as a noble concubine, because the noble concubine and his father fell out so quickly.

As soon as King Cheng made a move, he really looked at it from top to bottom. That guy is the assassin of the noble concubine. If Zhuang Jiahua is also the father of the noble concubine, hehe, Prince Cheng must not be able to help but jump out again.

Qin Zixuan, who was watching the play, didn't know that he was the concubine's killer, and was still watching the big play with relish. Zhuang Jiahua didn't know that he had kicked a steel plate, and was still telling Lin Yucheng's crimes in front of the emperor.

Lin Yucheng listened quietly, thinking about Zhuang Jiahua and the forces behind him. The Zhuang family was originally just a middle-class family, but later became a fortune in the army, and evolved into the current Zhuang family. In Yujing, there can be a hundred and eight people. .

(End of this chapter)

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